Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2574: Extremely black and black hand

One day, two days, three days, the road robbery is still brewing, and has not fallen for a long time.

Generally speaking, the double road robbery is generally brewing, and it will fall in about three days. However, after ten days, Huang Xiaolong’s double road robbery is still brewing, still spreading, and still improving.

Half a month later, the power of the road robbery is still condensing, and the power of the road robbing is to let all the dead spirits around the corpse river, and the ghosts are shocked.

Before seeing a group of high-level sacred priests who dared to rob in the ancient battlefield, they did not leave, but they watched far away. However, they felt that the power of the robbing became stronger and stronger, and they also had to retreat when they were shocked. .

"This, is this a seven-dollar robbery?!"

"It should be, only the seven-way robbery will be brewing for so long!"

These holy places are high-level marvel.

But after a month, the road robbery is still brewing.

"No, it won't be an eight-point robbing?!" There is a seven-fold mid-level master's throat wriggle.

"No, it is still brewing, and this is only a horrible robbery!" Another high-level trembling of the Holy Land.


This is the strongest robber! Once crossed, successful integration will mean that the Holy Land has a more sacred master.

The ancestors did not come out, and the sacred nine is the respect!

The birth of a sacred master of the sacred world is also a major event that shocks the sacred world, because once it breaks into the sacred nine, it is sooner or later to reach the peak of the sacred nine.

The road robbery was brewing for more than two months, and finally the robbery of the dragon was finally slammed.

When the six thousand feet of the road robbery slammed down, as the sacred world laid down the light of the world, the whole corpse river and the corpse river were illuminated by the thunder light, just like entering the other world in an instant.

In the distance, the high-orders of the sacred places that are watched are not eclipsed.

"Here, is the power of the Jiu Dao robbery so horrible? It seems that it is not so horrible?" A high-level sacred muttered to himself.

Although he has never seen the horrible robbery, he has heard the power of the nine-fold robbery, but this seems to be stronger than the power of the legendary nine-fold robbery!


The world is moving.

Even the corpse rivers that have been hundreds of millions of miles away have been bombarded by the thunderbolt of Thunderbolt. The corpse of the corpse has suddenly risen and splashed thousands of waves.

The road robbery, Leilong, finally came to the sky, and it hasn't arrived yet. The densely smashed into a powder, and the ghost trees and the yin trees that have grown for many billions of years have fallen down like a momentary powder. Same on the ground.

Then, the road robbery Leilong blasted into the Heihe River.

In the Heihe River, there was originally a ban on the black corpse saints. Only the black corpse can be played, but these bans are useless for the tyrannical tyrannosaur. The tyrannical tyrannosaurus enters the uninhabited territory and directly blasts the Heihe River. Into the black corpse space in the Black River, and then blasted the black corpse temple, rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at this horrible robbery than the nine-way road, Huang Xiaolong is not scared, still like the integration of the Holy Life, the three holy souls are called.

When the three holy spirits are summoned, the three holy spirits are shining in the golden light, flying out of the twelve gold groups. It is the twelve high-order sacred lives. Twelve high-order sacred lives are in the sky, surpassing the reincarnation. Everything in the world is under it.

When Huang Xiaolong summoned the three holy souls and the twelve holy lives, the time and space around the corpse river was stagnant. Even the original violent anomaly, the powerful tyrannical tyrannosaur was also suppressed and became soft.

The three holy souls, the twelve holy lives, the only one in Canggu, only asked invincible!

Everything in the world is suppressed!

Huang Xiaolong’s body suddenly slammed out.

"Dragon Yuan Shengshi!"

Suddenly, the three holy souls, the twelve holy lives all infused into the yellow dragon, the holy light, even revealing a lot of space, the entire ancient battlefield can be seen!

One dragon country was formed, and one dragon was born.


More than the horrible road robbery of the dragon, under the dragon fist of Huang Xiaolong, instantly collapsed, fragmented, leaving only the most pure power of the avenue and the law of the road.

This is more than a horrible robbery of the dragon, and it was completely destroyed by a blow!

Huang Xiaolong recovered the three holy souls and the twelve holy lives.

The thunderclouds dissipated over the ancient battlefield, the robbery disappeared, and everything recovered as before.

"Just, it disappeared like this?" In the distance, watching the high-level sacred horror.

"Or, let's see it in the past?" Someone suggested.

The other people looked at each other. They knew that this person proposed to look at the past and what it meant. After the robbery, the other party must be in a period of weakness. There must be something bad in the master who has robbed the tyranny. They are now able to rob. Something.

"This, I see, still don't go." A holy doorkeeper shook his head: "The other party dares to rob in the ancient battlefield, there must be some shackles, maybe there are masters guarding around, and such a big movement, so will be sure There are souls and ghosts of high-level sacred ancestor coming over, and we are afraid that we will not get any benefit in the past!"

At this time, there was a loud cry in the distance.

"It's a dead spirit! The holy land is nine-fold!" I saw that with this scream, it was a powerful dead spirit with a sturdy body. Under the high-level gaze of these holy places, I saw this holy place. The dead spirit soon came to the Xiaohe River over the Black River.

However, they were shocked. The accident was that when the dead spirit just came over the Heihe River, suddenly, a black arm was extended inside the Heihe River, and the black and black arm held the dead spirit. Then directly put the dead spirit into the Heihe River, and then there was no movement.

This scene makes everyone incredible.

"This, what's the matter?!" The high-ordered sacred place that the proposal looked at in the past looked at the calm river without a little wave, eating and eating, and suddenly there was a feeling of pores.

He was really scared.

A deadly spirit in a holy place, so directly into the Black River, and then did not have a little spray? Nothing to resist? just this?

It is more than him, the other high-level holy places, the Lord of the Gates is also scared by this strange scene.

Then, there are the high-level sacred spirits and ghosts of the Holy Land, but whether it is the Holy Land, the Eight Dead Spirits or the Ghosts, when it comes to the Heihe River, this black and black is like a black diamond. Extend on time, and then hold these dead spirits, ghosts in extreme order! Then these dead spirits, the ghosts were thrown into the Heihe River without a little resistance, no movement.

The Heihe River is still the Heihe River, silent, strange, and continues to flow.

"My mom!"

Suddenly, there was a high-order scream of the Holy Land and he fled.

The other high-order sacred spirits of the Holy Land, all of them suddenly scattered like birds, and escaped without a trace.

Everything is as calm as ever.

Ten years later.

On this day, the Heihe River suddenly broke open, and two figures came out one after another, namely Huang Xiaolong and Heilongjiang.

Huang Xiaolong successfully accepted the inheritance of the black sage, and it is already a holy place.

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