Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2633: Come a little harder


A loud noise, I saw Huang Xiaolong boxing and Zen smashed together with the giant palm of the ritual.

"Stop!" The Flying Heavens looked at Zen and the giant palms paused there. There were exciting excitement and surprises, and there was a kind of joy in the darkness.

Then, in the excitement of the flying people, Huang Xiaolong punched the giant palm without any block.


The meditation of the giant palm is like a pizza that is dusty and condensed, and spreads to the heavens and the earth, scattered around the world.

A punch!

The flying people are shocked.

This is the cohesive force of the avenue of the first-time master of the ancestors. Now, it is smashed by a holy place!

This was simply unimaginable in the past, and they could not forget this scene in their lives.

"Let's go!" After Huang Xiaolong slammed the meditation on the giant palm of the ritual, there was no stagnation, and the backhand took a while to take the photo of Fei Tian Longpeng and others, and took the flying celestial people to leave.

"Want to go?"

"Give me death!"

The voice of Zen was once again coming. The voice was full of anger, surprise, accident, and more intense killing. Apparently, he did not expect Huang Xiaolong to be able to blast himself. This is the case, he is more determined to kill. Huang Xiaolong’s determination, this time, must not let Huang Xiaolong escape from the Golden Zen domain.

Once Huang Xiaolong escapes, it is the real tiger to return to the mountains, and is the king of the tiger king.

Huang Xiaolong is not even in the middle of the holy world. He has such a terrorist power. If he breaks through the high level of the Holy Land in the future, then what is it?


I saw the meditation of the giant palm again.

This time, it is a pair of palms, with both palms in hand, two huge golden palm prints covering the sky, each one is as big as a super continent, on top of two huge golden palms, entwined with gold that destroys the earth. The light of Buddha, this is the natural strength of the Jinzen, and it is Zen itself.

Zen is the master of the ancestor, and its own talent is not comparable to the previous Zen and others.

Two giant palms have not arrived yet, and there are still tens of billions of miles. Feitian Longpeng and others will have the feeling of earth and earth collapse. I feel that everything will be crushed into **** powder under this giant palm, and everything will be turned into gray. gray.

The first ancestor, known as the strongest of the sacred world, can easily erase all the things of a holy place and let it disappear completely from heaven and earth.

Looking at the palms of the ritual again, Huang Xiaolong turned and his eyes were cold. If he didn't give Zen a little bit of energy, he was afraid that the other person really thought he was afraid of him.

Huang Xiaolong stood and waved with one hand and sent the flying people to a place far enough. Then, there were thousands of arms behind him.

Thousand hands of the devil.

Thousands of arms burst at the same time.

At this moment, everyone in the holy land around the Golden Zen field felt the strong vibration of the space, just like the surrounding holy land was picked up by something.

Numerous purple flames were shot from the hands of the thousand hands, and the purple flames formed heavy waves, one heavy and one heavy, one wave higher than one wave.

This purple flame, drowning in the heavens and the earth, burned everything.

This is the avenue of the purple spider family. At the beginning, Zidongping and Huang Xiaolong’s strongest stunts were the trick. Although Huang Xiaolong is not a purple spider, there is no talent for the Zijiao, but Huang Xiaolong has three sacred sects. His sacred gem contains the five elements of the heavens and the earth and various forces, and with his thousands of hands and holy devils, the power is not as strong as that of Zidongping.

Bang! Bang!

The horrific horror of the horror continues to blow up.

All the strong people around the Holy Land heard the sound of the sky, and they were dizzy and stunned. Some of them fainted in a straight concussion.

I saw the purple flames slammed into the two golden giant palms, like the super-continental golden giant palms were slammed back and forth, and the glory continued to fade, eventually dissipated, and was blasted by purple flames.

After the purple flames blasted the two golden giant palms, they continued to move forward and swiftly swept forward, and they did not know how many billion miles. In the end, they did not know, but even the flying dragons and other people did not know, but looked at the purple After the glory of the flames smashed the horror of Zen, it still swept forward, and Fei Tian Longpeng and other people were shocked and stunned.

And the many holy places in the surrounding holy places saw this moment, the vast purple sky in the golden Zen field, the rolling purple and flaming river is like a huge purple light river in the sky, constantly moving forward, I don’t know. How many holy places have skyrocketed and rushed to the end of the sky.

Huang Xiaolong took back a thousand hands and sacred, looked at the end of the sky coldly, then turned and took the flying people to continue to break away.

For a long time, I haven’t seen Zen in the ceremony.

At the end of the sky, somewhere in the sky, Zen was shocked by the eyes of the ritual, and the palms waved again and again, constantly blocking the purple flames that swept through the river. When the purple flames finally disappeared, they were shaken out. Ten thousand miles.

Zen was in a panic, and the whole body was messy, so he was so embarrassed that he couldn’t hide his eyes. What happened to him? !

After a while, the current patriarch of the Jinzen tribe, Chan Yongxu, and the numerous masters of the Jinzhai family arrived. He saw that Zen was standing there in a daze, and could not help but be amazed.

"Old ancestor, are you this?" Zen Yongxu could not help but ask.

"Nothing." Zen was greeted by the ceremonies of Zen Yongxu and others, and the expression recovered.

"That Huang Xiaolong, Feitian Longpeng, are we now?" Chan Yongxu opened, meaning to catch up.

"No need." Zen swayed his head and hesitated. He said: "Huang Xiaolong has a master of the ancestors, and it is useless to chase the past."

He can't always say that his first ancestor had just been stunned by Huang Xiaolong's holy place. If he spreads out, he is afraid of laughing at the foreign world and being treated as a joke by the whole foreign country. Therefore, the explanation for Zen Yongxu and others is Huang Xiaolong. There are masters of the ancestor.

Sure enough, Zen Yongxu and others were shocked.

"Huang Xiaolong has a master of the ancestor? Is it the ancestor of the ancestor? But according to the source, the ancestors of the ancestors were not as bad as Zidongping! And the body has been shattered by the source." After the shock, Chan Yongxu wondered.

"Which do I know!" Zen was suddenly angry.

Zen Yongxu and others were shocked and unclear.

One day later, under the leadership of Huang Xiaolong, the Flying Heavens passed through the Jinzen domain with trepidation and came to another domain. The Flying Heavens were still fearful, fearing that the Zen behind would be chased again, but until they came out. Jin Zen domain did not see Zen, but did not see other masters of the Golden Zen.

Although Fei Tian Longpeng and others are puzzled in their hearts, they dare not ask Huang Xiaolong.

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, thank you for your help, save the grace, we fly the Tianzuo unforgettable." Feitian Longpeng grateful to Huang Xiaolong.

The flying celestial masters also thanked.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Feitian Longpeng and smiled: "Don't rush to thank me, there is something, I want to ask you for help."

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