Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2581: Purple spider

"What? Qing Xuan Princess! The first beauty of the free domain, she really came to our Yangcheng?!"

Suddenly, the pot was blown up.

The entire Yangcheng trading market is even more noisy.

Huang Xiaolong can feel the noise of the hearts of the interracial disciples.

"It seems that the Qingxuan saint brought the Qingxuan princess to congratulate the Hongzhen saint is true! The Qingxuan princess must pass the Yangcheng, so we have to go to our Yangcheng trading market!"

"I don't know if the Qingxuan saints are coming?!"

"It seems that there is no, only Qing Xuan Princess and his entourage come to our Yangcheng trading market!"

In the excitement, excitement, and enthusiasm, all the indifferent disciples, the strong ones flocked to the entrance of the trading market, rushing to the front, fearing that one step later was taken by the people to see the Qingxuan princess and suffer losses.

Huang Xiaolong also had some accidents. I did not expect that Qingxuan Princess Qingying would come to the Yangcheng trading market.

However, although there are some accidents, it is only a few accidents. Huang Xiaolong is not as excited as those of the alien disciples. He is rushing to the entrance of the trading market and waiting to see what the Qing Xuan Princess is.

Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo continued to hang around.

After hanging out for a while, Huang Xiaolong was somewhat disappointed.

He originally wanted to see if he could find any baby, but the so-called treasures of the town shop in some shops in the trading market are just some of the world's best medicines.

Not to mention the holy medicine Shengdan, even some quasi-sacred drugs have not seen.

When Huang Xiaolong was about to return to the Xuan Bing National Government with Hei Luo, when passing through an inconspicuous shop, Huang Xiaolong suddenly stopped and was shocked.

This shop, the outside is very worn, the whole inner hall is not big, you can see the light at a glance, standing outside the gate, Huang Xiaolong's eyes fell on the dark, seemingly disgusting things in the hall.

This thing, like a singularity, but by the dark, I do not know what the dirt is all over, so I can't see what is inside, and I can't see what kind of order.

What surprised Huang Xiaolong was that even his three holy souls could not even speculate on what was inside.

But just now, his holy seal was clearly touched, and it was absolutely this thing that touched his holy mark.

When Huang Xiaolong looked up and wanted to see what shop was in this shop, he found that nothing was written on it. Huang Xiaolong was a strange face. He was the first to encounter such a shop with no name.

Although surprised, Huang Xiaolong and Black Luo still went in.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at it. There was no one in the hall, but when Huang Xiaolong stepped forward to the dark, stain-like and tangled things, he walked out of the backyard of the hall with a very short, old man.

This old man has a big head, a small body, and his eyes are purple-black. It looks a bit weird and funny.

"Purple spider!"

Huang Xiaolong recognized the old man from the alien purple spider family at a glance.

The Purple Spider, a race that rose rapidly in the exotic world and was extremely brilliant, even went straight to the royal family, and later became a member of the royal family, but since the last holy and exotic wars, the Purple Spider has begun to decline.

Because, the patriarch of the Zicai family, the only ancestor of the Zijiazu, was defeated by his Master God in the ancient battlefield, and suffered a very serious injury, and even the heart was damaged.

In the words of his Master, the purple spider family leader Zi Dongping is extremely difficult to recover, that is to say, it is impossible to return to the strength of the heyday, unless the fruit of the birth of the sacred source can be obtained!

It’s just that the fruit has only appeared once, and Zidongping wants to find the fruit, which is almost impossible.

After Zidongping was hit hard by his master, he returned to the foreign world and disappeared. With the news of Zidongping, the purple spiders gradually fell.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong and this purple spider purple are considered to be a little "relationship".

After the old man of the purple spider family came out, there were some accidents. Obviously, it was not expected that a humanistic disciple came in with a guard, and he saw the black robe and obviously stunned.

"I don't know what the son wants to buy?" The old man's attitude is peaceful, not salty or light, and his attitude is much better than other shops. Other shops see Huang Xiaolong as a human being, and his attitude will not be good.

Huang Xiaolong pointed to the dark, stained thing and said: "How is this thing sold?"

The old man was surprised and looked at Huang Xiaolong: "You, sure?"

There are not many people who come to his shop and look at this thing.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

"A holy Dan!" The old man saw Huang Xiaolong nod and said.

"A holy Dan?!" Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

A holy sac, equivalent to ten holy medicines! This thing actually sells a holy sacred, it is no wonder that Huang Xiaolong was surprised, the whole Hongzhen holy land, I am afraid that no one can afford it, even many neighbors around the holy land should be unaffordable, unless it is in the free domain. The Qing Xuan saint who is in charge of the main government.

"Yes, a holy Dan, there is no price to talk about." The old man added a sentence.

Although he is not sure what the baby is, he can judge the value of this thing with his many years of eyesight and discernment.

"What holy Dan will do?" asked Huang Xiaolong.

The old man nodded.

Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment and took out a black corpse, Sheng Dan. He had a lot of holy sages on his body. The lowest natural order was the black corpse Shengdan.

"Black corpse Shengdan!" When Huang Xiaolong took out the black corpse Shengdan, the old man exclaimed and stunned.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the old man, this old man’s eyesight is extraordinary, he can recognize the black corpse Shengdan.

"Yes, black corpse holy Dan." Huang Xiaolong nodded, said this, throwing the black corpse Saint Dan to the other side, the old man saw it, scared to catch his hands quickly, for fear that the black corpse Sheng Dan fell to the ground and smashed the general, in fact It is so easy to smash, and it is an ordinary half-sacred blow that can't be destroyed.

The old man took over the black corpse, Sheng Dan, and his breathing was obviously rushed. His eyes were staring at the black corpse in his hand, and the heat was abnormal.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the other party and took the dark dirt-stained thing into his hands. He watched it, but he couldn’t see what the dark dirt was. He took it and decided to go back. Study it well.

Just when Huang Xiaolong was about to leave, the old man woke up and suddenly cried: "Slow!" The words fell, and the figure flashed, and Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo were stopped, and they looked eager.

Huang Xiaolong looked at each other.

The old man suddenly smiled and smiled bizarrely: "This son, you can have a black corpse in the body?" When it comes to this, I don't wait for Huang Xiaolong to open up, and said: "The son should have got the treasure of the black sage? There must be a black corpse, Sheng Dan!" The greedy glory of the eyes flashed past.

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly and looked at each other with a mocking look: "Yes, I got the treasure of the black sage, and there are many black corpses, how do you want it?"

Although the greedy light in the other's eyes is well concealed, how can he escape Huang Xiaolong's eyes.

In fact, it is no wonder that this old man will be tempted, the black sage treasure, that is, many high-level sacred sites know that they will fight for life.

Of course, this old man is not a high-level sacred place. It is only a five-fold sacred place. The sacred soul of Huang Xiaolong sweeps away and he sees each other thoroughly.

However, it is a worthwhile thing to see a five-sacred sacred place to hide in this sacred place to open such a nameless small shop.

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