Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2576: I will break your head

The interracial strong people who passed by around saw the inferior disciples let Huang Xiaolong leave in a rolling way, otherwise they would interrupt Huang Xiaolong’s legs and could not help but gloat.

"This kid is really unlucky enough. It seems that he just came to Yangcheng? Even the young Master Yan San of the Xuan Bing family did not recognize it. He even dared to stand there and wondered if Master Yan San was the most hated of the Terran?"

"Do you say this kid will wait for it to roll?"

"Don't roll? Then his two legs will definitely be interrupted by Master Yan San, and it is the kind that can never be recovered. Master Yan San said that he could not only be interrupted by two legs!"

Some passing strong aliens pointed to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong is indifferently watching what the Xuan Bingyan Yan San is: "The world, there are not many people who can interrupt my legs, at least you are not here."

"You are now rolling in front of me, hoeing your head, then hoeing your head, three hoes, I can't kill you, or I will break your head! Remember, you are rolling over yourself, not the slaves behind you!"

Huang Xiaolong’s indifferent voice clearly rang in the ears of the aliens.

Everyone is a glimpse.

This kid is crazy?

"This kid is really just coming to Yangcheng. He dared to talk to Master Yan San. This is definitely dead. Yan San is absolutely not only going to interrupt his legs, he will definitely kill him in the most cruel way. !"

"He should be a disciple of some small people of the Terran? I thought that there are masters of Zongmen who can shelter him? The last time a disciple of the Spring and Autumn ancestral gates of the sects of the Zongmen was countless in the Zongmen. Master Yan San was killed, and even the body was thrown outside the city to feed the dog. Then, the Spring and Autumn sect did not dare to put one."

All the aliens shook their heads.

Even the former strong man who was robbed by Yan San of the weapon in the hands and was kicked out by Yan San was far away. He looked at Huang Xiaolong with a pitiful look.

Yan San is laughing and looking at Huang Xiaolong: "Interesting and interesting, this time I rarely met a human dog hybrid that dared to talk to me. How many years have nobody dared to talk to me, interesting and interesting!"

"Kid, I decided, let you die without a whole body!"

"However, before you die, I will!"

Yan Sanzheng excitedly introduced how Huang Xiaolong would torture Huang Xiaolong before he died. Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong reached out and Yan San did not respond. He was pinched by Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s hand was tight, and Yan San felt that his throat seemed to be clamped by the terrorist force. He was so painful that his eyes were sharp and he couldn’t believe the Huang Xiaolong. He couldn’t believe that this human race dog hybrid would dare to pinch him. Throat, and pinched him so much!

"You!" He wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn't speak.

At this time, the four different strong people and the Xuan Bing disciples only reacted.

"You, look for death, swearing slaves, you dare to hurt our young master Yan San, Master Yan San broke a hair, your entire sect must be destroyed!"

"I don't want to let Yan San's young master down soon, and then die for death!"

The more than a dozen disciples of the Xuan Bing ethnic group roared. In their view, this is simply unforgivable. A human race slave has even dared to hold the neck of their young Master Yan San!

This is the sin of the genocide that will be destroyed at the top of the Manchu Gate!

These Xuanbing disciples rushed to Huang Xiaolong and shot. As for Huang Xiaolong, he just pinched the top-ranked Yan San, and they didn't think much.

However, these Xuan Bing disciples just rushed to the front of Huang Xiaolong. Suddenly, a black and black black hand stretched out from the side. This black hand stretched out to the Xuan Bing disciples.

In the eyes of these Xuanbing disciples, this is a boundless giant black hand, covering the sky and completely separating all the space around them. In their eyes, this huge black hand is the heaven and the earth.

They couldn't raise the slightest resistance. When the black hand fell, they were stunned and desperate.

In the eyes of these Xuanbing disciples, the black hand of Heilongjiang is a giant hand of boundless horror, covering the sky, but in the eyes of the aliens who are surrounded by the four sides, there is nothing unusual, and Hero is so ordinary to reach out. Then, with one grip, the dozens of Xuanbing disciples were all held in their hands.

Then, in the eyes of the interracial strong and unbelievable, the black hand was tight, and all the dozens of Xuanbing disciples were pinched.

More than a dozen Xuanbing disciples were pinched at the same time, and the voice was still quite big.

When Yan San felt a roar in his ear, he stared blankly at the blood fog that had been pinched by the dozens of Xuanbing disciples. With his power of the Xuan Bing, in his identity, these dozens of mysterious The ice disciples followed him, fragrant, and spicy. In the Yangcheng and even the surrounding mainland, they all walked sideways and never walked straight.

Want a woman, a woman, a baby, a baby, or even a heaven and a spirit. There is no one in his cognition. No one dares to disrespect him. No one has ever dared to hurt him and the dozens behind him. Follow the hair.

Now, the dozens of Xuan Bing disciples around him have been killed by the guards of this Yi people. !

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s hand was loose. He couldn’t help but open his mouth: “You, you killed me those followers?!”

"Yes." Huang Xiaolong was indifferent: "Before you die, you can still say the last sentence."

Yan San was furious: "You are a human race, you dare to kill me, you are dead, you wait for the whole family to be destroyed by my Xuan Bing!"

When he had just finished speaking, Huang Xiaolong twisted the head of Yan San from his neck and then threw it. His head was set in a distant building door.

Yan San’s eyes are round and his eyes are full of unbelievable eyes.

"I said, this is the last sentence before you die." Huang Xiaolong was indifferent, and then ignored the people around him, and Hei Luo stepped forward.

The aliens who watched around were stunned and looked at Yan San’s head hanging high on the gate.

"Young Master Yan San, dead?!"

"Okay, it seems, is it?!"

There are aliens muttering to themselves.

After a while, finally the four aliens accepted this fact.

"Yan San's young master is actually dead! Killed by a human race, this is a terrible event! The entire Yangcheng will change!"

"Xuanbing people are angry, I am afraid that all the slaves of the entire Yangcheng city will be killed and vented, and may even anger the people of the entire continent!"

"Who is that Terran? I don't know which stupid family and Zongmen's disciple are simply dead! This is to drag his family and sect!"

The aliens exploded around the pot.

Previously, the strong people who were kicked out of the shop by Yan San looked at Huang Xiaolong's figure, his eyes were complicated, hesitated, and finally rushed to catch up with Huang Xiaolong.

"This adult, you should be the first time to come to Hongzhen Holy Land, do not understand the power of the Xuan Bing in Hongzhen Holy Land." The strong people of the Terran advised Huang Xiaolong: "You still have to leave Yangcheng, it is best. Leave Hongzhen Holy Land."

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