Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2590: It’s time to get started.

In addition to the tour, there are also the deputy domain deputy domain chief Chen Bai and the free domain domain of the main masters, the free domain of the main government is almost a master, not only that, but also the free sanctuary of other holy places.

There are more than 300 sacred places in the free domain. This time, there are more than 200 sacred gatekeepers who come to listen to the free squatting! And there are more than 30 people in the Holy Land.

This is almost the vast majority of the free domain.

And there are two middle-aged people who are exactly the same around You Shi, who are both imposing and completely overwhelming the seven-fold late tour of the Holy Land.

These two people are definitely masters of more than eight sacred places!

"Xu Wenxiong, Xu Haixiong, maybe he still has to rely on the two brothers to shoot." You Shiyi smiled at the two.

"Shi Hao domain is very polite, so many years, you have more help for our brothers, we help ourselves, and this little busy is nothing." Xu Wen laughed, said this, his eyes are cold: "And A human race dares to be so arrogant in our foreign countries, dare to be so unscrupulous, any alien strong knows that they will shoot!"

Xu Hai nodded and said: "Yes, please don't worry about the domain owner. Our two brothers will try their best to get their hands, just wondering how Li Yapeng died."

You Shiyu knows that the two people are worried and said: "The two brothers are relieved that the human race is absolutely impossible to be the master of the ancestry. I have already made people check it out. He is indeed only the beginning of the holy world. As for his **** guard, It is absolutely impossible to be the first ancestor. He can kill Li Yapeng. I suspect that he got the ancestor!"

"The ancestor of the ancestors!" Xu Wen, Xu Hai, two people breathing quickly.

"Yes, it should be that he got the ancestor's ritual, urging the law of the eternal avenue in the ancestral tract, only to kill Li Yapeng!" You Shi guessed: "It should be like this, the two brothers also know our entire foreign land." There has never been a master of the ancestors of the Terran."

Xu Wen, Xu Hai nodded.

Due to the suppression of the aliens, there are no masters of the ancestor in the foreign races. Not to mention the ancestral ancestors, there are only a handful of sacred masters.

"Is this Terran a sacred side?" Suddenly, the deputy domain actor Chen Bai opened the door.

You Shi and Xu Wen, Xu Hai and two people.

"Impossible!" Xu Wenyi smiled, very sure: "There are more than a dozen masters in the sacred world. In the ancient battlefield, I have seen God, Chu Ba, Qiao Jinyang, so, that kid. It is absolutely impossible to be the first ancestor, and there are no new ancestors in the sacred world for millions of years."

"However, the two brothers, if the kid really has the ancestral tract, then?"

"Shi Yi domain master assured, his ancestor on the body is yours, but if there are other saints in his body, there are other treasures, all of us brothers." Xu Wen looked at each other and opened the door.

You Shih haha ​​smiled: "So very good!" Again: "The Terran kid is handed over to us, and the **** guard around him is handed over to the two brothers to solve!"

"Good!" The two readily agreed.

A few days have passed.

The main government of the free domain is constantly approaching the Hongzhen Holy Land. The indiscriminate aliens in the free domain are not shocked. It is extremely rare for the army of the free domain to be dispatched. Unless the two domains are engaged or have a great Things have threatened the safety of the domain government.

"This, the last time the army of the region was dispatched, it seems to be a matter of hundreds of thousands of years ago! What happened this time, even unexpectedly sent the giants of the domain to the army of hundreds of millions!" The patriarch of the alien family was shocked.

"I heard that six months ago, there was a mysterious elder of the Xuan Bing nationality who offended the Qing Xuan princess and killed the Teng Baining of the Ten Snake family. Later, a few days ago, the Hongzhen saints received the apprenticeship, the Qingxuan saint, the domain owner Li Yapeng, Xiao Dan, Lin Cong and the Qing Xuan Princess also went, the intention was to kill the Terran in the Hongzhen saint's apprentice ceremony, but did not expect Li Yapeng adults to die!"

"Qing Xuan, Xiao Dan, Lin also lost contact with adults, Qing Xuan Princess is also!"

"What?! Li Yapeng is dead?! Is it the Terran killed? The Terran is not the ancestor?"

"How could it be the ancestral dynasty, we have no ancestors in the exotic world, I guess that the Terran would kill the Li Yapeng adults with the ancestor?!"

"The ancestral Taoist!! No wonder the domain masters have dispatched hundreds of millions of troops for this!"

The entire free domain is shaking and boiling.

Moreover, the strong aliens in the free domain found that their domain tour has already ordered the blockade of the entire free domain. Now, no one can enter and exit the free domain.

You Shi led the army to approach the Hongzhen Holy Land and blocked the entire free domain. Huang Xiaolong naturally got the news long ago, but he did not pay attention to it. He knew that it was for the purpose of blocking the entire free domain, but he was afraid that he would escape.

Huang Xiaolong estimated that the billions of troops in the free domain had to go to Hongzhen Holy Land. It should take two or three months. Before that, he was completely sure to accept Zidongping.

What he has to do now is to continue to strengthen the vast world of the Cangwu Palace.

Two months passed.

Huang Xiaolong and Heilongjiang stopped.

"It's time to start!" Huang Xiaolong looked at the depths of Hong Zhensheng's access control.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo flew to the depths of the Hongzhen holy gate. Huang Xiaolong did not bring other people. He only took the black robe. The battle between the masters and the ancestors was not the participation of the sacred masters, even the holy world. Nine heavy will not work, so Huang Xiaolong did not let the Zijiao deputy patriarch, the main hall owner and the sacred nine dead souls, ghosts shot.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo came to the depths of Hongzheng’s ban, and the power of Huang Xiaolong’s three holy spirits began. Under the cover of the three great souls of Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong quickly found hiding in the forbidden ground. Zidongping in a certain space.

After a pause, Huang Xiaolong's figure flashed, and Hei Luo came to the bottom of the earth, and then the two fists directly blasted, broke the space, and entered the black roar.

When Huang Xiaolong broke open the space, wearing a purple spider robe, lying on the huge altar on the healing of the purple Dongping suddenly opened his eyes.

Zidongping looked at Huang Xiaolong and Heilongjiang, and the binocular purple light became two huge purple rivers. It came to Huang Xiaolong and Heilongjiang. The power was strong, and many of the holy places were discolored.

However, Huang Xiaolong is still a punch in the past.

"God is alive!"

The Holy Spirit screams, a huge body above the sentient beings, dominates life and death, and dominates the heavens and the earth.

Black Luo was concocted in the same way, and a punch directly hit the past.


Huang Xiaolong and Hei Luo respectively opened the huge purple light river.

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