Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2666: Primitive ancestors


One of the most dangerous places in Kaitian Island.

This is before he left, the house of the alien government, Mo Zhi, repeatedly asked him to be careful. Even the Mochi had repeatedly told him to be careful, showing the danger of this extremity.

Absolute, the name is true, is the Jedi of all the strong!

Even the ancestors of the ancestors mentioned the genius and talked about it. Even the strong people like Mozhi did not dare to say that they could pass through 100%.

Many of the ancestral strongmen are because of the extermination, so they can only come here, and they can't go deeper. The absolute field is the only place to open the island, so it can't be bypassed.

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath and eventually flew forward.

Don’t be a tiger, you can’t win a tiger!

Therefore, this is a must, he can only be jealous.

Huang Xiaolong always believed in his luck.

It was not long before Huang Xiaolong flew to the absolute field. The space swayed a bit, and the source of six people appeared in the previous position of Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong enters the field!" Yuan Qianxing has a pair of eyes, a cold flash, a killing shot.

These days, he will never forget the shameful scene in the ring, and Huang Xiaolong forced the scene to flee only the pants. Now, the whole foreign world regards him as a laughing stock, and it becomes a laughing capital after a meal.

"When we waited for the place, let's do it again." The old man in the black robe said: "Before this, don't let the air leak, so as not to be discovered by Huang Xiaolong."

"The old man is relieved." The crowd nodded, even if the Yuan Qianxing and Wanyuan ancestors also nodded, it can be seen that this old man is the head of the six.

In this way, the six continued to walk behind Huang Xiaolong and flew in the direction of Huang Xiaolong.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong stepped into the space of the extremity.

Once you enter the field, the surrounding world is obviously dark. This darkness can be more than just light. The whole world is filled with a kind of gray gas. This gas can even be blinded by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Before, the three holy souls can cover hundreds of millions of miles, and after entering the extremity, it will be thousands of miles? There may not even be a thousand miles.

Even the three holy souls of Huang Xiaolong have been so suppressed, showing how other strong people will be suppressed!


Suddenly, when Huang Xiaolong was careful to fly forward, Huang Xiaolong’s side was a humble black dust? Suddenly shaken, I saw the amazing black light in the surrounding space!

These black lights, like a black manblade, are instantly cut into the yellow dragon.

Feeling the power contained in the black light, Huang Xiaolong was shocked. These black lights were even stronger than many of the ancestral masters!

Huang Xiaolong's holy force is running, the whole body is flashing, and his body shape is turned over, one by one to avoid these black lights.

A black light was cut from Huang Xiaolong's left arm and I saw Huang Xiaolong's left arm being cut and instantly cut.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong, and he was also shocked.

His three saints evolved, and his sacred body also evolved greatly. Now, his sacred body is stronger than many ancestors, and he can't bear the power of this black light!

Upon seeing it, Huang Xiaolong did not dare to care. The flying gun appeared in his hand and kept waving.

After half an hour, the black light finally stopped.

Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief. However, just when Huang Xiaolong had just had a big breath, suddenly, a black tentacle sticked out from the side of the sky. This black tentacle was extremely fast, and it was completely integrated with the surrounding space, which was hard to find. When Huang Xiaolong was shocked, the tentacle had already arrived a few meters behind Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong responded instantly, and the flying gun in his hand stabbed him in the back.


The flying gun stabbed the black tentacle, but what surprised Huang Xiaolong was that the flying gun did not smash the black tentacle, and the black tentacle slipped.

The black tentacle immediately wraps the whole body of Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong feels that the whole body is tight.

Then, Huang Xiaolong saw a huge horror monster like an octopus falling out of the void. This octopus-like horror monster grows countless big eyes and countless tentacles. Each tentacle is extremely large, and each tentacle is only I am afraid that there are a few miles.

It turned out to be the ancestral kingdom!

And it is the ancestor triple!

The origin of the open beast, there is a saying that the congenital Xuan Huangshi of Kaitian Island fell to the boundary river when it was changed by the innate black and yellow. The monster around the boundary river was mutated and gradually became the current open beast. .

Because these celestial beasts are changed by the innate sacred qi, so the body and the blood are very strong, especially the celestial beings of the ancestral ancestors are even more terrifying. Under the same order, the Terran, the aliens, the ancestor of the rivers are not this. The opponent of the beast.

After the huge octopus opened the beast tentacles around Huang Xiaolong, other tentacles rushed to Huang Xiaolong. Is it necessary to scatter Huang Xiaolong and then swallow it?

Huang Xiaolong's three great sages were fully motivated, and the twelve holy lives flew out. They screamed in the sky and shocked the tentacles. Just Huang Xiaolong just shook open, and other tentacles patted it, smashing Huang Xiaolong's previous space.

Huge octopus screams, and countless tentacles slap over Huang Xiaolong again.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were cold, his left hand was flying, and his right hand flashed, and the blade of the sky appeared.

"Dragon Yuan Shengshi!"

"The sky is a blow!"

The two ancestral avenues were simultaneously shot.

Suddenly, a dragon country is full of flowers, and at the same time, a blade of mans and stripes ploughs through the endless void.

I saw that the huge octopus opened the beast and screamed. A huge tentacle burst open like a knife, and the blood and rain were colorful. Huang Xiaolong’s body shape disappeared from the place, once again, It was already in front of the huge octopus, and then the flying dragon gun and the blade of the sky were stabbed again.

The Flying Dragon Gun and the Blade of the Sky pass through the middle of the huge octopus brain.

Guns and knives penetrated from the back of his brain, and the huge octopus screamed again and flew out.

However, after the two strikes succeeded, Huang Xiaolong did not fall in love and broke away. After all, this huge octopus blame is the ancestor triple. Huang Xiaolong wants to completely clean it up. It takes a lot of effort, and it is so big and moving. The beast of heaven is not worth the candle.

The huge octopus monster, which was wounded by Huang Xiaolong, turned over and saw Huang Xiaolong leave, screaming and screaming into a black light.

Waiting for Huang Xiaolong and the huge octopus to disappear, the source of thousands of lines and other people are coming.

"Dragon Yuan Shengshi?!" "Cang Bang?!"

"This Huang Xiaolong is really a sacred person!" Yuan Qianxing is cold and cold.

"Is Huang Xiaolong a pro-disciple who was also accepted by the old man and the old man?"

"If this is the case, then this little dragon will die!" Yuan Baifei's voice was cold. On the ancient battlefield, he was hit hard by the old man of the sky, and he spent a lot of holy Dan. It took him many years to recover.

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