Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2556: Kill me Huang Xiaolong!

"Snow Palace Lord, don't come innocent!" After the arrival of the ghost ancestor, he smiled at Xue Xueyun, the owner of the Qing Xue Palace, and smiled so that people were chilly and heart-wrenching.

Xue Lingyun stared coldly at the ghost teacher: "Your life is really hard, my master did not kill you that year!"

When I mentioned this matter, the ghost ancestor laughed and laughed proudly: "My life is hard and hard! I admit second, no one dares to recognize the first! Even the old man can kill me, who Can you kill me? And no one can kill me anymore!"

The ghost ancestor, through the madness, reveals a strong hatred, killing!

Although the old man did not kill him in the past, it was because he had luckily got a thing from the heart of the sacred world before he escaped.

For so many years, he has not forgotten this hatred!

After breaking through the ancestor, you will never forget!

The ghost ancestor said this, his eyes fell on Tan Juan and Ji Xinyi: "Snow Palace Lord, you two women, very good, I saw it, I am missing two little feet of warm feet. After that, they will follow me!" The eyes are green and faint.

Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi's two women's pretty faces changed.

"Let's relax!" Xue Lingyun listened, his face was cold, and his palm waved again. The ice avenue fell to the sea, and the ice light reflected the entire Hanwuxingtan. All the strong people felt the horror of horror.

Ghosts and ancestors lifted their hands and greeted them, and the ghosts turned into a hell.


The world is shaking, there is a sense of cracking.

The sacred enchantment is floating.

Xue Lingyun and the ghost ancestor are both retreating, and once again, Xue Ling’s heart sinks. She did not expect that the ghost ancestor will break through the ancestor soon, and the combat power is not weaker than her, even if it is weak, Not much.

"Ling Yun chick, don't be angry." The ghost ancestor "桀桀" laughed: "Since you can't bear your two baby girls, or else, how do you give me a warm bed? It's for your master, the old man." Give me compensation and compensation." When he said this, he fell on Huang Xiaolong: "I was here, I am going to kill this kid, but it seems that it is not necessary. It is really helping me!"

It’s really Tian’s help to him. If Huang Xiaolong really combines twelve holy lives, even he is not sure if he can kill Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s strength to be countered by the Holy Spirit is getting bigger and bigger, and his whole body has split open, and he is already unable to return to heaven.

Bai Moyang, Jin Nu and others shook their heads.

"Thirteen!" Lin Xiaoying is screaming.

When Lin Xiaoying’s voice just fell, suddenly, the position of Huang Xiaolong’s split chest opened with a strange light. This is a kind of light that is above the Holy Light and transcends everything above the Holy World.

This radiance is so fascinating that it is so radiant that it covers all the light between heaven and earth.

An immortal breath, which spreads from the chest position of Huang Xiaolong.

Lin Xiaoying stayed.

Xue Lingyun stayed, silent, white Moyang, Jin Nuo stunned, the ancient emperor sage Xuan, control the saint Shen Jiewen and all the holy gates, the patriarch was stunned.

Everyone is stunned.

Originally, "桀桀" laughed, laughed, and smiled smugly. The laughing and unscrupulous ghosts of the ancestors could not help but stop, and their eyes slowly widened.

"This, this is?!" He ate, and the tongue seemed to be picked up by the strongest poison bee in the Holy World.

Soon after he broke through the ancestral dynasty, how could he not be familiar with the immortal breath of Huang Xiaolong’s chest!

It is because of familiarity, so he can't believe it, never believe it! Don't believe in killing!

"How is it possible! No, this, it should not be!" The saints of the saints, Bai Moyang, "excited" shook their heads and shook their heads wildly.

"The patriarch, this? Huang Xiaolong's chest is the breath, is it really?!" A saintly sect of the saints who seemed to think of something, could not help but tremble.

Bai Moyang did not answer, the whole person was shaking, and he answered everything with jitter.

Some of the nine robbers and half-sacred disciples are looking at Huang Xiaolong in a foolish way. They haven’t thought too much about it. They just think that Huang Xiaolong’s chest is so beautiful that it is the best looking light they have ever seen.

"This is a return to light?" A ghostly sacred disciple smirked and said: "I heard that the person who will die will return to the light, and Huang Xiaolong is back in the light! Shuang! It's so cool! Huang Xiaolong is finally dying!"

Hearing the smirk of the ghost disciple, Bai Moyang, Jin Nu, Mo Qing and others were strange.

Ghosts are not dead, ghosts are more colorful.

They had the urge to kill the ghostly disciple of the Holy Land, but the disciples were within the sacred enchantment, and they could not find it.

Then, everyone saw that the chest position of the first crack of Huang Xiaolong began to heal slowly, and the light seemed to have the power to transform everything, and the power to restore everything.

Then, it is the place near the chest that begins to heal, and then, the whole upper body, arms, head, face, and finally, is below, feet!

Soon, Huang Xiaolong recovered completely, and he could not see a crack or a scar at all, just like he had never suffered a fate.

The same is true of the three holy souls.

The disciple of the ghostly place who came back to the light saw it, but said: "Is this the illusion of returning to the light?"

Before the death of a person, returning to the light and returning to life, it seems that everything is fine, that is, the so-called illusion.

But the ghosts are not dead, the ghosts of the two ancestors almost vomited blood, hate can not be the disciples into a dough.

At this time, the sacred light of the three sacred souls of Huang Xiaolong began to gradually stabilize, and the sacred power of the body that was revived in the body began to be slowly suppressed by the light of Huang Xiaolong’s chest and completely suppressed.

As with the previous three holy, six, and nine holy lives, the three holy spirits are powerful, and the holy body is shining, such as the waterfall of heaven, such as the light of the sky.

"Kill, kill me Huang Xiaolong, kill Huang Xiaolong, I accept it as a pro-disciple!" Suddenly, the ghost teacher screamed crazy, like that, super heartless.

Ghostly sacred land, nine robbers and half-sacred disciples heard it, and returned to God, and the heart was uplifting. This is the pro-disciple of their ghosts. So all the disciples of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sects rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

"Other holy places, ancient disciples, no matter who killed Huang Xiaolong, my ghost symbol is his!" The ghost teacher once again screamed.

There was a green ghost stick in his hand, which was the ancestor of the ancestors, the ghost wand!

"What, the Tao!"

For a time, other holy places, ancient disciples were pleasantly surprised.

Many of the sacred landlords and the ancient patriarchs were also shocked. I didn’t expect the ghost ancestors to even win the ghost wand.

This is the ancestral tract!

However, some of the sacred landlords screamed in the savage tone to the disciples who were eager to move under the door: "Give me a hand! No one is allowed to shoot! Whoever shoots, will be executed!"

(A lot of readers ask, the reward will not add more, this problem, God said before in the Q group, as long as the starting point of the Chinese network to reward more than 100,000 starting points, Huang Xiaolong will add one more, such as the evening Reward before 8 o'clock, add one more night, if it is after 8 o'clock, the next day is more)

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