Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2688: Your life is quite big

"Yuan Qianxingfu!" Huang Xiaolong heard, some wrong, then the heart sinks, is it? !

It seems that things are worse than he thought.

Originally, he has speeded up, but he did not expect it to be late.

"You heard no, our government has orders, close to the general government, all kill innocent! Destroy the Nine!" The Wanyuan master saw Huang Xiaolong in the daze, did not want to leave, could not help but again.

The Wanyuan masters thought that they would drink this, and Huang Xiaolong would definitely be scared to leave, but he suddenly saw that the human race young man’s eyes burst into a terrible cold.

Then, the young man of the human race took a photo with his hands, and he only felt a horrible force to lift him up, and then mentioned the young man in front of him.

Huang Xiaolong looked coldly at the master of Wanyuan: "Destroy my nine people? The source is a big tone!"

The master of the Wanyuan family was shocked and angry. When Huang Xiaolong was screaming again, Huang Xiaolong’s hand was tight, and he saw it turned into a **** fog.

In the distance, the disciples of the Wanyuan people were shocked.


At this time, Huang Xiaolong and Long Jianfei continued to fly to the foreign government.

"Kill my Wanyuan deacon, die!"

"I am good at the government of the foreign government, do not listen to the orders of the government, the nine people!"

"Give me a shot and take him down!"

Another deacon of the Wanyuan family was awakened and shouted at all the Wanyuan disciples who were stationed.

Suddenly, all the Wanyuan disciples stationed in the periphery of the General Government came to Huang Xiaolong and Long Jian.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold. Originally, he was lazy to kill these Wanyuan disciples, but now!

"All killed!" Huang Xiaolong said.

Long Jianfei’s voice should be that his eyes flashed a little, only seeing the space, the invisible force surging, and instantly drowning these Wanyuan disciples.

These Wanyuan disciples stopped, and then they all drifted away, and there was no trace left.

Huang Xiaolong and Long Jianfei flew through the space where these Wanyuan disciples originally stood.

At this time, on the main hall of the government of the opposite government, the source is thousands of lines, the source is 100, the Zen is in the ceremony, the demon is in the heart, and the old ancestors are sitting in joy.

Yuan Qianxing toasted and smiled at the old man: "Xie Wei old predecessors, congratulations to the old predecessors of the avenue tree, the fruit! The avenue tree and the road fruit help, the old predecessors broke through the ancestor seven weights that is just around the corner !"

The old-fashioned and mysterious elders have also smiled at this time: "Take your words, I also congratulate you on winning the power of the foreign government, taking control of the foreign government, and sitting on the seat of the foreign government!"

Although a few days ago, Mo Zhi, Long Shengtian used the big house to fight against the old man and the ancestors, but he was outnumbered, and eventually Mozhi lost and fled. As for the first ancestor of Longshengtian and another guardian of the banned land, Being jealous of the old man.

Of course, the source of the thousand-line party also paid a lot of money. In addition to the elders, Yuan Qianxing, Yuan Baifei and others have suffered different degrees of injury.

Yuan Qianxing listened to the old Ji Yan, haha ​​laughed: "Thank you for being old! Thousands of lines can sit on the seat of the alien government. It is the help of the old man. After the old, there is demand, even though he is told!"

He also knows that there is an old man behind his back, and he can sit still.

Of course, this is before he breaks through the ancestor.

Once he broke through the ancestor!

I am satisfied with the nod. "Well, the old man will not be polite with you." This time he shot, of course, for the tree of the road, the fruit, another reason is that after the source of thousands of lines to sit on the seat of the foreign government, He can borrow foreign resources to cultivate.

The ancestors of the temple also congratulated the source of the thousand, and the old two.

Then, the source of the thousand lines asked the old: "Hey old, that dragon wins the sky, I do not know how to deal with when you arrive?"

The old palm stretched out, a black pagoda appeared, and the bottom of the black pagoda was a huge altar. Longshengtian and another alien ancestor were being imprisoned on the altar.

Long Shengtian's body robe was broken, his hair was scattered, his body was bloody, and there was the prestige of the former foreign government.

"Long Shengtian, you also have today!" Looking at Longshengtian's miserable, Yuan Qianxing sneered.

Long Shengtian suddenly smiled: "Yuan Qianxing, do you think that you really sat in the position of the alien house? One day, the head of the house will come back and take your dog!"

The source of the thousand lines sinks in the heart, and the wisdom escapes. This is indeed the thorn in his heart.

"Reassured, Mo Zhi has been swayed by my evil spirits. Without a few hundred years, the injury will not recover."

The source of thousands of lines is a loose heart.

As long as he is given him for hundreds of years, it is that Mo Zhi is coming back, and he is not afraid.

I looked at Longshengtian: "As for Longshengtian, I have a useful place. When I use this witch tower, I will extract the strength of the avenues of the two of them, and then use them. Refining the Avenue of Dan!"

Yuan Qianxing, Yuan Baifei and others heard a shock.

The Holy Land, the Alien, and the Jiehe River do not have the skills of refining the avenue of the avenue, but what about the old man?

For this old man, the source of thousands of lines can not help but a trace of fear, but also more suspicious of this old identity and origin.

"When the body of Longshengtian's avenues is squeezed out, the souls of the two people are not in ruin, I still use it." When the old man said this, the eyes were cold and cold: "At that time, the dragon Victory is not to die, so you don’t have to worry about finding revenge when Longshengtian arrives!"

Yuan Qianxing, Yuan Baifei and others are chilling in their hearts.

Longsheng Tian roared, wanting to rush out of the wuta, but was banned by the witch tower.

"Even if you are in the future, you can't save you." The old man smiled coldly: "Long Shengtian, I gave you a chance a few days ago, but now, you slowly enjoy the fear and enjoy the pain of endless hell. Well, in your life, it’s impossible to come out!"

"Yes?" Just then, a cold, as if sounded from hell.

The sound is awkward and everyone is at a glance.

The ancestors of the temple looked at the sound, and strangely there were still people who dared to offend the old words.

The source is thousands of lines, the source is 100, the Zen is ritual, and the demon is a few people who hear this familiar voice, but it is a whole body shock, and Huoran looks.

"Huang Xiaolong!" Source thousands of lines, the source of hundreds of people are unanimously exclaimed.

Zen is jumping up.

The ancestors of the temple have never seen Huang Xiaolong, and the words are shocked. It is not that Huang Xiaolong was surrounded by thousands of people and then stepped into the dead hole. Is it dead?

Long Shengtian, who was trapped in the witch tower, was equally shocked, and then he laughed and laughed: "Haha, Huang Xiaolong, I know that your kid is not dead, you will not die!"

Just like seeing water in the desert, Longsheng Tianxi does not win.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong, the old man blinked after the accident: "Boy, your life is quite big, and you have not died in the dead hole!"

"That's just the case. The dan of my refining is lacking in the main medicine. Your twelve high-level sacred life is just right. You don't have to go this time!"

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