Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2643: Super giant bird

Source Wang Feng did not dare to neglect, and quickly contacted the spy in Feitiancheng to inquire about the news. However, due to the complete blockade of the news by the swallows, how could the source Wang Feng’s spies find out?

Source Wang Feng, these spies, at the same time, they also heard that the Feitian veterans started the flying array, only knowing who the Feitian veterans are going to deal with. As for who to deal with, it is not clear!

This is not a **** nonsense!

They don’t know how to fly, and fly to open the sky! They also know that Fei Tianjin and others are dealing with Huang Xiaolong!

What they want is the result! Specific results! Also, after Huang Xiaolong was trapped in the sky, what happened? ! In the end what happened!

"Fuck, waste! It's all waste!" Source Wang Feng roared.

"Forget it, even if this time can not destroy the body of Huang Xiaolong, there is nothing." Yuan Qianxing said coldly: "In any case, the Shaofu master will soon run for the ring. He will die sooner or later, let him live more than 20 years." ""

In fact, Fei Tianjin and Fei Tiancheng did not tell Yuan Qianxing and Yuan Wangfeng about the flying blood monument. Therefore, the source and the two people did not know that Huang Xiaolong’s flight to the flying family was actually to open the flying treasure. The treasure of the avenue in the sky treasures to enhance the strength, otherwise, I am afraid that the source of the thousand lines will not be so calm now.

A few days, it passed quickly.

Although Fei Tianjin and others opened the sky, causing panic in the Flying City and even the Flying Land, but under the suppression of the Flying Swallow, this matter quickly subsided.

Because Feiyanzi and Feitian Longpeng came forward to plead, Huang Xiaolong did not want to deteriorate the relationship with the Flying Heaven, so he promised to let the swallows check the matter.

A few days later, Feiyanzi found out the matter, and then severely disposed the culprits of Feitianjin, Feitiancheng, and the other elders who were challenged by the two were also disposed of according to the rules of the family, giving Huang Xiaolong a confession.

This matter has passed.

However, after this incident, Huang Xiaolong and Feitian not only did not have a diaphragm, but they had a lot of familiarity with the flying swallows. After the Flying Swallows found out the matter, they ran to Huang Xiaolong for three days and two heads to the Huang Xiaolong Palace. Apologize to Huang Xiaolong.

Soon, it was the date of the opening of the treasure that was agreed upon. On the same day, Feiyanzi and Feitian Longpeng and a group of veterans came over and invited Huang Xiaolong to go to Feitian Treasure.

Of course, the opening of the treasure, the flying swallows are extremely tightly sealed, so it is only Huang Xiaolong, Feiyanzi, Feitian Longpeng and the veterans.

Feitian Treasure, located in the deepest part of the forbidden land, but what Huang Xiaolong did not expect was.

"This is the flying treasure?" Huang Xiaolong looked at his eyes, some dumbfounded.

I saw a huge flying bird in front of them! A bird statue, I do not know what material was used to cast, the whole body exudes a dark light.

"Yes, this is our flying treasure, the entrance to the gate is there!" Flying swallows pointed to the mouth of the bird.

The entrance to the treasure is set in the mouth of the big bird!

Huang Xiaolong is sweaty.

Also lost to the flying ancestors ancestors flying unparalleled to come.

However, I have to say that this bird is super huge, Huang Xiaolong looks up, there is a sense of hiding the sky.

Such a big bird, the world is rare!

When Huang Xiaolong stared at the giant bird in front of him, Feitian Longpeng came to Huang Xiaolong and smiled. "How about Huang Xiaolong, this bird is big enough. This is the body of our flying ancestors. It was our ancestors. Casted from his body."

Feitian ancestors fly unparalleled body? Huang Xiaolong is awkward, but I really didn't expect it.

"It is big enough." Huang Xiaolong looked serious.

The flying swallows on the side listened to Huang Xiaolong's words, and the face was red, and he secretly licked Huang Xiaolong. This little guy also had a bad side.

Fei Tian Longpeng also introduced to Huang Xiaolong the intriguing power of the super giant bird body of their flying ancestors.

The swallows couldn’t hear it. After the interruption, they took Huang Xiaolong and others to the giant bird’s mouth.

The giant bird has a giant door and a giant door. The giant door is simple and simple, and there is no complicated pattern. However, how to get through the eyes of Huang Xiaolong, the horrible prohibition above, Huang Xiaolong can see at a glance.

In the past, Fei Musou was one of the three strongest strongmen in the foreign world. The prohibition of arrangement was naturally not comparable to that of many ancestors.

Huang Xiaolong did not dare to take care of it. He took out the flying blood monument and then spurred the blood lines on the flying blood monument. Suddenly, the blood color swelled and the **** light shone like a wave to the giant gate.

"Hands!" Flying swallows shouted.

Suddenly, Fei Tian Longpeng and the flying Tianzu veterans mobilized the power of the body's natal life, and the eyebrows of the royal family run the glare.

To open the flying treasure, you need to fly the blood, and you need more than 30 high-level virgin talents of the Flying Heaven.

Both are indispensable.

The unparalleled flying in the past was to consider that the Flying Blood Monument might fall into the hands of its people, so it was set up.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong is not afraid of the Flying Celestials not cooperating. If he does not cooperate, then he will directly surrender to the flying Tianzu veterans, directly control, and then directly open, the same.

Under the constant urging of the blood and the natural talents of Huang Xiaolong and Feiyanzi, the giant birds are getting brighter and brighter, more and more light, and the whole bird is like alive, exuding the amazing ancestor's prestige. The avenues of the avenues are entwined and smashed, and the entire forbidden area is like a day.

However, the Flying Swallows had already opened up a large array of flying clouds, covering all of this, so these visions did not alarm the other strong players in the Flying City.

After so many hours, finally, on the door, the lines slowly gathered to form a "flying" character, and then, when they did not enter, the door slowly opened.

When the door is opened, there is no amazing spirit of the Holy Spirit, and there is no overflow of the power of the avenue. Usually, Huang Xiaolong, Fei Yanzi and others enter the gate, and the moment inside is shocked, whether it is Huang Xiaolong or Flying Swallow, or flying. Long Peng and others are shocked by both eyes.

I saw the whole giant bird body, everywhere is the holy medicine, everywhere is the holy Dan, everywhere is the world's rarest baby, a strain, a piece, so suspended in the sky above the giant bird.

"The treasure of the avenue!"

The Feitian elders exclaimed.

In the deepest part, it is a treasure of the road.

There are avenues of the dan, there are ancestral tracts, there are avenue medicines, there are avenue stones.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are hot, and even he did not expect that there are so many treasures of the avenue in the treasures of the sky. The flying unparalleled is really a man, enough men, even to leave so many treasures of the avenue to the flying family.

This is the treasure of the avenue, a dan of the avenue, can make many ancestor masters vomit blood.

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