Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2624: gloat

Just when the silver Zhang Guo doubts, suddenly, he saw a horrible light shining from the entrance of the gate. This light contained the power to destroy the earth and destroy the earth.

The source of thousands of lines rolled up and down, knocking down many peaks.

The Wanyuan disciples who attacked behind the source thousands of lines were also smashed and screamed.

Everyone looked at the thousands of lines that tumbling out, stunned and scared. I wanted to take advantage of the demon fascinating people who fished in the water. The Jinzen and other masters saw it. They were all trembled and they were all scared. change.

Even the thousands of lines have been shaken like a monkey, and I don’t know how many miles have passed. How terrible is the power of the earthquake at the entrance of this door? !

Silver Zhang Guo, Feng Jiu, Fei Tian Longpeng and others were equally shocked. The source Wang Feng was even scared.

Yuan Qianxing struggled from the bottom of the gravel mountain. He couldn't believe the entrance to the gate. His face was pale and bloodless. How could this be? ! Even if the entrance to the gate has a ban on the arrangement of the owner, it is impossible to damage him.

What is this? !

"Do you think that the entrance to the gate, only the prohibition of the arrangement of the government?" Long Shengtian's cold voice sounded.

This is naturally said to the source of thousands of lines.

The source of the thousand lines heard the words, the heart is heavy, is it the door entrance, not only the prohibition of the arrangement of the government? !

"The entrance to this gate, a total of four ancestral strongmen arranged a ban!" Long Shengtian sneered.


The strong people of different ethnic groups are not shocked.

"And, whoever dares to attack the entrance to the gate, will be countered by the power of the gate." Long Shengtian said again: "To tell you the truth, even if it is the ancestor high-order, you can't force the entrance, the stronger the attack power, the gate The power of counter-attack will be stronger!"

The source of the thousand lines is ugly.

It turned out to be like this!

He thought that he just thought.

"Confidence is a good thing, but being too confident is blind and ignorant." Long Shengtian sneered again: "So, even if your three ancestors come over and join hands with you, you can't break this doorway, source. Thousands of lines, you better still have peace of mind, if you dare to attack the entrance of the gate, I will open a big house, suppress you, wait for the owner to come back and deal with you!"

The source of the thousand lines is cold, but in the end there is no opening.

Seeing that even the source of the thousands of lines are smashed, the masters of the Wanyuan people are all settled down, and the enchantress, Zen and me, are silent and silent.

Now, they can only pray that Huang Xiaolong will finally be stuck on the tens of thousands of Taoist sources and cannot understand. As long as Huang Xiaolong's last source cannot be enlightened, even if he has enlightened nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Another year has passed.

This year, the Wanzuyuan, the demon Meizu, the Jinzen tribe disciples are safe and self-sufficient, just one year later, the source of thousands of lines, the enchantress, the Zen without me and other people face more ugly.

Seven thousand two hundred and sixty-nine!

In just two years, Huang Xiaolong has learned more than 7,200 sources.

According to this speed, it will not be used for five years or even four years. Perhaps three years, Huang Xiaolong will be able to fully understand the 10,000 road source.

Yuan Qianxing looked at the boulevard that was constantly blooming in the sky, his face was very gloomy, his fists were clenched and he was full of heart.

"Yuan Qianxing, or, if Huang Xiaolong came out, we will kill him?" Yuan Wangfeng also said: "He fully understood Daoyuan, rejoicing, certainly not prepared, and no It is expected that we will shoot, as long as we first annihilate his body, he is empty and there is no threat to the Holy Spirit."

The source of thousands of lines in the heart of a move.

This approach is feasible.

Another year has passed.

"The ninth nine hundred ninety-nine!"

When the void of the foreign government was once again smashed by the boulevard, the foreign disciples were excited and shouted.

9,999, ninety-nine!

The last one!

As long as Huang Xiaolong is enlightened again, it is 10,000! The source of 10,000 yuan is Daoyuan, and will be fully enlightened by Huang Xiaolong! This will be unprecedented, but I am afraid that there will be no ones!

Most of the foreign disciples clenched their fists with excitement.

Soon, they will be able to witness the moment of the historical miracle of the aliens.

Yuan Qianxing also clenched his fists. He held his fists tightly, and even his hands and bones were white. He stared at the entrance.

Long Shengtian, Yin Zhangguo is also nervous.

But one day passed, the void still did not respond.

Two days passed and there was still no response.

Three days, four days, five days.

Everyone looks at each other.

"I will not really be mentioned by the disciples of the Wanyuan people. Huang Xiaolong will be stuck on the 10,000th road source!" Fei Tian Longpeng brows a lock.

Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment of the ninth and nine hundred and ninety-nine roads was only used for half a day. In the last one, he did not respond for five days.

"It shouldn't be." Feng Tianqi shook his head, but when he said this, his heart was not very sure: "It is normal to use the last time for the last time."

But soon, a whole month passed.

The void is still quiet, still clear, and there are unknown birds flying, but there is no boulevard.

As the month passed, the door began to stir up.

The people who were still confident in Huang Xiaolong also waved their confidence.

In a few days, I couldn’t understand the last source of the road. It’s a bit strange to be unable to enlighten for ten days. It’s absolutely not normal to be unable to understand for a month.

Generally speaking, if you can't enlighten a source for more than a month, it will be difficult to gain enlightenment. The longer the time, the less chance of enlightenment. After one month, the chance of enlightenment is less than 20%.

Another month passed, still no movement.

This time, even Longshengtian couldn’t stand any more, and the eyebrows became a little anxious.

It has been two months, it can be said that the probability of Huang Xiaolong being able to enlighten has been less than 10%, and even half of Chengdu has not.

not much hope!

Zen has no me, enchantress, source Wang Feng and others are also smiling.

"His Royal Highness, that Huang Xiaolong seems to be unable to enlighten the last source of the Tao." Zi Yutong laughed at the glory of Zen without me, charming and charming, and saw that there was no movement for me.

Zen did not laugh at me: "When we go back, let's practice it."

What is cultivated is naturally the method of cultivation and double repair.

Ziyutong is more charming and infinite: "Well, please ask your Highness to give pointers to others."

Zen no one laughs.

At this moment, suddenly, the entire foreign space slammed and shook, just like the super big earthquake.

"What happened?!" Zen didn't laugh, but then he saw that a boulevard like a dragon on the avenue, straight up, straight into the empty space, is so dazzling, more dazzling than all the boulevards before. The whole foreign house is bright and clear, and everyone feels an invincible power!

Zen has no eyes and looks at the void, the light of the tens of thousands of sources? !

(Mi-Yi reading stopped issuing the author's manuscript fee, and many readers succumbed to the disaster, saying that if God sees you if you have the ability to write, indeed, Mi-Yi reading stops issuing the manuscript fee. From yesterday to now, God still hasn't slowed down, still very angry. It’s very boring. After all, Mi Mi read over there. God saw that there were more than 20,000 manuscripts per month. From next month, there will be less than 20,000 manuscripts per month. Anyone will be angry and anyone will be bored. Fire, but God will adjust the mentality, insist on writing down, write invincible, will not let the invincible end, hope to support God's friends, come to the starting point later, or come to QQ Book City, Baidu to see)

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