Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2603: Great news

It’s more than Wu Ming, and the other masters of the Law Enforcement Hall and the Seven Souls are scared to the heart and suddenly fear that Jiang Shaohuang will also give himself a foot.

Soul Core is a six-sacred place, and can receive a foot from Jiang Shaohuang, but their small body is kicked by a kick, fearing that it will not die or be disabled.

"Soul Rui, you seven souls are getting more and more embarrassed recently! Even my older brother dare to fall!" Soul Rui has not spoken, Jiang Shaohuang will be cold.

Listening to Jiang Shaohuang, he said that he had fallen into the Terran. The face of the soul that had just climbed changed. Then he smiled with his face. "The lesson that Jiang Shaohuang learned is actually misunderstanding. My pro-disciple was killed. It’s also a misrepresentation of people who have misunderstood them. I didn’t check them clearly, so I admit the wrong person. I also asked Master Jiang Shaohuang to ignore the villain and forgive me!”

Although he is the deputy priest of the Seven Souls, compared with the less patriarch of Jiang Shaohuang, the difference is not a little bit. Not to mention him, at this time, the seven patriarchs of the Seven Souls saw Jiang Shaohuang. Only a apology for the apology.

Jiang Shaohuang cold channel: "Forgive you?"

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong suddenly said: "Forget it, let them roll."

Jiang Shaohuang glimpsed, this made the soul Rui roll.

However, before Soul Rui left, Huang Xiaolong said: "If you are unwilling, you can come to me at any time."

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Soul Rui panicked, and then quickly escaped with the seven souls of the masters.

Finally, with the permission of Jiang Shaohuang, Wu Ming, the law enforcement hall, also slipped away with the law enforcement disciples.

Registration will continue.

Originally, Huang Xiaolong was still lined with more than 20 sacred places, but in front of more than 20 sacred places, all smiles and humility, let Huang Xiaolong sign up first.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he was not polite with them, and he came to the forefront registration office.

The person in charge of the registration is Fang Xing, the deacon of the mission hall. Although Jiang Shaohuang is the deputy lord of the law enforcement hall, he still can't manage the mission hall. However, the identity of Jiang Shaohuang is there, and Fang Xing is afraid to make a statement. Extremely enthusiastic, I gave Huang Xiaolong a tea sip.

Fang Fangxing asked enthusiastically about which domain Huang Xiaolong came from, which family of the holy land.

"Free domain, Hongzhen Holy Land, purple spider family Huang Xiaolong." Huang Xiaolong began.

Fang Fangxing and all the people around him stayed for a while, then he was shocked.

"Purple, purple spider family?!" Fang Fangxing did not respond.

"Iris spider Huang Xiaolong! I know, Zidongping adults received a son in the first two years, right, it is called Huang Xiaolong! He is the son of Zidongping adults, or the purple spider family and less patriarchs!" Suddenly, there are alien masters Shouted.

Zidongping received a human race called Huang Xiaolong as a son, and at the ceremony also killed the Jin Fei domain master Jin Fei and the Jin Chan people many sacred masters, alarming the various fields, the scene is known to Huang Xiaolong is not strange.

"It turns out that he is the patriarch of the purple spider family! Zidongping adult son! No wonder you can be brother and brother with Jiang Shaohuang!"

Everyone is boiling.

Chen Muguang and Chen Luozong are also amazed by other masters. The purple spider family and the minority leader Huang Xiaolong? !

"I did not expect that he is the purple spider family Huang Xiaolong!" Chen Luozong that old man complex complex.

A human race was adopted by Zidong, the chief of the purple spider family, and became the patriarch of the purple spider family. This is a great shock among the great influences of the foreign races. They all know.

At that time, their lord Chen Luo also said that he would find an opportunity to contact this Huang Xiaolong and establish a friendly relationship with him at any cost.

Before, if they really helped Huang Xiaolong, then now I am afraid? !

Chen Luozong several masters looked at Chen Muguang, apparently thought of a piece.

Chen Muguang feels a few people's eyes, his face is hot, and at the same time, his heart is inexplicably inexplicable.

"It turned out to be the purple spider family Huang Xiaolong and less patriarchs!" After Fang Fangxing was shocked, the reaction came over, his face was more enthusiastic, and even more respectful.

Then, Fang Fangxing recorded the registration for Huang Xiaolong. Originally, the registration was to pay the fees, and it was a lot of money. However, in the identity of the young patriarch of the Huang Xiaolong Zijiao family, this fee was directly waived. This is the right of the alien royal family.

Later, Fang Fangxing let Huang Xiaolong come to the front of the test.

"I don't know what talent is this purple spider family patriarch?? Should it pass?"

"Sure! Can be seen by the adults of Zidongping, the talent must be very good, I heard that the Jinzhao Jin Yu was blown by his fist, the golden plaque has the top 30 sects!"

"A fist hits the golden meditation of the Golden Zen? I think it is a rumor, not necessarily true, it should be the news of the purple spider family deliberately spreading!"

Everyone talks.

Chen Muguang also stared at Huang Xiaolong.

In the eyes of everyone, Huang Xiaolong pressed his palms up, and the Holy Spirit permeated. Suddenly, the road was shining and shining. Soon, the road tablet showed a line of words: "The beginning of the Holy Land!"

This is the realm of Huang Xiaolong, such as fake replacement.

Everyone was even more nervous and looked nervously below.

Soon, the second line of words appeared below: "The beginning of the dragon is a holy grate!"

"What?! Ranked thirteenth in the beginning of the dragon!" everyone was shocked.

The beginning of the dragon into the holy grid, meaning the beginning of the dragon, ranked thirteen!

Chen Muguang’s heart trembled and his face was pale and ugly. He was hailed as the first genius of the alien race. He had a rebellious sacred sect. Huang Xiaolong had the sacred sacredness of the dragon. Isn’t the talent stronger than him? ! Stronger!

Just when everyone was shocked and screamed, suddenly, after the beginning of the dragon, the subtitles appeared again: "The darkness is a holy grate!"

The original sizzling scene was still, and everyone was shocked to see the monument.

"Double, double generation of the holy grid!" Chen Muguang eats.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong’s second sacred sect is the twelfth black silenced sage!

Even Fang Xingxing, who is even testing, is shocked. This kind of talent is simply not inferior to Feitian Longpeng of Feitian.

Only Jiang Xiaohuang, who was on the side, was not surprised.

When Fang Fangxing and Chen Muguang were shocked, suddenly, the subtitles appeared again: "Mixed into the holy grate!"

Everyone was dull, and then stunned, full of face full of shock.

"Three, three great sects!" This time, Fang Fangxing screamed.

At the same time, there are three great sects! And it is eleven, twelve, thirteen! Three series! This is definitely the first time in a foreign history! No, it is the first one!

The scene suddenly exploded.

"Is this a foreign race to turn over?" Some powerful people muttered to themselves, full of tears and flowers.


In the luxurious mansion of the Flying King of different kings, Feitian Longpeng is slowly wiping the blade with a shape like a bow. This is his weapon, a saint, this is his hobby. When he is bored, he loves to take it out and wipe it. .

Just when Fei Tian Longpeng rubbed it with gusto, he saw an elder of the Flying Tianzu rushing out: "Little patriarch, big news!"

Fei Tian Longpeng looked at the elder, and slowly said: "What news, fuss." Still rubbing.

"It is the little patriarch of the purple spider family!" The flying elders hurriedly said: "He also came to the foreign government to register this time!"

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