Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2528: Desert and the Black Sea

Huang Xiaolong broke open one after another, and after a few days, he finally entered the second floor.

At the entrance to the second floor, Huang Xiaolong looked at it and saw that there was a desert in front of him, which was completely opposite to the first layer of mountains and rivers.

And in the desert, there are countless monsters, some are like locusts, some are full of rotten skin, and some are covered with **** holes like phlegm, which makes people feel sick.

Looking at these scary beasts, Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath and then broke through the desert sandstorm and entered the desert.

Once in the desert, Huang Xiaolong was attacked by these monsters.

These monsters, the strength is not strong, the strongest is the ordinary nine robbery and half holy, generally only seven robbery, eight robbery, Huang Xiaolong did not use the holy soul, directly called the flying blood monument, and then pushed all the way.

Huang Xiaolong plowed a **** road.

However, although the strength of these monsters is not strong, but the killing is inexhaustible, killing waves and waves, it is endless, and for a few days, Huang Xiaolong is also annoying.

Moreover, the second layer of desert is not only these monsters, but also has a ban, and there are also illusions, and there are many natural disasters.

For example, when Huang Xiaolong killed those monsters, suddenly, the empty sky landed infinite rain, this rain is not ordinary rain, but the infinite black water, stained by this infinite black water, the holy body of the ordinary holy world Corroded, then skin, meat, slowly rotted.

Another example is that suddenly the thunderclouds burst into flames.

These mines, although not comparable to the robbery of Huang Xiaolong when the five robbery, but not weak, if it is bombarded, it is absolutely uncomfortable.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong's amazing strength and has been "tortured" enough.

In this way, Huang Xiaolong continued to fly for a month, I do not know how many monsters were killed, I do not know how many illusions have been smashed, I do not know how many bans have been broken, I do not know how many natural disasters have been avoided, but still have not seen the third floor entrance.

In addition to the desert, it is still desert.

A month later, in the middle of the night, Huang Xiaolong had to find a place to stop and rest.

The night of the desert, no moonlight, a black, black and pale green, from time to time there are harsh and weird voices passed into the ears of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the hill and looked at the beasts killed in the distance. I don’t know how Lin Xiaoying happened. Should I also come to the second floor?

There are also Tan Juan, Li Wei, evil and extraordinary, Ji Xinyi and others.

Since Huang Xiaolong entered the Cangwu Shenfu, he did not see Tan Juan, Li Wei, and the evil three figures.

However, Huang Xiaolong believes that he should be the fastest one now, because he has an inexhaustible heart, and the speed of cracking the magic array is faster than others. Even Tan Juan, Li Wei, and the evil three have their own unknowns. Means, but it is absolutely impossible to get past him.

Moreover, his three holy souls can allow him to avoid those natural disasters in time. If Tan Juan, Li Wei, and the evil three are not able to escape all natural disasters.

If you can't escape the natural disaster, even if it is only once, the three will be injured and the speed will be greatly affected.

After a restful night, Huang Xiaolong continued on his way the next day.

After another half a month, finally, Huang Xiaolong crossed the second floor and went to the third floor entrance.

At the entrance to the third floor, Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally arrived at the third floor!

As long as you cross the third floor, then it is the fourth floor! After the fourth layer, there are not so many bans, and no natural disasters. When it is time, it is the time to harvest the heavenly spirits and the high-level holy spirits.

However, after experiencing the second layer of desert, Huang Xiaolong knows that the third layer is definitely more difficult.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the infinite black sea on the third floor in front of him, paused for a moment, and then broke into the Black Sea.

The Black Sea is dead, this dead silence is not simply no sound, but a dead silence from time and space, a kind of loneliness, a kind of desolateness, a kind of silence to the ultimate silence.

Huang Xiaolong has an illusion that he seems to have lost his hearing. He has no hearing at all, and there is no sound of heartbeat. There is a sea breeze, but there is no sound.

However, it didn't take long, suddenly, in the mind of Huang Xiaolong, there were various sounds, these sounds, the chaos, there are thousands of kinds, and gathered together to form a kind of sound, constantly stalking, troubled, attacking Huang Xiaolong Holy Spirit.

At the third floor of Huang Xiaolong, at this time, the old man outside, the snow Lingyun, Chu Ba, Cao Nan, Mo Cang, Bai Moyang, Jin Nuo people immediately pay attention to the Cangwu Shenfu.

As long as a disciple breaks into the second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer, the fifth, sixth and seventh layers of the Sangyu Shenfu, the layers will shine brightly.

Just now, Huang Xiaolong broke into the third floor, causing speculation and discussion.

"Master, now on the third floor of the Cangwu Shenfu is Juan's. With the strength and talent of Juan's children, it should be able to pass through the third floor and then to the fourth floor." Xue Lingyun on the old man Asked.

In her view, Tan Juan is the strongest among the three hundred disciples in the blood test, and before the ice and snow seal, now entering the third floor of the Cangwu Shenfu, must be Tan Juan.

The evil demon palace Cao Nan heard the words and couldn't help but say: "Ling Yundao friends, you are so sure that now you are entering the third floor, is Tan Juan of your Qing Xue Palace? I think, maybe we are evil!"

"Your Qing Palace Tan Juan won the first place in the blood test, but now it is not a blood test." Cao Nan said: "We can definitely enter the sixth floor before your Qing Xue Palace Tan Juan. Then find the seventh layer key first!"

Chu Ba listened and smiled: "What evil is extraordinary, which bird he counts, and now it should be the Li Tian of our holy day or the little yellow dragon of my apprentice, my three children evolved into a sacred sac I will be able to enter the sixth floor first, then get the key, and finally get the inheritance of the friends of the sky!"

Cao Nan listened, haha ​​laughed, and looked sarcastically: "You said that Huang Xiaolong is now on the third floor? I didn't get it wrong? You said that your disciple can be the first to enter the sixth floor? It's ridiculous, Chu Ba, in The blood test, Huang Xiaolong is lucky, and luckily got the fifth, do you think he can still be so lucky this time?"

"Oh, maybe he couldn't even pass the third floor when he arrived. He couldn't enter the fourth floor. Although he has the Holy Spirit, he is only five and a half, and his realm is too low. The cultivation time is still short. The avenue law of enlightenment is definitely very shallow. Once you get caught in the magic layer of the first three layers, you can't get away!" Cao Nan laughed.

"The fifth test of blood, if you can't pass the first three layers, it's really a joke!"

The demon palace masters laughed.


On the third floor of the Cangwu Shenfu, the black waves swept across the sea and patted Huang Xiaolong. Looking at the black waves that swept through, Huang Xiaolong was shocked and shunned.

At first, Huang Xiaolong didn't pay attention, but later discovered that the black wave was extremely terrifying, and one drop was even heavier than a chaotic mountain.

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