Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2588: Do you recognize a human race?

Listening to Huang Xiaolong's condescending and control of all the tone, Qing Xuan saint frowned. To be honest, he hated Huang Xiaolong's tone very much, even if the main domain of the free domain had never spoken to him in this tone.

The other party is a human race!

Qing Xuan sage master Yin Feng could not help but yell at Huang Xiaolong: "You are a human sacred place and dare to let go in front of our Qingxuan adults! Say! What are you threatening the Baoyue saints, let them recognize you as Lord? Do you know that you are doing this, and you are doing the right thing with the whole alien! You are looking for a dead end!"

Indeed, Huang Xiaolong actually let the alien holy place be his slave! This is simply trampling on the dignity of all the aliens in the exotic! This is insulting the whole alien! Undoubtedly, it is against all aliens in the foreign world.

Li Yapeng, Xiao Dan and others are also looking at Huang Xiaolong coldly.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the silver maple in indifference, and suddenly took a photo of it, then he saw the silver maple photo and got it in front of him.

Suddenly, there was no sign, and the face of Qing Xuan and others changed dramatically.

Silver Maple, but a sacred place is fourfold, and it is not an ordinary four-pointed sacred place. It is the mid-fourth middle of the sacred place. Was it actually turned over by a sacred place of Huang Xiaolong? !

Is Huang Xiaolong not the beginning of the holy world? !

“Looking for a dead end?” Huang Xiaolong looked at the silver maple in his hand and smiled coldly: “That’s how it’s done with the whole alien! How do you do it with all the aliens?!”

"You!" Silver Mape looked at Huang Xiaolong with horror and anger. He didn't even think that this sacred place in the middle of the four seasons would be taken by Huang Xiaolong in the first moment of the holy world!

"Who is it?!" Xiao Dan’s face was a sinking face: “Let’s put silver maple! We can let you leave Hongzhen Holy Land!”

"So, if I don't let him go, I can't leave Hongzhen holy land?" Huang Xiaolong smiled.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and Qingxuan saints confronted each other, the Hongzhen Temple was in the temple, the Red Giant Holy Land, the Baoyue Holy Land, the Yuding Holy Land, the Hongzhen Holy Land and other saints also knew about the outside.

"What? The Xuan Bing ethnic group is confronting the Qingxuan saints? The main government is in charge of Xiao Dan, and Li Yapeng is also an adult?"

"The man has actually said that he has killed Hongzhen saint?!"

"Baoyue saints, red giant saints, Yuding saints, more than a dozen sacred doorkeepers have all contributed to the human race? Recognize that the Terran is the main?!"

Hearing the news, these red giant holy places, the holy month of Baoyue, the holy sons of Yuding Holy Land are all blasted.

"This, impossible, absolutely someone is deliberately rumored!" Liu Jun yelled: "Who is rumoring in the end, even said that my master is dead! If I find out who it is, we must not let go he!"

He will be accepted as a disciple of Hongzheng saints, and will later inherit the position of Hongzhen Shengmen. Now, the apprenticeship ceremony is about to begin, but there are artificial beggars, saying that Hongzhen saint was killed by a human race. This is not intentional to Hongzhen. Is the saint smeared?

"Yes, this is simply a humiliation of our Baoyue Gate, a dozen holy gates of the Red Giant Gate!" Baoyue Shengmen Shengzi also yelled.

How can a red-sage saint come to a human race? Not to mention the recognition of a human race!

This is in the guise of their dozens of holy gates!

Because Liu Jun and these saints have been celebrating in the partial hall, because Huang Xiaolong blocked the news, Liu Jun and others still do not know what happened to the Hongzhen Temple yesterday.

"Go, let's go out and see!" A saint proposes.

Liu Jun and others surged, and soon they saw the Xiaolong and Qingxuan saints who were facing each other.

"Qing Xuan saint?! Qing Xuan princess! It seems that Li Yapeng, the manager of our domain government, is a big man?" A saint of Baoyue Shengmen was shocked. In that year, he met Li Yapeng with his master Baoyue saint. So I recognize Li Yapeng.

"The people in the hands of the Terran are the silver maple adults?!" The red giant holy gate saints exclaimed, silver maple, Qing Xuan saint's left arm and right arm, in the surrounding holy land is also the presence of the wind and rain.

Now, it seems that the man is holding his neck? !

"Is it the doorkeeper?!" Then, the holy gates of the Holy See saw the respectable Baoyue saints behind Huang Xiaolong, the red giant saints, the Yuding saints, the dozen saints, and the major saints, the main hall. Lord, Lord.

At this time, suddenly, they saw that the Yinfeng adults were suddenly mentioned by the man's neck and half-empty. Then, the Yinfeng adults of Qingxuan's left arm and right arm quickly dried up and dried up in a strange way.

Qing Xuan sage, Xiao Dan, Li Yapeng, Qing Xuan Princess, Chen Yu and others are surprised.

"You, let go of the silver maple!" Qing Xuan saint immediately reacted, and stunned, a blue sword appeared in his hand, and the blue sword in his hand waved out.

Suddenly, countless blue swords were turned into a blue-colored giant sword dragon, which was assassinated by Huang Xiaolong.

Qing Xuan saint, the existence of the six-fold mid-peak of the Holy Land, one of the top ten masters of the free domain, an angry sword, has the power to smash all the world, Liu Jun and other people are scared, there is a kind of entire Hongzhen holy place to be The feeling of being cut into powder.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at it, and Zhang mouth blew a sigh of relief. He saw the horrible stegosaurus who could cut the Hongzhen sage into powder. Under this blast, he instantly flew back and returned to the Qingxuan saint. And faster, the power seems to be stronger!

Qing Xuan sage glimpsed, and then his face changed.

"Be careful!" Xiao Dan, Li Yapeng and others screamed.

However, it was still a step late. The Qingxuan saint was bombarded by the sword dragon, and flew out, falling into the mountains in the distance, the mountain collapsed and the gravel splashed.

Qing Xuan Princess is stunned. Is this really the father of one of the top ten masters of the free domain she has been relying on? Just on the road, she still said that she would help her to clean up the father of Huang Xiaolong, the human race?

Suddenly, she was eclipsed and screamed: "Father!" and then rushed to the distant mountains.

Liu Jun and the sacred son of the sacred door are even more stunned, and they are incredulously watching the sacred sacred sacred sacred sage!

In the hands of Huang Xiaolong, the silver maple that was constantly swallowed was equally astonished, but soon he lost all his consciousness.

Huang Xiaolong’s strength surged, and the body of the silver maple was shattered into powder, and then he looked at the manager of the domain government, Xiao Dan, Li Yapeng, and Lin from the three.

"Like the Baoyue saints, they will work for me and recognize me as the main." Huang Xiaolong was indifferent.

Xiao Dan, Li Yapeng, Lin from the three faces ugly.

"Is it a man?" Suddenly, Li Yapeng laughed. An unprecedented shame made him laugh: "A ridiculous! Joke! You are a despicable human being, and you are always a slave to our aliens. You want me to recognize You are the Lord, unless I die!"

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