Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2792: Arrival of the Holy Devil

The sword of the mixed yuan is really within the treasure house of the mix!

Seeing that he guessed it right, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but laugh, and it’s hard to suppress his heart and be excited.

This is the sabre of the mixed yuan, the sword of the mixed yuan! An artifact that transcends the ancestral ancestral avenue, I saw that the sword of the mixed Yuan is filled with the power of the world!

This is the power of the world that the Taoist strong man has created with the power of the world in his own small world. Its power and attack power are far higher than the ancestral avenues.

However, casting a piece of the world, it consumes the soul and the power of the world. Therefore, there are very few devices in the world. Many of the first-class powers of the Taoist do not have the tools of the world, because the small body of the Taoqiang is small. The world has just formed, stabilized, the power of birth, the law of the road and the power of the world. If the power of the world is used to cast the world, it will affect the growth of the small world in its body.

Therefore, generally only the Taoist middle-class powerhouse like the mixed-yuan Taozun has the instrument of the world.

The instrument of the world that the Tao Zunqiang used to cast the power of the world is also called the Dao Zunjie, or the boundary device!

That is, the device of the world created by the power of the world.

Although Huang Xiaolong has never seen the sword of the mixed yuan, he still recognizes the sword of the mixed yuan in the treasure house at a glance.

However, in order to prevent accidents, Huang Xiaolong still asked the mixed yuan ice fire unicorn, the mixed yuan ice fire unicorns all right, Huang Xiaolong nodded, said this is the sword of the mixed yuan!

The two unicorns saw the sword of the mixed yuan, and they were equally excited.

Since it is determined that this is the sword of the mixed yuan, Huang Xiaolong no longer hesitates, and when he steps, he comes to the sword of the mixed yuan.

Although the sword of the mixed yuan has been sealed by the mixed yuan in the depths of the treasure house, it has completely sealed its edge, but when Huang Xiaolong came to the sword of the mixed yuan, he could still feel the sword of the mixed yuan. The horror of the sword is sharp.

This swordsman seems to be able to open a holy place with ease and split the two halves.

It’s just a sword, so it’s so powerful!

If it is a Taoist strong, fully motivate the sword of the mixed yuan, afraid that it can split a road?

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath, the whole body shone, and the power of the road madly rushed out. The soul of the Three Avenues, the twelve holy lives were all called out.

Now, he has to open the seal with all his strength, and then rush to refine the sword of the mixed yuan before other people arrive.

As long as the sword of the mixed yuan was initially refining, there was no fear that it would rob the mixed yuan.

The mixed-water ice unicorn saw Huang Xiaolong summoned the soul of the Three Avenues, and the twelve high-order sacred lives were shocked.

"This is the mysterious soul of Xuanhuanglong!"

"The soul of all evils!"

"The big yuan Luo Dao soul!"

Huang Xiaolong is a sacred sacred dragon with a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

When the Holy Spirit has evolved into a Taoist soul, the corresponding one is also the Xuan Huanglong respected Taoist soul, the source of all evils, and the soul of the Dayuan Daluo.

Naturally, the sacred rank is the more advanced, the sacred soul of its birth, the stronger the power of the evolutionary spirit, and the stronger the talent.

The mixed ice and fire unicorn has never seen anyone who has the mysterious dragon, the source of all evils, the soul of the three major avenues!

"This, it seems, can still continue to evolve?!" Once again, the mixed-water ice unicorn was shocked again.

Huang Xiaolong's three holy characters can continue to evolve, and the Three Avenues soul also has such a talent.

And they found that Huang Xiaolong’s Three Avenues of Soul seem to have the power of the source?

The power of the source is not the origin of the sacred, the original soul of the soul?

In fact, this is precisely because of the reason why Huang Xiaolong swallowed up the origin of the source of the source of the sacred world.

The two unicorns looked at the twelve high-level sacred lives, and it was even more shocking.

They follow the mixed Taoist priests, travel to the sacred world of countless caves, the knowledge is very high, have seen countless caves, countless Taoist geniuses, some can be called enchanting extremes, and even the mixed yuan Taozun is not as good as sigh.

However, the enchanting genius, at most, only has ten high-level sacred lives.

No one has more than ten high-ranking sacred lives.

Those who have eight high-level sacred lives are the enchanting enchanting, and only a few pedagos of the sacred teachings may have eight high-level sacred lives.

And with the nine high-level sacred lives, it is called the eternal talent.

It is a world!

And the ten high-order sacred lives are the best in the world, and the miracles of the world!

However, no one has ever surpassed ten high-level sacred lives. In the world's cognition, the ten is the most, and it is already the highest, and it is already perfect.

Now, Huang Xiaolong has twelve!

The mixed ice and fire unicorns are shocking, and the complexion is complicated. However, the two beasts think of the identity of Huang Xiaolong, and how much balance is in their hearts. Who makes people have a good feeling.

As a child of creation, breaking the common sense of heavenly talent seems to be normal.

The two beasts are comforting themselves.

At this time, the sword of the mixed yuan bloomed out of the sword, and the sky broke.

The two beasts came back to God and saw that Huang Xiaolong had begun to fully open the sword seal of the mixed yuan, and quickly went forward to help, the mixed ice and unicorn will be a mouth, absolute ice and absolute firepower spewed out, bombardment on the seal prohibition.

The two beasts followed the mixed yuan for many years, and they still understood the prohibition and seal of the mixed yuan. Therefore, with the help of two beasts, Huang Xiaolong’s seal of the sword of the mixed yuan was several times faster.

Originally, it took Huang Xiaolong several days to remove the seal of the Sword of the Mixed Yuan. However, with the help of two beasts, Huang Xiaolong used only half a day to completely remove the seal of the Sword of the Mixed Yuan.

When the seal was released, the sword of the mixed yuan shot a sword light. This sword mantle cuts the void easily, just like cutting a piece of paper.

Huang Xiaolong was shocked, and his hands were blocked. He only felt a pain. When he saw it, he saw his hands punctured and the blood continued to seep out! Huang Xiaolong was shocked. He is very strong in this body. He is clear. Even if it is the top-level ancestor avenue, he will try his best to break his physical defense.

But now, just the sword of this mixed sword, it is actually pierced!

Although it only broke the flesh, it is amazing.

Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed and looked at the sword of the mixed yuan in front of his eyes. For him, the sword of the mixed yuan is naturally stronger and better.

Immediately, the soul of Huang Xiaolong's three avenues was full of brilliance, and the power of the avenue continued to fall, wrapping the sword of the mixed yuan and began to refine the sword of the mixed yuan.

If it is the ordinary ancestor strong, even if it is the sword of the preliminary refining and mixing, I am afraid that it will take several decades, but it has the mysterious soul of the Xuanhuang Dragon, the soul of the evil, the Huang Xiaolong of the Daluo Dao Dao, plus On the top of the mixed yuan ice fire unicorn help, up to one day.

Just when Huang Xiaolong began to refine the sword of the mixed yuan, the sky was over the mountains, and the light shook, and a group of strong people appeared. It was a master of the holy demon and the holy demon.

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