Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2789: Mixed Yuandong

The five people immediately met and understood the meaning of Yang Jia.

Yang Jia is going to spread the news and confuse Huang Xiaolong.

"Just like this, the mixed yuan unicorn chariot, it is cheaper, we no longer hope." One frowned.

Yang Jia shook his head: "This may not be the case. At that time, the holy demon and others will kill Huang Xiaolong. Maybe it will be hurt with the mixed fire and the unicorn. When we get out, we will grab the squad and suppress the mixed fire and unicorn!"

Five people heard the words, happy.

"Yes, when we grabbed the squad of ice, we left. As long as we got out of the mixed-dong house, we just found a place to hide it. We can't help the holy demon."

Five people are excited.

"However, how did Huang Xiaolong stop the blow of the mixed fire and unicorn?" Yang Jia said to himself, his eyes puzzled: "Is there really a **** of battle behind the holy land? And the other party is coming?"

Otherwise, he couldn't think of a sacred place in Huang Xiaolong's sacred scene.

The ice fire unicorn strikes, even the ancestors of the ancestors of the late nine peaks can not block, how can Huang Xiaolong a holy place can be blocked?

He always felt that Xiaolong had a mysterious and strange feeling. Because of this, he just stopped five people.

"Do you have the **** of the law, even if there is a **** of law around him, when thousands of masters in the Yuanyuan cave house will kill him, he will die." One person sneered: "Even if the **** of the law is not protected." he!"

After Huang Xiaolong left, he did not blindly explore.

Before, he was not aware of the situation, not familiar with the mixed yuan Dongfu, so he could only blindly explore, but now, he has the mixed yuan Kirin chariot!

This mixed-yuan ice fire double unicorn since it is the mixed Yuan Daozun mount that year, I want to come to this mixed yuan Dongfu is no stranger?

Huang Xiaolong asked the mixed-edge ice fire unicorns about the eye problem.

"Less master, when the old master built a sword of the mixed yuan, as long as you find this sword of the mixed yuan, you can rely on the sword of the mixed yuan to sense the eyes of the cave." Mixed yuan ice unicorn said to Huang Xiaolong.

The old master, naturally refers to the mixed yuan.

"The sword of the mixed yuan!" Huang Xiaolong surprised: "The sword of the mixed yuan, do you know where?"

The mixed fire unicorn said: "We only know that the sword of the mixed yuan is in the mixed yuan palace. As for the place in the mixed yuan palace, I don't know."

Mixed Yuandao Palace!

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, did not hesitate, even if let the mixed yuan ice fire Kirin took himself to this mixed yuan road palace.

The mixed yuan road palace is the core of the mixed yuan Dongfu, and it is also the place where the mixed Yuandao respects the real residence and cultivation. It can be imagined that the baby in this mixed yuan palace is absolutely amazing.

Just when Huang Xiaolong let the mixed-yuan ice fire unicorn take his own trip to the mixed yuan road palace, under the intention of Yang Jialiu, the news that Huang Xiaolong got the mixed yuan unicorn chariot was spread in the mixed yuan cave.

The news spread, and thousands of masters vibrated in the mixed yuan.

Those who can come in to the mixed-yuan Dongfu are the masters of the sacred ancestor of the Holy Land and the surrounding caves. Everyone has no knowledge. They all know what the mixed unicorn chariot means.

"It turned out to be a mixed unicorn chariot! Fast, all the hail sacred masters listen to the order, try to find this Huang Xiaolong, must give me the mixed yuan unicorn chariot! Other things can not, but must give me the mixed unicorn The chariot won!"

"No matter what method you use, you must not let Huang Xiaolong escape!"

"Block the mixed yuan Dongfu exit!"

Entering the high hands of the Fuyuan Dongfu, the doorkeepers of the great holy places, one after another, immediately ordered and found Huang Xiaolong at all costs.

Over the mountain range of the Yuanyuan Dongfu, the holy demon took a single shot, only to see a Shenfeng flying in front, and a avenue with the power of the avenue flew out.

The avenue of this avenue is like the Tianhe River. The power of the above-mentioned mixed elements is rolling, and the temperament of the avenue is full of tens of thousands of miles.

"A good mixed road avenue!" The holy devil surprises.

At this time, the radiance of the fascinating radiance of the avenue of the Yuanyuan dynasty broke away from the sacred demon, and wanted to leave.

The holy demon saw it, and there was no panic. The whole body of the sacred sacred light swelled like a mountain of sacred magic, and immediately slammed on the ridge of the mixed avenue, and suppressed the spirit of the avenue, and then took a photo. Throw it into the shack of your own avenue.

Before the masters of the Holy Devils, they congratulated the Holy Devil.

The holy demon laughed and said: "With this mixed-source avenue, I will soon be able to break through to the peak of the ancestor's nine-fold late stage, and then win the first place in the Qingyi Road test!"

Three hundred years later, it was the Qinglan Road test.

If he wins the first test, he will be able to enter the Qinglan Road to practice, and then break through the realm of Taoism!

"His Royal Highness." At this time, the old butler Zhu Xi suddenly stepped forward and said with a look of excitement: "There was news that it was said that the mixed unicorn chariot appeared!"

The masters of the holy and the holy devils were shocked.

"Flequent Yuan Qilin Chariot!" Shengzizi's eyes are surprised: "Is that the hybrid Yuan Zun's mount of the year?"

"Yes, it is the mount of the old Yuan Daozun." The old butler Zhu Xi nodded: "It is said that Yang Jia, a couple of holy places, saw it with his own eyes." Speaking of this, hesitated: "However, now the mixed unicorn chariot Was obtained by Huang Xiaolong, in the hands of Huang Xiaolong."

"What, Huang Xiaolong?!" The holy devil and others are not good.

"The people of the Cangjie League entered the mixed-yuan Dongfu?" The holy devil's eyes were puzzled: "How did they come in?"

Outside, not only is there a ban, but there are two ancestors of the Holy Land, the ancestors of the sacred ancestors, who are at the entrance. It is reasonable to say that the people of the Cangjie Alliance cannot enter.

"This, I don't know." The old butler Zhu Xi shook his head: "However, from the news, it should be that only Huang Xiaolong came in alone, and no other masters of the Alliance."

The Holy Devil is an accident: "Only Huang Xiaolong is alone?!"

Huang Xiaolong is a holy place, come in the mixed yuan Dongfu?

The old butler Zhu Xi was also suspicious: "At that time, Yang Jia and his wife only saw Huang Xiaolong alone. Will it be the **** of the sacred place? Is the **** of the law and Huang Xiaolong coming in together?!"

The Holy Devil heard the words and screamed: "Enough! Zhu Xi! Don't be in the face of my predecessor in the future. What is the **** of the law? Even the gods of the Qing Dynasty do not have the presence of the gods, the holy land will have? And this array The **** of the law is full of support, has been following a sacred place of Huang Xiaolong? You are also the **** of the law, the devils confuse the public, the chaos of my heart, don't blame me for not reading the old feelings!"

Zhu Xi is shaking.

"I found out where Huang Xiaolong is now?" asked the holy demon.

"No, no, the Kirin chariot is too fast. I only know that Huang Xiaolong has gone southeast." Zhu Xi hurryed.

"Southeast direction!" The holy demon immediately broke into the air and immediately flew southeast.

The masters of the Holy Devils saw the masters and quickly followed.

Zhu Xi opened his mouth and said, in the end, he could only sigh and keep up.

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