Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2662: Yunxiao Firm

The Eight-Claw Devil's Eyes, the patriarch of the Eight-Claw Devil, also smiled with confidence: "Yes, when Fang Ding came to our Eight-Prong Devil Eyes, I almost couldn't walk. When he finally escaped, even one arm was broken by us. The wolf is so extreme that I don’t know how the arm is growing now!"

Fang Ding, a four-time late master of the ancestors of the exotic.

In the same year, Fang Ding was in a foreign country but was deterrent. Once, Fang Ding was self-sufficient and arrogant in the treasure house of the Eight-claw Magic Eye. He wanted to take away the eight-claw magic eye, but he couldn’t take it, but he was trapped by the Eight-claw Eyes. After a few days of sleep, Fang Ding escaped after paying a small price.

After Fang Ding escaped, there was no news since then.

Some said that Fang Ding was frightened and shunned, but no matter what he said, after the Eight-clawed Eyes passed through this, the power was loud.

The source of thousands of words heard, nodded and smiled: "The eight-claw magic eye group's big array is very powerful, the world knows, if Huang Xiaolong comes, then you have to bother to take your shot."

The eight-eyed demon eye ancestors screamed in the city: "There is nothing small, you don't say it, we will also shoot, when we will trap Huang Xiaolong, first destroy his sacred body, and then destroy his holy soul, Finally, suppress him and keep his heart!"

At this time, the eight-clawed demon eye, the minority patriarch, the magical waist, the letter between the shock, took a look, his face changed.

"What?" The brow brows.

"Father, the konjac has an accident!" Magic Jun handed the letter to the magic.

When the magic looked, the face changed.

Although the konjac is not the best son of his talent, and this son is not very happy with him, but how is his son, now he was killed?

The magic sharp handed the letter to the magic city and the source of thousands of lines, the magic looked at the city, and his face sank.

"Is it clear who killed it?" asked the magic city.

"There is not yet." Magic Jun quickly stood up and said: "The magic light that was with the konjac was too old and they were all killed. No one escaped. They only knew that they were killed outside the estuary."

The magic of the city, the magic of the two faces was suspicious.

"Will the estuary be killed? That 90% is a foreigner." Yuan Qianxing meditated, suddenly, he blurted out: "Huang Xiaolong?!"

It is no wonder that he would think of Huang Xiaolong, because there are not many people who dare to kill so many masters in the different countries, and they should not be masters of the ancestors.

Therefore, it is very likely that Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong?!" The magic of the city, the magic of the two people in unison.

Although they said that they were full of confidence, as long as Huang Xiaolong came to the Eight-Claw Magic Eye City, they would have the confidence to suppress Huang Xiaolong, but if they said that they were not afraid of Huang Xiaolong, it was a fake.

The source of the source such as Yuanyuan is not the opponent of Huang Xiaolong. Who dares to despise Huang Xiaolong?

"Isn't it should be Huang Xiaolong?" The Eight-Claw Devil Eyes and the Little Clan Monster was surprised.

Yuan Qianxing shook his head: "This is my guess, but it is impossible. It can kill so many high-order sacred places of the Eight-clawed Eyes. The other side has at least the strength of the late nine-fold peak, but the general holy world is nine The late peak masters should not dare to offend the Eight-Paw Devils."

"So, it is very likely to be Huang Xiaolong."

The magic city has a cold eyes: "Whether it is Huang Xiaolong, killing my grandson's grandson, killing me with so many masters of the eight-claw magic eye, I am going to kill the city, I must let him die!"

"Life is better than death!"

"God down, use all the power, give me a thorough investigation, and find out the murderer for me!"


After entering the boundary river, Huang Xiaolong rarely stopped on the road and went all the way.

On the road, Huang Xiaolong encountered many Terran and Alien Caravans.

Although the boundary river and foreign relations are not very friendly, there are a lot of minerals and jade, spiritual beads, and various rare elixir within the boundary river. Therefore, there are still many foreign and alien caravans traveling between the river and the exotic.

Those Terran and Alien Caravans saw Huang Xiaolong alone, and they were both surprised and surprised. Many caravans were kind and invited Huang Xiaolong to walk.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and refused.

When passing through the Leiguang River Basin of Jiehe River, Huang Xiaolong met another good-hearted caravan called Yunxiao Commercial Bank, and invited him to be the second Miss Yunfang of Yunxiao Commercial Bank.

This cloud business, Huang Xiaolong also heard a little, in the foreign is a big business, although there are no masters in the business, but there are countless masters of the Holy Land, there are many branches in the foreign land, the wealth is amazing.

However, in the face of this Yunfanger invitation, Huang Xiaolong also refused. Although there are conveniences with these businesses, there are also many inconveniences, and the speed of the business is too slow. Huang Xiaolong now wants to go to Kaitian Island one by one.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong refused Yun Fang’s invitation, and then flew away, a red-haired young man around Yunfang’s side couldn’t help but coldly said: “It’s just not knowing how to lift!”

"Miss two, ask me to say that this kind of human race does not have to pity him!"

Yunfanger shook his head: "Don't look down on anyone. He dares to walk alone in the boundary river. He must be awkward. Of course, if we do business, helping one person with multiple interests is equivalent to leaving one more way for ourselves."

"Miss Miss is very good. If I am not mistaken, this young man is not simple. It is a four-pointed beginning of the Holy Land." An old man next to Yunfang.

"The beginning of the four seasons of the Holy Land!" Many experts in the cloud business are surprised.

The master of a four-pointed sacred place is worthy of any business. After all, there are few high-level sacred places.

The red-haired young man heard the words, but he sneered: "The beginning of the four seasons of the Holy Land, the four people of the Holy Land who lost in my hands do not know much. The human race is weak and the fighting power is very ordinary."

This young red-haired young man is a disciple of a foreign ethnic group called Chen Junhong. He is the honorary elder of Yunxiao Commercial Bank. It is a three-fold late period of the Holy Land. The combat power is not weak. It is indeed the defeat of several holy people in the early four seasons. Master, he is a foreign disciple, and he hates the human race. In addition, he has defeated several ethnic monks who have been sacred in four sacred places, so he is even more disdainful to the so-called masters of the human race.

Huang Xiaolong did not know about the discussion of the people in the cloud business. After leaving, Huang Xiaolong flew forward for an hour. Seeing that the sky was deep, he stopped at an island in front. Huang Xiaolong looked around and decided to rest for one night. , came to an open space in the center of the island, Huang Xiaolong raised a bonfire.

Huang Xiaolong took out a sacred Dan, then threw it into his mouth and swallowed it. He felt the power of the sacred medicine of the sacred body in the body. Huang Xiaolong shook his head. Since the evolution of his three sacred sects, he added the four elements of the Holy Land. Now that Saint Dan has had little effect on him, he needs to refine and refine his power. The three holy sacs can also automatically absorb the power of Shengdan's holy medicine.

Looking at the bonfire, Huang Xiaolong suddenly remembered the days when the lower bound and the golden horned calf were together.

Thinking of the Golden Horn Mavericks, Huang Xiaolong laughed, not knowing how this old cow is now in the lower bound.

Just when Huang Xiaolong thought about the Golden Horn Mavericks and the lower bounds, a group of people flew in the distance. What surprised Huang Xiaolong was that the comers were the people who had met before.

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