Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2645: Creation of Huanglong?

So, the flying swallows, Feitian Longpeng and Feitian people retreated to the side, waiting for the end of the baptism of Huang Xiaolong.

I saw the golden dragon behind Huang Xiaolong getting bigger and bigger. At first, this golden dragon had only a thousand feet of shadow, but it quickly rose to two thousand feet, three thousand feet, and finally, it was tens of thousands, two thousand feet!

Flying swallows, Fei Tian Longpeng and others were dumbfounded.

Moreover, Longwei, which is distributed from the golden dragon's virtual shadow, is getting stronger and stronger.

"This!" Fei Tian Longpeng's throat is dry and itchy: "The blood of the blood of His Royal Highness is the golden dragon's blood?"

The golden dragon is the royal family of the dragon, extremely noble, and is known as the king of Wanlong.

Flying Swallows are gazing at the golden dragon's illusion, and the pretty face is more dignified than before: "It should not be a golden dragon!"

Everyone is a glimpse, not a golden dragon? But in front of us, this is obviously a golden dragon.

"This is the creation of Huanglong!" said the Flying Swallow, unable to suppress the tremor: "It should be the blood of the creation of Huanglong."

"Yellow, Huanglong blood?!" Feitian Longpeng eats and eats: "Don't Huang Xiaolong really be the son of creation?!"

Everyone in the flying family was shocked and changed, feared, fanatic, and looked incredulously at the golden dragon.

The swallows hesitated: "I am not very sure, because the creation of the Huanglong and the gold dragon is very similar, it is difficult to identify, but you said that Huang Xiaolong caused the Scorpio, I am afraid it is not a coincidence."


Suspected the blood of the creation of Huanglong!

All this, if it’s just a coincidence, it’s a coincidence.

According to the ancient books of the Feitian people, the body of the **** of creation is a yellow dragon. Of course, it is not an ordinary Huanglong, but a Huanglong that proves to be the best avenue. Its blood is the noblest blood of the dragon, and it is also the most expensive in the world. The blood, no one.

This world is created by the **** of creation, and its blood is called the blood of the creation of Huanglong.

At this time, the golden dragon behind Huang Xiaolong has risen to 100,000 feet, and it is like a golden giant city. The flying people are shocked.

And its Longwei, the cover of Feitiancheng, even if it is a ban on the flying altar, even if it is a big flight, it can not suppress this vast dragon.

I saw that the golden dragon spread out of the golden light, and constantly rose to the void, like a huge wave, one heavy and one heavy, one wave after another.

"This is the power of the blood?! No?"

Fei Tian Longpeng and others were stunned.

Generally speaking, when they sacrifice their blood, the blood is like a tiny smog, which is like the horror of Huang Xiaolong, like a huge wave like a sea.

"This, how much blood does this have?" A flying Tian veteran trembled: "This, I am afraid that the blood of all the flying people of the whole family will be added together, there is not so much!"

His words are not exaggerated. Every time the heavenly sacrifices, all the core disciples of the Flying Celestials sacrifice together, and the power of the blood is added together. It is far from being so spectacular and so amazing.

The more expensive a person's blood is, the more pure the blood is, the more amazing the blood is, which has nothing to do with the cultivation of the individual. Now, the blood of Huang Xiaolong is so amazing that it can only explain the horror of Huang Xiaolong's blood.

You must know that the Feitian people are the alien kings. The blood of the flying family is strong enough in the top five. However, even if it is a flying swallow, the flying dragon and the dragon are more than 100 people together, and the power of the blood is far less than the amazing of Huang Xiaolong. Think of the blood of Huang Xiaolong!

In the eyes of Feiyanzi, Feitian Longpeng and others, in the void, a little golden light is poured down, such as torrential rain, these golden spots, crystal clear, like the best sand in the world.

"The power of God!"

Feitian Longpeng people exclaimed.

The flying swallows are also incredible. When the flying genius used to sacrifice the blood of the past, the force of the gods who received the rewards was as thin as the raindrops. It would be nice to have hundreds of drops at a time, which would be like Huang Xiaolong. Like a downpour, it falls like a flood.

I saw that these forces, like the golden point, continued to fall down and rolled into the body of Huang Xiaolong. The body of Huang Xiaolong sounded a variety of noises.

This kind of abnormal sound, there is the sound of the avenue, there is the sound of the world, there is the sound of creation, there is the sound of heaven, there is the sound of life reproduction, all the sounds of heaven and earth are constantly symphonic at this moment.

In the body of Huang Xiaolong, it seems that there is a world being formed, and a nascent world is waking up.

An hour later, the abnormal sound of Huang Xiaolong not only did not disappear, but became more and more intense.

The power of the heavens that fell in the void was like a giant river that screamed, and the space was so violently turbulent.

Because the dragon of the golden dragon behind Huang Xiaolong is more and more amazing, Fei Tian Longpeng and others have to leave the altar and retreat far.

The entire altar is left with Huang Xiaolong and Flying Swallows.

But in the end, the flying swallows couldn't stand the Longwei and quit the altar. This result made the flying people all stunned.

Long Wei alone forced the flying Swallows to be the first ancestor of the mid-term strong retreat. How strong is Huang Xiaolong's blood? !

Half a day later.

The power of God is still pouring down.

The golden dragon behind Huang Xiaolong turned into a twelve-claw.

Night falls.

The power of the night at night is even more shocking under the moonlight.

In the far distance, Feitian Longpeng can no longer describe the feelings of the heart. The flying disciples sacrificed their rituals. The power of the gods generally ended in half an hour after baptism. Now Huang Xiaolong has been good, and it has been a whole day.

Until the next day, the power of the heavens that had been pouring down finally stopped, and everything recovered, flying swallows, flying dragons and other people sighed.

The golden dragon's virtual shadow slowly retracted into the body of Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes.

Flying Swallows, Fei Tian Longpeng and others saw this, and this came to the altar and came to Huang Xiaolong. The flying swallow felt that Huang Xiaolong had changed all the people, whether it was the breath or the temperament of the whole person. Two people.

What is this breath? ! The swallow's beautiful eyes are suspicious, and the smell of Huang Xiaolong's body now makes her feel a sense of heart.

Only next, let the flying swallows, Fei Tian Longpeng and others stunned, because Huang Xiaolong's baptism time is too long, the power of the heavens and the earth that saved the altar is all consumed, and the swallows and others can no longer use the sacrifice.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong was a little embarrassed, and then gave the Feitian a piece of jade, as compensation.

From the altar, in the palace room, Huang Xiaolong carefully examined the changes in the body. After the baptism of the power of the heavens, whether it is the body of the Eucharist, or the Holy Spirit, or the three holy sects, even the invincible heart, are promoted. A lot.

The most important thing is that Huang Xiaolong has a group of things in his body!

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