Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2670: The deepest part of Kaitian Island

Finally, Huang Xiaolong came to the bright place, this is the wind? When he arrived, Huang Xiaolong felt the instigation of the wind.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart sighed in the air, and there was wind. Does it mean that there is an export? !

It seems that his previous guess is correct, and this river of black water is really end! The exit is at the end!

After half a month of flying, now, finally to the end of the river of Xuanhuang.

Pause for a while, such as the arrow of the string, Huang Xiaolong instantly flew forward, the more flying, the brighter the front, the stronger the wind.

Just flying for more than a minute, a huge mouth of light appeared in front of Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong flew out of the bright exit, a fresh, charming fragrance like the tide of the sea, instantly poured into the nose of Huang Xiaolong, mouth.

The stench of the sinister yellow water makes Huang Xiaotou dizzy, and now, suddenly it is the fragrance, and it is incense to the unspeakable fragrance, so that Huang Xiaolong has a kind of contrast from **** to heaven.

This is simply the difference between the two extremes.

Huang Xiaolong looked at it and saw the front, the mountains and the waters, the wind and the sun, just like the Taoyuan, and the mountains and rivers shrouded a strange enamel.

This made Huang Xiaolong simply unable to believe his eyes.

Compared with this, the dead hole is more than the difference between heaven and hell.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong stepped into Kaitian Island until now. He has never found such a beautiful place. This place is not like Kaitian Island. It makes Huang Xiaolong doubt that he will not leave Kaitian Island.

But then Huang Xiaolong denied the idea.

Huang Xiaolong flew forward in amazement, only between the peaks, high-level heaven and earth medicine can be seen everywhere! Although these high-order heavenly medicines are not comparable to holy medicines, they are hard to find outside, and many even Huang Xiaolong cannot name them.

After flying for half an hour, Huang Xiaolong even discovered the holy medicine!

There is a holy medicine on almost every mountain, and some even coexist!

In general, a mountain can not accommodate two tigers, holy medicine is also a place, it is generally impossible to have two holy medicines, because a place of heaven and earth aura can only raise a holy medicine at most, but now, a mountain with two holy medicines! What does this mean? !

Huang Xiaolong's eyes flashed.

This can only show that the heaven and earth aura of this place is richer than any place in the heavens and the earth, and it must be amazing! It’s amazing to break the world.

However, from the perspective of the heaven and earth aura of this space, it seems that everything is normal.

Then, it is the bottom! Absolutely underground!

Huang Xiaolong's three holy souls unfolded, and sure enough! Under the cover of his three holy souls, he found that the spirit of the heavens and the earth in this underground was terrible!

A sacred spirit of the Holy Spirit has gathered into the pulse of the Holy Spirit!


It’s incredible!

And every pulse of the Holy Spirit is hundreds of meters wide, like a huge river. Huang Xiaolong has never heard that the spirit of the Holy Spirit can be converged into the pulse of the Holy Spirit, and has never heard of the pulse of the Holy Spirit. The wide, longest pulse of the Holy Spirit is even tens of thousands of miles!

Huang Xiaolong is short of breath, and Rao is him, and he can no longer remain calm. This is the pulse of the Holy Spirit. These veins of the Holy Spirit, as long as they come up with one, are enough to shake the entire Holy Land and the aliens, even the Holy Land, the Arc devil, the Exotic Different houses, the major royal families, will also fight for you to die and live, not endless.

God, this, what is the place here?

Huang Xiaolong shocked.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s brain flashed, is it the deepest place in Kaitian Island!

Yes, it is only in the deepest part of Kaitian Island that it is possible to breed such a pulse of the Holy Spirit, and it is possible to break the common sense of the heavens and the earth, and the holy medicine coexists.

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath and couldn't suppress his excitement and excitement. If it is really the deepest place in Tiankai Island, no one has ever been to the deepest part of Kaitian Island, then, the source of the road! The treasure of the road! right here! There is absolutely a treasure of the avenue of the world.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong ignored the holy medicines, ignored the veins of the Holy Spirit, continued to fly forward, and flew quickly, how fast and how fast.

Huang Xiaolong passed over the mountain peaks.

Originally, at the beginning, there were very few peaks where two holy medicines coexisted, but the more and more, the more and more peaks of the two holy medicines coexisted. In the end, Huang Xiaolong even saw three holy medicines coexisting! The three holy medicines are growing in a holy peak at the same time. Huang Xiaolong’s heart is regrettable. This is how powerful the Spirit of the Holy Spirit can provide three holy medicines to survive at the same time.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the bottom of his holy peak. Sure enough, it was so big, so big! What he saw before was generally hundreds of meters wide, and the pulse of the Holy Spirit actually reached several kilometers!

Moreover, the creatures have already been born, and these creatures will be able to breathe the same spirit and cultivation as the Terran.

one day later.

Huang Xiaolong stopped and looked at him with trepidation. He saw a tree above the ground and a tree of sacred trees. Above these sacred trees, the fruit of the sacred tree, the sag of each sac tree, each holy The hanging of the fruit is in the direction of the front.

At the end of this direction is an unknown tree!

Big tree, with a avenue of light! These road lights form a variety of heaven and earth visions. There are dragons and phoenixes and saints have various kinds of Ruixiang.

Is this the tree of the avenue? !

Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded.

Is there two trees in the avenue between heaven and earth? One yin and one yang, in pairs?

Huang Xiaolong looked at the fruit on the tree of the avenue, one golden glittering fruit, one, two, and there were as many as ten! Ten! This is the tree of the avenue. It is much worse than the one in the foreign house. If this is a strong year, the foreign plant is a coveted old man.

Huang Xiaolong’s gaze is on the top of a tree in front of the tree in the spring. This Lingquan is a little bit of Jinjing, flowing with the charm of the avenue, exuding the radiance of the avenue, and the sound of the boulevard.

"The source of the avenue!"

The first spring of heaven and earth!

And it is such a big pool! There are dozens of square meters in size!

The head of the house of the foreign government said that as long as there are more than a dozen avenues of avenues, the tree of the avenue of the foreign government can be restored, but in front of us, this is simply not to be drudged, but how many bowls to count!

Huang Xiaolong rushed to the front of the tree and the source of the avenue. He suddenly laughed, laughed, laughed, half-evil and half-silly and scary. Looking at the source of the road, Huang Xiaolong even had an impulse to take off and then jump. Go in and wash, take a bath with the source of the avenue, Huang Xiaolong has a sense of arrogance.

For a long time, Huang Xiaolong is still difficult to calm down.

With these fruits, there is a source of this avenue, let alone the five holy places, and the difficulty of the six holy places! Even the seven wonders of the Holy Land are hard!

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath and took out a jade bottle, and then began to take the source of the avenue.

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