Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2563: Conspiracy of the demon palace

Huang Xiaolong can feel the sacred power of the body and the sea of ​​the sky. He couldn’t help but raise his hand and point it to the front. He saw that the space was Huang Xiaolong and pointed out a huge hole.

Finger force, constantly rushing forward in the hole, rushing forward, straight through hundreds of millions of miles, and blasted out over another holy place.

Another holy place, all the strong, do not look up.

"The doorkeeper, what is that?!" A saint of the Holy Land looked at Huang Xiaolong's **** like a meteor. He crossed the sky and looked beautiful, but anyone could feel the power of terror.

The main throat of the Holy Land is swaying, dry, and hoarse: "Yes, may it be a strong blow to a peerless powerhouse?"

In fact, even his four holy places are not sure whether he is right or not.

But he only knows that in the face of this terrorist power, he only has the greed.

"A peerless strong man? Is it a holy master of the Holy Land?!" The masters of the Holy Land are stunned.

The nine sacred masters of the Holy Land, the entire sacred world, are few Liao Liao, the holy land is nine heavy, is regarded as the strongest under the ancestor, the first ancestor does not come out, the holy land is the nine respects, no matter which one is the nine heavens, can afford The name of the sacred world's peerless powerhouse.

At this time, no one is in the snowy peak of the Holy Land, Huang Xiaolong looked at the beautiful snowfield in front of him, watching the snowy snow that is still full of snow, standing in the wind.

Over the past 100 years, the snowfield in front of it has undergone earth-shaking changes. Looking at the green ground where the ground is green, Huang Xiaolong is immersed in a certain realm.

It doesn't kill the heart, and it shines in the body of Huang Xiaolong.

In this way, Huang Xiaolong stood there and did not move, letting the body fall in the snow, Huang Xiaolong was covered with snow and became a snowman.

A few months later, Huang Xiaolong shook his body, and the snow fluttered and fluttered. Immediately, Huang Xiaolong broke through the air and left the uninhabited holy land and left the snowfield.

It is time to go back.

Huang Xiaolong also did not use the Cangwu Daogong, flying directly into the air, like a meteor, constantly crossing the vast starry sky of the Holy Land, and then returning to the Holy Land of God.

Huang Xiaolong is not in a hurry. On the road, the ghosts of the Cangwu Taoist Palace and the dozens of holy souls of the evil demon palace are taken out one by one, one after another, refining and devouring.

The three holy souls have improved a lot.

A few months later, Huang Xiaolong returned to the Holy Land of God.

Going back to the Holy Land of God, Huang Xiaolong’s state of mind and vision are completely different from the previous ones. Looking at the still sacred Holy Land, watching the people coming and going, the endless city, these, falling in Huang Xiaolong In the same way, it seems that everything is far from him.

No sanctification, all are ordinary folks, all in the world, now the achievement of the holy realm, Huang Xiaolong has been detached from the customs, truly surpassing the cycle of life and death.

After returning to the Holy City, Huang Xiaolong did not return to the Blue Dragon Shenfu, but went directly to the ancestral space to see God, Chu Ba, Long Daren, and Wu Lao, four masters.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong successfully merged twelve high-ranking holy lives, the four of God are naturally laughing, excited and swaying, not flying.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong, Chu Ba smirked and said: "Now we are a few old men, but we must all touch your light. Soon, I am afraid that we will have to shelter you."

Long Daren smiled and said: "You can let him shelter you now."

Everyone smiled.

Huang Xiaolong asked about the things of the Holy Land and the Holy Land that he had integrated into the Holy Life. Huang Xiaolong knew that these years, the Demon Palace has not given up looking for himself. The Demon Palace is looking for himself, and the reward has even reached an amazing The price of the sky.

At that time, after the ghosts and ghosts were seriously injured and fled, they never appeared. I don’t know where to hide them. As for Lin Xiaoying of Qingxue Palace, I also succeeded in achieving the holy world. Of course, Lin Xiaoying is a mid-level sacred life. But it is also the sacred life of the mid-level peak.

As for the saints, the Jingang, the ancient Zen, the Tibetan saints and other holy tribes, the Supreme Holy Land, have come to the Holy Land of God, Bai Moyang, Jin Nu and others have clearly expressed their attitude and want to form an alliance with the Holy Day. .

It is said that it is an alliance. In fact, in the future, it’s only the first day of the Holy Day.

Even the sacred alliance of the Holy Land Alliance led the Ten Holy Gates of the Holy Land Alliance to come, and Bai Moyang and others mean.

In the past, the demon palace of the demon flame has gradually converged in these years, and many branches have been withdrawn, and the strength is fully gathered around the black magic star prison or the black magic star prison.

Basically, this century-long calm is much quieter than ever.

"Right, and there, Fu Yunjie and the truth saint Fan Xia, the Holy Land Alliance has been escorted, in the Blue Dragon Shenfu." Long Daren remembered this matter and asked.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, since the Holy Land Alliance showed good, then Fu Yunjie, Fan Xia two fathers and sons escorted back, in his expectation.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong was separated from the beginning of the ancestral space.

When leaving, the four men said that they would invite all the holy places. The ancients held a celebration ceremony to celebrate the successful integration of the twelve high-ranking sacred lives of Huang Xiaolong. God asked Huang Xiaolong to mean this. Huang Xiaolong did not object to this.

When Huang Xiaolong returned to the Blue Dragon Shenfu, Huang Xiaolong successfully merged twelve high-ranking holy lives. The news that he had returned was spread, and the Holy Land of the Holy Spirit shook. Soon, the great holy places and the great ancient people shook.

The black demon star prison, the demon palace hall, Qiao Jinyang, Cao Nan, Gu Tianyu three people heard the news, his face has never been ugly.

"Miyazor, do you want to celebrate the ceremony, we also sent a gift to Shengtian and Huang Xiaolong?" Gutian Yu Yin Shen Road: "kill Lin Xiaoying! Lin Xiaoying's head to Huang Xiaolong!"

Cao Nan nodded in agreement: "The relationship between Lin Xiaoying and Huang Xiaolong is superficial, killing Lin Xiaoying, Huang Xiaolong must be extremely distressed."

Qiao Jinyang shook his head: "This is not appropriate. Now Huang Xiaolong has successfully integrated twelve high-level sacred lives. We don't have to die with Huang Xiaolong." Speaking of this, Shen Yu said: "However, we can take down Lin Xiaoying first, then The Holy Day organization, and Huang Xiaolong talk about the conditions, forced Huang Xiaolong to swear in the name of the avenue, and will never be able to shoot at our evil demon palace!"

Cao Nan, Gu Tianyu, two people look at each other.

"In this case, then we will take Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi these two chicks together!" Gutian Yuyin said: "Celebration ceremony, Xue Lingyun must bring Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, Lin Xiaoying rushed to the Holy Land, We just shot halfway, and if possible, even Xue Lingyun took it together!"

Qiao Jinyang blinked: "Good!"

"However, we have to arrange this in detail, we can't make a mistake, and we must ensure 100% success!"

After Huang Xiaolong returned to the Blue Dragon Shenfu, the first thing was to bring Fu Yunjie and Fan Xia two fathers and sons from the holy day.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Fan Xia is begging for mercy, but it is Fu Yunjie. It seems that there is a dead consciousness. The eyebrows are cold-eyed and Huang Xiaolong, hate the voice: "Huang Xiaolong, you don't like it, one day, your end will be worse than me!" ”

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