Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2533: Li Wei and evil are united

"What? The seventh layer of the key!" The evil that arrived was uncommon, and it was shocked by the shock of the look. The eyes fell on the hands of Huang Xiaolong and stared at the key.

Huang Xiaolong just got the key, so I haven't had time to collect it.

"Yes, that's the key to the seventh floor. I worked hard to break the outside prohibition. When I got the key, Huang Xiaolong suddenly attacked me from behind, causing me serious injury. It was a treacherous villain." : "We joined forces to kill him, open the seventh floor of the sacred temple, and divide the seventh floor!"

Evil and extraordinary in the heart of a move, smiled: "This nature, I have always been a chivalrous man, since this encounters this kind of unfair thing, naturally have to help each other, eradicate Huang Xiaolong this treacherous!"

Speaking of this, I came over to Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, Li Wei took out a Danxiang like the river, and swallowed it.

"White flower Sheng Dan!" The evil eye is sharp, and seeing the Dan Dan taken out by Li Wei, can not help but be surprised.

Baihua Shengdan, it was the sacred sages that squandered the innumerable materials, and the refining of the holy Dan, swallowed down, not only can enhance the strength, but also healing, especially effective for healing, is the healing of the Holy Dan .

Seeing the evil and extraordinary recognition of the white flower Sheng Dan, Li Wei did not explain much, one hand and one photo, the octagonal wild animal ring was taken back.

"The ancestor of the ancestors!" The extraordinary shock of the evil, the radiant glow of the eyes flashed past.

Li Wei put the blazing eyes in the eyes of evil and evil eyes in his eyes. He said: "I don't want to be careful, the strength of Huang Xiaolong is definitely not as simple as we imagined. He has three holy souls!"

"What?! Three Holy Spirits!" The evil was uncommon, shocked, and looked at Huang Xiaolong unbelievably, as if he had heard something incredible.

For anyone, this is also incredible.

Three holy souls, no one has ever been!

And Huang Xiaolong is not a holy place right now.

"Yes, the three holy souls!" Li Wei nodded and said that Huang Xiaolong's three holy souls, he still feels deep in his heart: "And, Huang Xiaolong has the dragon gun that my master Long Daren gave, And he has another sight, so wait for the next hand, we must do our best, otherwise, I am afraid to be escaped by him!"

This is what Li Wei is worried about.

If Huang Xiaolong escaped, and then found a hidden land to open the seventh floor, then everything will be abandoned.

I’m not afraid to listen to Huang Xiaolong’s ancestor’s ancestral tract, and there’s a quasi-horizon, and my heart sinks, my face finally dignified. Originally, he still held the idea of ​​when Li Xiaogang met Huang Xiaolong and felt that Huang Xiaolong was not enough. Fear, with him alone, can completely suppress Huang Xiaolong.

But now, he feels the power of invisible oppression.

The pressure from the three holy souls of Huang Xiaolong.

It seems that Li Wei said that he was seriously injured by the sneak attack behind Huang Xiaolong. It is not true. Li Wei was confronted with Huang Xiaolong and was seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong.

After hesitating, the evil spirits finally took out the demon moon blade that the evil demon palace master Qiao Jinyang gave him.

The demon moon blade is in the sun, the light is glaring, and the blade is scattered.

The ancestor's breath spread, and the evil spirits skyrocketed.

The demon moon blade is held in the hands of evil, and the evil spirits are released, like the king of evil spirits.

"Demon Moon Blade!" Li Wei was shocked. He did not expect that the evil spirits brought the evil magic moon blade over.

The ancestral Taoism is also divided into strong and weak. This evil magic moon blade is the strongest ancestor of the evil demon palace. It is much stronger than the power of his octagonal wild animal ring.

The octagonal wild beast ring was obtained by chance when the sage was destroyed, and the wind was not the master of the ancestor. After it was obtained, it could not be tempered with the eternal heart, and Qiao Jinyang tempered this day and night with the avenue of the road. The demon moon blade, its power is naturally stronger than the octagonal wild animal ring.

Huang Xiaolong saw the evil demon moon blade, which was also an accident. It seems that in order to kill himself, the evil demon palace is really willing to give up the blood, even the evil demon moon blade makes the evil extraordinary.

Huang Xiaolong sneered, this time, the demon palace is destined to be disappointed, the evil demon palace Qiao Jinyang, Cao Nan three people absolutely can not think of their own immortal.

If you know, I am afraid that Qiao Jinyang will not give evil spirits to the evil.

However, although he has an instinct, Huang Xiaolong does not dare to care.

At this time, Li Wei and the evil and the extraordinary two looked at each other, both flew up, and waved the octagonal wild beast ring and the evil demon moon blade to attack Huang Xiaolong.

The two men left and right, attacked one on the other, Li Wei attacked Huang Xiaotou, and attacked Huang Xiaolong's lower body.

Suddenly, the eight-headed beast flew out of the octagonal wild animal ring, and the infinite half-moon-shaped evil demon blade rushed out like a rainstorm.

"Huang Xiaolong, give me a die!" Li Yiyi.

He was seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong just now, but after swallowing Baihua Shengdan, the injury seems to have not only healed, but his strength has increased by one point.

Huang Xiaolong saw that the two men joined forces to attack, and a cold glimpse, the three holy spirits flew out, the holy light vibrates, the dragon sacred soul and the demon sacred soul respectively urged the opening dragon gun and the flying blood monument, as for the golden Buddha holy soul Dark sacred ring and black sacred ring.


Like the robbery of the world, the sky is banging loudly.

In the twinkling of an eye, Huang Xiaolong and Li Wei, the evils have been fighting for dozens of times.

In these dozens of times, Li Wei, the evil is extraordinary, all the high-level holy skills are all done, but even if the two high-level holy skills are all done, not only can not beat Huang Xiaolong, but Huang Xiaolong forced to retreat.

Li Wei, the evil face is ugly, and the two joined forces, but they still fell to the bottom. Although they repeatedly overestimated the strength of Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong’s strength exceeded their estimates.

After dozens of times, the three stopped, and Li Wei, the evil and the extraordinary, were quite embarrassed.

Suddenly, Li Wei broke out a strange light in the whole body. This light is extremely violent, but there is a string of weird sacred characters in the light.

These saints are like human beings. They seem to be stone. They seem to be fish. It seems to be the sacred world.

"All things make a holy grate!" Huang Xiaolong and evil are unanimous.

Everything is made in the sacred, and the fifth is the sacred sac!

The first ten enclaves of the holy grid, each kind of power is earth-shattering, especially the top five, the power is even more amazing. Before, the mirage squadron battle, the holy tribe of Xiao Baili has the top ten too clear and holy St., but too clear and holy Compared with the creation of the sacred lattice, the gap is not generally large.

It can be said that even if it is the five sacred sacred sacred sacred gems, there is no power to create a sacred sacred object.

"Yes, all things make a holy grate!" Li Wei smiled.

Anyone who has the top five sacred sects will inevitably be proud.

When evil sees it, it also activates the heart of its own soul, and suddenly, the infinite air is pouring out.

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