Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2601: Seven souls

The aliens who have been around in the past have stopped.

"This Terran has dared to provoke the Seven Souls, and it must be a terrible death!"

"I am afraid that even Chen Luozong would not dare to provoke the Seven Souls. This Terran does not know which mountain place to come out. I don't even know the costumes and signs of the Seven Soul disciples?"

Everyone pointed at Huang Xiaolong.

In addition to the strong aliens, there are many strong people in the distance who look at this side.

A few of them were Chen Muzong, the chief clerk of Chen Luozong who had signed up for the foreign government, and his guard.

"Less lord, do we want to save it?" One of the old men said, meaning that Huang Xiaolong was rescued from the hands of the seven souls.

Chen Luozong is the first force of the foreign races and the head of the human race. Generally speaking, it is difficult to see the humanities and disciples.

Chen Muguang hesitated a moment and shook his head. "Still, don't worry about it, the seven souls still don't want to provoke good, and these seven soul disciples should not be low in the seven souls."

The few Chen Luozong strong people heard the words, looked at each other, and finally did not speak.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong looked at the disciples of the seven souls and said: "The seven souls only, I thought it was a different ethnic group."

Everyone stays.

Seven souls, but? !

This human race, even said the seven souls, but! !

Chen Muguang heard the words and said to the former old man: "Look, like this idiot, saving is also a white rescue, in vain, our alien people are ruined in the hands of this ignorant idiot!"

The previous veteran who wanted to take out the rescue of Huang Xiaolong from the hands of the seven souls of the disciples was also a stunned expression, and felt amazed at the ignorant humanistic disciples who wanted to save the idiot.

When everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong with a strange look, the disciples of the seven souls laughed. He looked at Huang Xiaolong: "Kid, you have a kind! Seven souls only? Seven souls? Not really, listen. In your breath, I thought you were a disciple of a royal family."

Huang Xiaolong did not speak.

"Soul brother, let me shoot." Among the group of seven soul disciples, walked out a relatively thin, and said to the previous seven soul disciples: "I have not killed the Terran for several years, I want to try one today. Try the newly cultivated seven souls to chase souls!"

The seven-soul disciple, known as the soul-stricken brother, looked back and nodded and smiled: "Alright, since the soul of the hundred-year-old brother is itchy, then I will give the soul a hundred-year-old brother!"

"Thank you for the soul brother!" The soul of the seven souls and disciples laughed with joy, then looked at Huang Xiaolong's mouth and smiled. His mouth was very flat. He smiled like a squid's mouth: "Human boy, you are very lucky." I just cultivated into a soul chasing soul, I was trying to find a personal family to try, you will run into it."

Huang Xiaolong’s face is indifferent: “Let’s go together, save me from waiting for another shot.”

Everyone has a glimpse.

"This kid is really ignorant to the extreme." Chen Muguang shook his head and smiled: "I really don't know which idiot cultivated by the human race!"

With his eyesight, it is natural to see that these seven souls are not weak in strength. They are all semi-sanctified, especially the soul and the soul.

Even if it is a robbery, he will not dare to let these seven soul disciples take the shot together.

"Kid, I suddenly feel that a funny genius like you, killing you, some pity." The soul is full of laughter is very happy: "To tell the truth, you have a talent for performance!"

"Your nonsense is finished?" Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent.

The soul is a hundred, and laughs: "I finished."

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong reached out and grasped it. This grip, the world seems to be in the palm of Huang Xiaolong. Everyone has an illusion. Huang Xiaolong seems to be able to accommodate the infinite world.

Under the grip of Huang Xiaolong, the soul of the soul was smashed by Huang Xiaolong, like a bubble.


Everyone is shocked.

Soul, the seven souls of the disciples are also at ease.

Chen Muguang is also awkward.

Huang Xiaolong ignored all the people and looked at the soul of the seven souls. "I don't know if you cultivated the seven souls and chased the soul?"

The soul is so ugly, although his strength is stronger than the soul, but it is also limited.

"Which ethnic group are you?" The soul is so sullen and sullen: "The soul is a pro-disciple of the soul of the seven souls!"

"What?! The soul of the seven souls is the deputy of the soul of the temple! He is the deputy of the seven souls of the temple. It is also the strongest deputy of the seven souls. The soul is actually his pro-disciple, this human being The big disaster! His family, the Zongmen must be affected by him!" In the distance, surrounded by foreign strong people.

Although Chen Muguang was shocked by the strength of Huang Xiaolong, but listening to this, the heart was lucky, said: "Fortunately, there is no shot, I have long said that these seven soul disciples are not ordinary!"

The soul of the seven souls, the deputy of the temple, is not sinful.

"That said, you are also a deputy disciple of a deputy or a master of the Seven Souls." Huang Xiaolong looked at the soul indifferently.

"Not bad!" The soul of the soul sees Huang Xiaolong's demeanor, and his heart is full of fire: "My master is the soul of the seven souls."

However, he just finished, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and saw the soul of the eyebrows, was pierced by Huang Xiaolong, a huge hole, shocking.

The soul looked at Huang Xiaolong with a stunned look, and he couldn't believe it, then fell down.

"Soul Shu brother!" The seven souls of the disciples exclaimed.

"Which other is the pro-disciple of the deputy master?" Huang Xiaolong looked at the disciples of the Seven Souls and began to speak.

The remaining twenty disciples of the Seven Souls were not afraid of their faces, panicking their heads.

Huang Xiaolong left with the Dark Rob, and everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong and Heiluo to go back.

"Less lord, do you want to check the origin of this person?" Chen Luozong was the old man who was stunned.

Chen Muguang came back to God and shook his head. "No, there is a person who is about to die. This time, the foreigners have come to many masters of the Seven Souls. He can't live for a few days, even if the masters of the Seven Souls don't look for him, the foreign house. The law enforcement team will soon find him."

There is a stipulation in the foreign government that the alien strongman kills the human race, is not guilty, and the human race kills the aliens and sins.

After listening to Chen Muguang's words, Chen Luozong did not speak to other people.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately!" Chen Luozong, the old man shook his head.

I don't know what to pity.

After Huang Xiaolong left, he and Hei Luo went straight to the different kings.

After coming to the city of different kings, Huang Xiaolong did not stagnate. He came directly to the registration office and came to the registration square. He saw people and people, and it was difficult to squeeze a mosquito.

Huang Xiaolong's Holy Spirit begins, and then comes to the right place to register.

There are two points for the registration. The holy place is on the left side of the square, and the holy place is on the right side of the square.

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