Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2578: Kill

"Yan Guanyuan is old." At this time, a middle-aged man behind Yan Guanyuan said with respect and respect: "A despicable human race, why do you want to take it out personally? I will take him down."

The middle-aged man is also a veteran of the Xuan Bing. However, his position in the Xuan Bing is lower than that of Yan Guan. It is considered to be a descendant of Yan Guan, but a second and a late half.

Yan Guanwen said, shaking his head: "No, I have to personally shoot, to solve my hate!"

Huang Xiaolong killed his grandson Yan San. He had to take it out himself. Naturally, instead of simply catching Huang Xiaolong, he used some means to make Huang Xiaolong die when he was shot.

The middle-aged man understood the meaning of Yan Guan and respectfully retired.

Yan Guan looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly, and reached out, suddenly, the lightning flashed at high altitude, and the thunder of lightning thundered instantly, covering the entire Yangcheng.

Feeling the terrorist power of Yan Guan, the strong parties in Yangcheng are not eclipsed.

"Good! This is the holy road of the Xuan Bing, the wind and thunder!"

"The wind and thunder is created by the wind and thunder sage, because the old patriarch of the Xuan Bing family had a kindness to the sage of the wind and thunder, so the wind sage later gave him the thunder of the wind!"

The strong people around the strong turmoil, not shocked, envious.

A holy way of doing things, that is enough to cause the entire Hongzhen holy land to compete for blood.

When the high-altitude thunder and lightning condensed to an extreme, Yan Guan said to Huang Xiaolong: "Kid, I will kill you with the nigga, and then solve you!" After that, with both hands in the sky, suddenly shot to the black robe behind Huang Xiaolong Pressed over.

Suddenly, all the thunder and lightning in the Yangcheng high-altitude found a dumping port, such as the torrent of the sea, suddenly rushed to the black roar.

Seeing that Heilongjiang was going to be bombarded by the torrential lightning, suddenly, Heiluo had a mouth, and the torrential lightning was sucked into the body by the black robe, disappearing without a trace.

Everyone stays.

At this time, the black and black hand of Heilongjiang stretched out, and immediately held the high-altitude Yan Guan, and then directly threw Yan Guan into the import, chewed it, swallowed it, and thawed it like the thunder.

"What?!" The crowd fell into the eye.

"This, no, no?!" Previously, it was speculated that Huang Xiaolong might be a semi-sacred tenth-order alien strongman. He looked at Heiluo for a while, as if the lightning bolt of Yanguan had arrived on him.

It’s all about him, the whole scene, all the interracial strong, disciples are not at all, even the Xuan Bing middle-aged veteran who had to take the shot for Yan Guan was scared back.

Yan Guan, six robbers and half saints, defeated the seven robbers and half saints, so swallowed by the humble nigga?

All the aliens stared at the black belly, expecting a miracle to appear, expecting Yan to break out.

Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to everyone, single-handedly taking a photo of the middle-aged man of the Xuan Bing nationality who had to be shot before.

The middle-aged man only felt that his whole body was banned and his face was gray.

"I am not very familiar with the position of your Xuan Bing National Government. You took me in the past." Huang Xiaolong said.

Huang Xiaolong’s voice carries irresistible power, and the middle-aged man can’t help but nod.

So, the middle-aged people began to take Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo to the Xuan Bing National Government.

Other Xuan Bing masters and disciples saw each other, face to face, but no one dared to shoot Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong and Heilongjiang passed straight through the masters of these Xuanbing masters.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo went to the Xuanbing House, in the hall of the Xuanbing National Government, a Xuan Bing elder ran into the hall panicly, and hurriedly reported to Yan Zhouhai and the veterans of the main hall. Yan Guan was killed.

"What?! Yan Guanyuan is dead?!" Yan Zhouhai and the boss of the yuan are accidents.

"Yes, it was swallowed!" said the elders of the Xuan Bing.

"Swallow, swallow?" Yan Zhouhai and others were dumbfounded, and did not respond to what was meant by swallowing.

Then, the elders of the Xuan Bing nationality screamed, and said that Yan Guan was swallowed by the black Luo.

In fact, there is nothing to say, that is, Yan Guan’s sacred martyrdom attacked the black scorpion, but he was swallowed by the black stalk, and then swallowed Yan Guan.

After a simple, however, Yan Zhouhai and others listened, but could not help but fear, Yan Guan is comparable to the existence of seven robbers and half saints, was swallowed by the black Luo, and there is no struggle, no chance of resistance, which means what?

"The **** guard of the Terran kid, no, will not be a holy place?" A veteran trembled.

Holy world!

An extremely heavy noun.

Everyone looked at each other, there was no opening, and the hall was a bit strange and dull.

"Should, it will not be a sacred place! We are all free of the 16 people of the Terran of the Terran, I know all." Yan Zhouhai shook his head.

"Even if it is not a human sacred place, the **** guards are only the ultimate in the peak of the nine robbers and the late St., otherwise, it is impossible to be so strong, or else, we ask the old patriarch to go out?"

Yan Hengcheng, the old patriarch of the Xuan Bing, is also the ultimate existence of the peak of the nine robbers.

"You don't have to ask the old patriarch to take a shot. It's a nine-role and a half-sacred peak. We are joining hands, plus the big ice. Isn't it still possible to kill a ninth and a half-sacred peak?" The veteran Yan Wanlong was angry: "Be a mean It’s a shame that the Terran is deceived on the head. If you don’t commit suicide, what is the face of our Xuan Bing in Hongzhen Holy Land?!”

"Is there a name for the kid?" Yan Zhouhai asked a veteran around him.

"Not yet, the kid should be from other holy places. We are free of more than 300 holy places. It takes some days to find out his origins." The veteran shook his head.

"Where are they now?" Yan Zhouhai asked the elders who had previously reported.

"They took Yan Dongxun's elders and let Yan Dongxun lead the way, and are coming to our Xuan Bing National Government." The elder replied eagerly.

"What?!" Listening to Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo are coming to the Xuan Bing National Government, everyone is not surprised.

"It’s just right!" Just now, Yan Wanlong, the veteran who advocated killing Huang Xiaolong and Heilongjiang, heard that Huo Ran stood up and murdered: "We can just kill the despicable two people with the help of the Xuan Bing big battle of the capital. "When it comes to this, look at Yan Zhouhai: "The patriarch, please order it!"

Yan Zhouhai hesitated for a moment, and finally Huo Ran stood up: "Well, fully start the big ice, meet the enemy!"

Suddenly, Xuan Bing’s head government Xuan Bing was chilling, and the cold air even spread out of Yangcheng, covering the city around Xiangyang City.

Huang Xiaolong saw the coldness of the Xuanbing National Government, and smiled lightly. With the Xuan Bing, Yan Dongxun, a young man stepped forward, and Hei Luo came to the Xuan Bing National Government.

Huang Xiaolong just came, the Xuan Bing National Government, a figure of the sky, and it is Yan Zhouhai and Yan Wanlong, one hundred and nine Xuan Bing people.

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