Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2655: I can't lose to you.

The strong people of all ethnic groups around the Fujian and Taiwan saw that Huang Xiaolong stood there and was motionless.

"This Huang Xiaolong, is it scary?" Demon Ji eyes puzzled.

Source Wang Feng smiled and said: "Isn't it scared to know, but I will definitely become stupid."

"The chief of the temple said it." Chen Muguang said with a smile: "When the Xiaolong is waiting, it will be foolish by the source of the thousand-line, and I don't know who is surnamed."

Everyone smiled.

At this time, the source of Qian Xiaolong in front of Huang Xiaolong saw that Huang Xiaolong was still motionless. He was still so arrogant when he died, and he could not help but scream.

"Wanyuan is back!"

It is still the law of Wanyuan Nationality Avenue.

After the completion of Wanyuan's acquaintance, the source of the thousands of lines to display this Wanyuan avenue is to be hand-in-hand, and effortless, one stroke and one style are ten times or even ten times stronger than before!

The power of the source is rolling, roaring, swaying, and going forward, and instantly hit the chest of Huang Xiaolong.

Just when everyone thought that Huang Xiaolong was hit by a thousand lines, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s right hand, just a gentle wave of the palm, was like a small dust that rushed over and flew, and the world shook, I saw that Wanyuan, who had destroyed the heavens and destroyed the small three, was sent to the ancestors and was instantly swept away.

These tens of thousands of people belonged to the sect of the sect, and they rushed to other places, squatting on the ban on the ban, and blasting the source Wang Feng, enchantress, Chen Muguang and other people’s minds.

Source Wang Feng and others squatted back and looked at the scene in shock.

Long Shengtian stayed.

I have no thoughts.

Wanyuan, demon Meizu, Jinzen all masters stayed.

All the high-level officials in the same house are equally at ease.

The home of the alien government, Mo Zhi, also has a big eye.

At the scene, only the Flying Swallows kept their faces calm, but seeing Huang Xiaolong so easily flew the source of thousands of lines to return to the ancestors, the Flying Swallows were equally astonished.

On the ring, Huang Xiaolong looked at the source of the shocked source, and suddenly slammed it out. The source of the shock was the horror of Huang Xiaolong’s boxing power. Huo was shocked and panicked and hurried up.


The two men’s fists collided like two-seat giant mountains.

The world is moving.

Yuan Qianxing only felt the whole body violently shocked. A powerful collision force made him unable to resist going backwards. He wanted to stabilize his body shape, but he could not stabilize. He had been withdrawing after a dozen steps. At the beginning of the station, I stopped there, only to feel that the entire right arm was numb, and the blood was overwhelmed. Even the holy force in the body was also stagnant.

Everyone is shocked.

Yuan Qianxing couldn't believe the footsteps of the platform. The footsteps were left when he was shocked back. This is a shameful step backwards!

"What is the source of the sect, for me, can't be hit!" Huang Xiaolong looked at the source thousands of lines indifferently. The tone and the source are exactly the same. Just now, the source of thousands of lines will be blasted from the sky and say what is dark. Light, what a black fire is not vulnerable to him.

Now, Huang Xiaolong began to retaliate.

Can't be vulnerable? ! Yuan Qianxing looked at Huang Xiaolong’s indifferent eyes, and his disdainful eyes made him angry and violent.


The source of thousands of lines became blood red, the whole body golden light burst, the power of the source screamed out, a horrible force was born from its body, when the power of this horror was born, all the ancestors in the field sensed the holy In the void of the world, the power of infinite origin is poured out from the heart of the source.

At this moment, Yuan Qianxing finally awakened the power of the genius of the Wanyuan people in the body.

If the source is a docile rabbit before, then it is definitely a fierce tiger.

The atmosphere of the source thousand lines is more than a few times stronger than just now.

His hair, even because of its powerful momentum, was upside down. Under the pressure of its momentum, the airflow in the Wulingfeng space suddenly stagnated. Feitian Longpeng, Yin Zhanguo, Fengjiu, etc. Awkward.

"Huang Xiaolong, you will die very badly, very miserable!" Yuan Qianxing has a word, cold and cold, and the voice is sensational, making people chill.

When he was a six-sacred place, he could defeat many ordinary masters of the ancestor. At that time, he claimed to be the strongest under the ancestor of the alien ancestor, the first person under the ancestors!

After he broke through the seven sacred places, many of the first ancestors were not his opponents, but now he was slammed back and forth by a four-person sacred man in the face of the foreign masters!

shame! Absolute shame!

The source of the thousand lines suddenly screamed, and the double fists suddenly rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

"Wanyuan is vested, the origin of the source is gone!"

"Give me death!"


With the source of thousands of lines bursting out, everyone can feel the sound of the world, as if something was hammered, then everyone saw two huge punches, two by the power of the source completely The huge punches that have been condensed are coming out of the air. Everyone has an illusion. At this time, even if it is the super sun in the sky, it can be bombarded into countless gravels by the source of thousands of lines.

The power of the smashing of the punches makes everyone's face change.

Looking at the huge punches from the source of thousands of lines, Huang Xiaolong's body is motivated by the Holy Spirit, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows are shining, and the double fists are suddenly blasted.

The infinite purple flames rushed out with Huang Xiaolong.


The two men’s punches collided again.

The relegation of the masters of the ancestral ancestors did not know how many billions of years of collapse, there were strips of rift, the power of destruction swept around, and the source of thousands of lines, as just the same, the body shape was rushed back and forth, this time, directly retreated At the edge of the ring, the blood in the mouth is even more spurting out.


Source Wang Feng, Yao Ji, Chen Muguang and others are eclipsed.

Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian, Yin Zhangguo and a group of high-level foreign officials also felt a shock.

Wake up the source of the power of the genius, and was once again repulsed by Huang Xiaolong! And this time it is even worse, directly vomiting blood, the blood, like gold, shines on the ring.

The platform ducks are silent.

Flying Swallows also looked at Huang Xiaolong's figure with trepidation. She felt that after Huang Xiaolong broke through the fourfold sacred places, the combat power would be strong, but I never thought it would be so strong! Very strong!

Just now, the breakthrough of the ancestors of the world is not the enemy of the source of thousands of lines. Now, the source of thousands of lines in front of Huang Xiaolong seems to be even more unbearable? Doesn't Huang Xiaolong want it? !

The source of thousands of lines spit three gold blood, stopped, did not erase the blood of the mouth, and looked at Huang Xiaolong with amazement and anger: "You, impossible, I am the son of the source, I have the original source, the first holy grid How can you lose to you!" Speaking of this, the killing in the eyes is even more ambiguous.

"Huang Xiaolong, I can't lose to you!"

A holy grate flies out of the source.

The saints fly out, the heavens and the earth move, all the brilliance of the heavens and the earth, all the light, as if they are all gathered on this holy grid! It is the king of the sage, the original source!

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