Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2599: Different house

Zidong Ping sees Jin Fei and dares to question his hospitality. His eyes are cold: "You are now taking the people of your Golden Zen family out of the hall, it is rolling! Otherwise, I will interrupt all your dog legs and then Throw it out again!"

Jin Fei’s face is ugly, how does he say that he is also the owner of a domain, and Zidongping actually makes himself roll in public? Looking at the aliens in the surrounding areas?

"Zi Dongping adults, you!" When Jin Fei was about to open his mouth, suddenly, he saw Zidongping’s right hand waving, and a force that made everyone suffocate in the temple fluttered.

Jin Fei and the Jinjin people of the same family only felt a sharp pain in their legs, and then all flew out of the hall and fell to the open space outside the main hall door.

"Before I didn't change my mind, you are rolling now, but you still have time!" Purple Dongping's cold voice sounded.

Jin Fei, the master of the Jinzen tribe was shocked and furious.

"Zi Dongping adults, this matter, I will report to my ancestors!" Jin Fei reluctantly, open the door.

"If this is the case, then you don't have to leave!" Zidongping said coldly, Jin Fei and others have not responded, and they see Zidong Ping's palms pressed, and a huge purple flames fall out of thin air.

The masters of Jin Fei and Jinzen’s family only heard the loud noise and completely lost their consciousness.

The powerful people in the surrounding areas of the main hall were shocked to see that Jin Fei and others were all incinerated by the purple flame, and there was no residual body.

Jin Fei, the existence of a sacred eightfold, is so depraved!

There are also many holy places that the Golden Zen people come with.

Everyone was astonished and horrified.

Is this the ancestor's prestige? !

I did not expect Jin Fei, the owner of this domain, to say that killing would kill.

After a while.

The ceremony continues.

This time, no one interrupted.

After the ceremony, the interracial strongmen in the temple looked at Huang Xiaolong in a complicated way.

However, many people are gloating in their hearts.

This time, Jinfei’s golden zen sanctuary was killed, and the Jinzen people will certainly not be willing to give up. They will definitely liquidate this account, and Huang Xiaolong’s “culprit” for this matter will definitely become The number one goal of the Golden Zen Clan.

Sure enough, in less than half a day, the news that Jin Fei and others were killed by Zidongping spread the fields, and the fields were shocked, boiling and sensational.

"This is the rhythm of the two families to fight?! Is the injury of Zidongping restored? It is so high-profile when it is born?!"

"Without the fruit, Zidongping's injury can't be cured! I see Zidongping, this is the rhythm of death!"

"Look at it, next, the Jinzen people will definitely retaliate against the Purple Spiders. The Zicao disciples are absolutely self-defeating. I think the Zicai disciples will definitely be huddled in the Hongzhen Holy Land and will not leave Hong. Half a step in the holy land!"

Everyone is talking about it.

Of course, everyone agrees that Zidongping is a dead person. If he is not cured, he will be angered by the Golden Zen family. No one is optimistic about the purple spider family. No one is optimistic about Zidongping.

After all, the purple spider family is not the purple spider family of the year, and Zidongping is not the same as Zidongping.

Zidongping's heart was traumatized. In the years after the serious injury disappeared, the foreign versions have been circulating various versions of the discussion. Many people even described Zidongping as a purple spider lacking four legs, saying that Zidongping was the waste of the first ancestor. It is said that Zidongping is now a little bit stronger than the peak of the nine-point period in the Holy Land.

It is said that the two holy places together with the late nine peaks can be beaten by Zidongping.


Jin Zen domain, the Zen ritual got the news that Jin Fei and the Jinzen tribe were killed by Zidongping, even if they were angry, "Zi Dongping, you waste spider, dare to kill so many people." territory!"

The Jinzen tribe with Jinfei, a total of twenty-six people, twenty-six sacred sites, except for the Golden Jubilee, all died in the hands of Zidongping.

Twenty-six holy places, and six are high-level sacred places!

Therefore, it is no wonder that Zen is furious.

Zen Yongxu is also angry and cold: "Zi Dongping kills me twenty-six holy places, then we kill the fifty-two holy places of the purple spider family!"

Immediately, Zen will call the high-level members of the Jinzen tribe, and then ordered, see the purple spider family, kill innocent!

"People spread the news out, I want to fight against Zidongping, and fight with him in the dead zone!" Zen is cold and cold.

At that time, he and Zidongping had a battle, lost Zidongping half-finger, and his face was lost. This time, he hated the new hatred and took all the things back!

"Old ancestors, if Zidongping did not dare to fight?" A Jinzen trio hesitated.

Zen smiled in a cold voice: "If he does not dare to fight, he will spread the news that he dare not fight, let people call him a purple tortoise, and then call the purple spider family a turtle! I want him to live forever and live in shame. in!"


Not long after, the news that Zen was in the dead zone of Zidongping was alarmed by the whole alien.

The battle between the two great ancestors is absolutely a foreign event.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong and Zidongping also got news.

"This Zen is a patriarch of the rites of the rites, knowing that it is the shame of the deceased long-term heart, and it is too shameless!" The main owner of the Zijiao family was inconsistent.

"But if the patriarchs should not fight, they will spread out when they are out, which is unfavorable to the patriarch's prestige!"

Huang Xiaolong said: "Then he will fight again after a hundred years."

"A hundred years later?" Zidong Ping was stunned, but then he understood the meaning of Huang Xiaolong's heart.

Huang Xiaolong is planning to get the fruit within a hundred years and let him recover from his injury.

But within a hundred years, can Huang Xiaolong really get the fruit?

"Well, just rely on the words of the government!" Zidongping nodded.

Although it is impossible to determine that Huang Xiaolong can get the fruit within a hundred years, he also knows that the battle may not be dragged on for too long. The 100-year period is not long or short, just right.

Soon, Zidongping should fight the rituals of the rituals and spread them. Naturally, it was a shock and discussion.

A few days have passed.

When the various fields were shaken and discussed, Huang Xiaolong left the Hongzhen Holy Land and set off for the foreign government.

This time, Huang Xiaolong did not bring him, he took the black Luo, of course, there are ten dead souls and four ghosts in the ancient battlefield.

Different houses, self-contained, the whole foreign government is bigger than the free domain. In the central area of ​​the foreign country, Huang Xiaolong has to rush, even if it is in the Cangwudao Palace, it will take three or four months.

Nothing goes all the way.

Huang Xiaolong deliberately slowed down the speed and stopped and went all the way.

Two years later.

Huang Xiaolong came to the holy place of the ice thunder in the Gafa domain. It is not far from the ice-thunder site of the Gafa domain. It is the border of the foreign government.

"A few days later, the next time the foreign government recruited disciples, 100,000 years ago, the foreign government relaxed the conditions for the disciples to recruit. I heard that our young patriarchs had already registered in the foreign countries earlier. I wonder if I can join the foreign government. !"

"Even if it is a relaxation condition, there is no ranking of the top 100 sacred sects, and there is no hope of joining the foreign government! The patriarchs want to join, it is difficult!" In front, several foreign disciples in the ice thunder sacred.

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