Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2637: First seen flying swallows

Looking at the mighty flying masters, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on the foremost flying patriarch, Feiyan.

When I saw the flying swallows, Huang Xiaolong’s heart moved a little. Huang Xiaolong went down all the way, through the lower bounds, the gods, the holy world, I don’t know how many beautiful women I saw, but I still have to admit that this flying swallow is very beautiful, in Huang Xiaolong. Among all the women I have seen, if you are beautiful, the flying swallows are second enough.

The swallow's five senses are extremely delicate, like the most beautiful masterpieces of the heavens and the earth, and the temperament of the body is incomparable to any woman Huang Xiaolong has ever seen, perhaps because of his ancestor's ancestor, his body has such a transcendent temperament.

While Huang Xiaolong was amazed at the flying swallows, the Flying Swallows also watched Huang Xiaolong in the distance. In the past, a holy place triple could not enter her eyes, but now I look at Huang Xiaolong, something that has been quiet for a long time in her body. Awakened, I am in awe.

Huang Xiaolong seems to have a breath, a special breath?

"Flying swallow patriarch." came to the near, Huang Xiaolong first greeted.

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong." The Flying Swallow smiled and smiled.

The smile of the swallows makes the surrounding area brighter, and even the flying celestial beings are amazing.

Subsequently, Feiyanzi mentioned Huang Xiaolong’s rescue of Feitian Longpeng and expressed his gratitude to Huang Xiaolong. The two were very polite.

Thus, under the welcoming of the flying swallows and the flying celestial veterans, Huang Xiaolong, Fei Tian Longpeng and others entered the Flying City.

When I came to the Flying House, the Flying Swallows made people banquets.

Above the banquet, the flying swallows and the Huang Xiaolong smashed the cup.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Yanzi mentioned the flying treasure and the flying blood monument.

Since the opening of the Flying Treasure requires the two sides to join hands and need some preparation, the two agreed to open the Flying Treasure after ten days.

As mentioned before, after opening the Feitian Treasure, the treasure of the avenue in the treasure belongs to Huang Xiaolong, and the other return to the Tianzu. As for the flying blood monument, the flying swallow hesitated and said to Huang Xiaolong: "His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, after opening the treasure, the flying sky Blood Monument, can we return our Flying Family?"

Again: "Of course, the flying blood monument is your income, and it is the quasi-road device. I ask for some unreasonableness, but the flying blood monument is the refining thing of my father. It is of great significance to my flying family. I also ask His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong. Xu, my Flying Celestials will exchange things with you, as long as you need anything, I have a flying family, I must give it."

Seeing the swallows look at themselves nervously, looking at them with eagerness, Huang Xiaolong smiled: "The Feiyanzi patriarch is polite, and the flying blood monument is the thing of your flying family. I will take it for granted. As for exchange, no need."

A quasi-track device, Huang Xiaolong has not been on the mind.

For him, the biggest and most important role of Feitian Blood Monument is to open the flying treasure. Since then, the flying treasures have been opened. The flying blood monument has no effect on him, and there is nothing to return to the flying family.

When the swallows heard it, it was a pretty surprise, and got up from the seat: "You, really?!"

Surprise, she forgot to call Huang Xiaolong.

However, the flying swallows under the surprise are even more beautiful, and even Huang Xiaolong can stay and stay.

Huang Xiaolong nodded with a smile.

"Thank you!" Feiyanzi also felt that he was out of order, sat back in his seat and smiled at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong shook his hand: "The flying swallows are polite."

In the middle of the night, the banquet dissipated.

Huang Xiaolong was arranged to live in the palace of the most central area of ​​the Flying House. Not far away is the palace of flying swallows.

At this time, the veteran flying in the days of the palace, the flying Tianzu veterans once again sat in a hall.

"I thought that at the banquet, Huang Xiaolong stared at the look of our patriarch, and I hate to slap him to death!" Fei Tiancheng said coldly.

As a flying patriarch, Feiyanzi is not only the first beauty of the flying family, but also the first beauty in the exotic world. It is not only the object of admiration in the hearts of the disciples of the flying family, but also the object of the countless patriarchs and disciples.

This flying journey has an admiration for the Flying Swallow, and it is extremely heavy. In his heart, the Flying Swallow is a sacred, unspeakable existence.

He was not pleasing to Huang Xiaolong, and he saw Huang Xiaolong’s banquet on the banquet, and he was even more upset about Huang Xiaolong.

"After ten days, it is the day when the patriarch and he agreed to open the treasure of the sky. Therefore, we must do it before we can do it, and we must not let the patriarch know." Feitian Jin Shen said.

The veteran nodded.

As for how to lead the Flying Swallows, how to introduce Huang Xiaolong into the Flying Array, they have already conspired in detail before.

The night is long and there are things in mind.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the moonlight, and in his mind, there was always a shadow that was released.

Come to the outside world, all the way to practice, there are several women accompanying Huang Xiaolong, but the most important thing in Huang Xiaolong’s heart is undoubtedly Shi Xiaoying.

Today, I saw the flying swallows and let Huang Xiaolong think of Shi Xiaoyu.

A night passed.

The next day, Feitiancheng was bustling.

Feitiancheng is a holy city of Feitian, and it is also one of the largest cities in the world. There are the largest trading markets in the world and the largest auctions in the world. Therefore, many other foreigners and even the royal family have many disciples.

Huang Xiaolong did not tell Feitian Longpeng and others that one person went out of the palace and then came to the trading market.

Before the black body was injured by the source of thousands of lines, although these years have recovered a lot, but the recent recovery has slowed down, so Huang Xiaolong intends to go to the trading market to buy some of the dead spirit holy stone, the dead spirit holy stone to restore the black Luo's injury Great effect.

The Flying House was close to the trading market, and soon, Huang Xiaolong came to the trading market.

When I came to a foreign country, Huang Xiaolong only went to the Yangcheng trading market of Hongzhen Holy Land. The trading market of Yangcheng and the trading market of Feitiancheng are nothing compared. The trading market of the entire Feitiancheng is extremely vast, just like a small one. In the world, there are a lot of spaceships and horses flying around.

Generally speaking, the spacecraft and the beasts above are controlled by the disciples of the alien and royal families.

Huang Xiaolong and many ordinary foreign disciples walked on the streets below.

However, it was not long before Huang Xiaolong entered the trading market. He saw a group of interracial disciples coming in front of him. This group of interracial disciples was a flying genius, followed by many beautiful human servants.

"Fei Tian Zhan young master, soft children served well last night?" One of the group of flying disciples disciples laughed.

Known as Feitian Zhan, looking at the human servant behind him, suddenly he will squat in front of him and put his hand directly into his chest placket, screaming hard, smirking: "Not bad, that is It’s a little bit here.”

The disciples of the Flying Heavens laughed.

The Terran maid was full of humiliation, anger and anger, tears in his eyes, but did not dare to speak.

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