Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2565: Blue Dragon House established

After one day.

The Monsoon Holy Land, the Silver Devil's Holy Land, the Great Wilderness, one after another, the holy place that came to participate in the celebration, and the news of being destroyed by the evil demon master in the middle of the road was quickly spread.

The entire sacred world was alarmed.

Moreover, the sacred places that have been eliminated are still increasing, and soon they will reach one hundred!

One hundred holy places, all destroyed within one day! On the way to the celebration, there was no one left.

Suddenly, I was scared that most of the holy places stopped halfway and did not dare to move on.

Then, the demon palace released the news.

"In the celebration ceremony, Huang Xiaolong must publicly agree to the conditions of the evil demon palace, and swear by the road, never to the evil demon palace, otherwise, the evil demon palace will destroy the next batch of holy places! As long as Huang Xiaolong does not agree, the evil demon palace will continue to clear Go out until Huang Xiaolong promises!"

Subsequently, the Demon Palace announced the next batch of one hundred holy sites to be destroyed.

Suddenly, the entire sacred world, countless holy places, countless ancient people panic.

In particular, the next batch of 100 holy places that are about to be cleared are even more fearful and ups and downs.

The Holy Land of God, the ancestral space, God, Chu Ba, Long Daren, Wu Lao, Mo Cang, Xue Lingyun, Huang Xiaolong sit and sit.

"The demon palace is really mean and shameless!" Xue Lingyun's pretty face was covered with frost, and she was angry when she thought about the attack on the Qing Xue Palace.

God said: "The dragon is a fusion of twelve high-ranking sacred lives, so that Joe Jinyang and others feel a strong threat. They will not sit still, so they use this method to force the dragon!"

Chu Ba angry fire: "Grandma's, simply we concentrate all the power, together to kill the black magic star prison, the black magic star prison smashed, smashed Joe Jinyang three!"

Wu Lao shook his head: "It is not appropriate, the black magic star prison has a large array of three people arranged by Qiao Jinyang, even if we six people join hands, it is not a day or two to want to break the black magic star prison, even if the sword is exclusive So, at that time, the three people of Qiao Jinyang had time to escape. Once Jo Jinyang escaped, it would be troublesome."

And it is super trouble!

At that time, the Holy Day, the Qingxue Palace, the Holy Land Alliance, and the Holy Family will face the endless killings of the three ancestral lands. In that case, the entire sacred world will never be in peace.

"What should I do? Is it really necessary for Xiaolong to promise Joe Jinyang their condition?!" Long Daren frowned.

Six people couldn't help but watch Huang Xiaolong.

Now, they can't think of other ways.

"Celebration ceremony, I promised that their conditions are." Huang Xiaolong calmly said.

Six people at a glance.

"Xiaolong, you, really want to promise them? Do you think clearly?!" Chu overbearing.

"Nothing." Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "Even if they promised they are nothing."

The condition of the demon palace Qiao Jinyang is that he can not deal with the evil demon palace. When he does not, he will not shoot. However, the three people of Qiao Jinyang will never think of it. Later, when Huang Xiaolong grows to a certain extent, he will not be able to kill the demon palace without Huang Xiaolong’s personal shot. Fall!

The three people of Qiao Jinyang are smart.

A month later.

Celebrate the ceremony.

On the top of the ceremony, facing the pleading of the holy places, Huang Xiaolong publicly agreed to the conditions of the evil demon palace, swearing in the name of the avenue, and will not personally deal with the evil demon palace in the future.

Of course, when Huang Xiaolong swears, he puts forward a precondition, that is, after the Qiao Jinyang, Cao Nan, and Gu Tianyu, the three people can no longer take shots on the great holy places. If Jo Jinyang, Cao Nan, and Gu Tianyu take the shots of the holy places, he One day, kill three people in person!

Seeing Huang Xiaolong swearing in public and agreeing to the conditions of the evil demon palace, the ancient ancients who came to participate in the celebration of the great ceremonies are naturally "grateful and sorrowful" to Huang Xiaolong. They were included in the next batch of 100 holy places to be destroyed by the evil demon palace. I am very grateful to Huang Xiaolong, claiming that I am willing to work for Huang Xiaolong, and I will follow Huang Xiaolong!

The other sacred landlords, the ancient patriarchs also immediately crouched, willing to serve Huang Xiaolong.

There were tens of thousands of sacred landlords on the spot, and the ancient patriarchs served Huang Xiaolong.

This is simply unprecedented in the sacred world.

Even if it is God, Chu Ba has no such prestige and influence.

Of course, these holy places, the great tribes of life, Huang Xiaolong, naturally not because Huang Xiaolong promised the conditions of the evil demon palace, so that they moved to life.

Huang Xiaolong has three evolutionary sacred sects, has three holy souls, and integrates twelve high-ranking sacred lives. He has an immortal heart. These holy places, the reason why the big family served Huang Xiaolong.

For these holy places, the fate of the great tribe, Huang Xiaolong pushed it a bit, did not push it, and accepted it.

In the past, before he had achieved the Holy Land, there were many holy places. The great people came to serve him, but they were all rejected by Huang Xiaolong. Now he is not good enough to push it again, and then push it, it seems to be ruthless.

Of course, these holy places, the big people are only one person, Huang Xiaolong, not a life-saving organization.

Therefore, if we talk about the forces and remove the masters of the ancestors, Huang Xiaolong’s forces have surpassed the Holy Day, the Qingxue Palace, the Holy Land Alliance, and the Demon Palace.

In the next few days, Huang Xiaolong integrated many sacred places, the great tribes, united all the holy places and the great tribes, and set a series of articles of association for the father of the **** clan of the government.

These regulations have great benefits for many holy places and big families. Naturally, all of them have passed, and Huang Xiaolong’s sect is called “Blue Dragon House”.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong set the headquarters of the Blue Dragon House in the holy land.

Huang Xiaolong even went to the vast sacred place in person, spent several years refining the vast sacred place, and then moved the holy land to the holy land of God.

According to the design concept of the previous earth, Huang Xiaolong personally drew the design drawings of the Blue Dragon House. Under the efforts of the great sanctuary and the big people, a few years later, the Blue Dragon House headquarters was finally completed in the vast land.

There are countless blue dragon palaces, and the ban is heavy, atmospheric, magnificent, spectacular, and shocking. It is naturally integrated with the avenues of the vast sacred places. Its style is no less than the holy heaven of the Holy City.

Subsequently, with the Blue Dragon House as the center, Huang Xiaolong built a huge blue dragon city around him.

Looking down from the sky, Blue Dragon City is like a huge blue dragon lurking on the ground.

Throughout the vast sacred place, Huang Xiaolong has planned tens of thousands of continents. Later, according to contributions, the major holy places and the great tribes can enter these continents.

Blinking, it will pass in a decade.

The Blueprint of the Blue Dragon Palace was initially formed, and the forces gradually spread to all corners of the Holy Land.

Over the past decade or so, more and more holy places, the big family joined the Blue Dragon House.

"It's time to go to the ancient battlefield." On this day, Huang Xiaolong looked at the Blue Dragon City, which was gradually improving the building, and thought.

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