Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2984: Blood angel

Going to the holy dragon world, Huang Xiaolong did not take the spaceship, but rode a giant tortoise.

This giant tortoise is the tortoise of the late Zhongzun Jiuzhong. It is its body.

Generally speaking, the speed of the turtle is extremely slow. Climb and climb, but this turtle ancestors, the speed is almost unbeatable, let alone the ordinary top-order ship flying ships are afraid of Not the speed of the turtle ancestors.

The body of the tortoise is as large as a few continents. Even if it floats in the vast sky, it is quite shocking and gives a sense of horrible oppression.

This body shape alone is enough to make people feel terrified. Huang Xiaolong is sitting on the tortoise shell of the tortoise, which is like a small dust.

But let's not say that sitting on a tortoise and flying in the vast river of stars, it feels really different.

Although the turtle ancestors are extremely fast, it is necessary to rush to the holy dragon world from the Dragon Fish Cave Day. At least half a month, the road is long, and Huang Xiaolong sits on the turtle shell to understand the absolute wood force.

The nine-headed tree demon is the lord of the sacred world. It has absolute wood power, and it is already Dacheng. Huang Xiaolong searches for his memory, so he knows a lot about the understanding of absolute wood.

Now, he already has the power of Nirvana, the power of venom, the absolute ice power, the absolute firepower, and the absolute power of five kinds of extreme power. If you can realize the absolute wood power, it is the ultimate strength of the six.

However, although he knows a lot of enlightenment about absolute wood power from the memory of the nine-headed tree demon, it is extremely difficult to learn from success. Even if Huang Xiaolong is a talented person, he has the blood of the creation of Huanglong. The nine-headed tree demon soul memory has realized the absolute wood power, I am afraid that it will take decades or even longer.

Therefore, sitting on the tortoise shell, Huang Xiaolong had no income for a few days.

Just when Huang Xiaolong was fully aware of the absolute wood force, suddenly, the tortoise of Liang Zuo said: "His Royal Highness, there are several barges in front, it seems that we are coming in the direction of us. Should we directly hit the past?"

Huang Xiaolong looked at it. Sure enough, there were six giant ships in front of them coming over to them.

These six giant ships, each with a continent as large, above the hull, are branded with a huge angel pattern, but this angel is bloody, revealing the chilly atmosphere.

"Blood angel!" Huang Xiaolong saw the pattern and suddenly knew the origin of the other party.

The blood angel is the most powerful and powerful force in the sacred world. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is better than the dragon fish sect, the ancestral sect of the ancestors, and what evil things are doing, and some holy places and even sects that are targeted by them. All must be blood flowing into the river.

This blood angel has no fixed sect, only six giant ships, the whereabouts of the erratic, no one can get it.

"Directly press the past!" Huang Xiaolong face indifference.

Turtle ancestors asked if they had collided, and Huang Xiaolong said that it was rolling!

"Yes, Your Highness!" Turtles and ancestors immediately understood the meaning of Huang Xiaolong, and his face was excited. The huge turtle body directly went to the blood angel's huge ship.

At this time, one of the blood angels was sitting in a middle-aged man with six **** bodies.

Six people are talking about how to divide a Taobao treasure that has just been looted.

"The six chiefs, there is a giant turtle that is hitting us in the spaceship!" Suddenly, one person came in and rushed to the six.

These six people are the six leaders of the blood angels, and they are all masters of the Taoist nine or more!

"Giant turtle?" Six people are wrong.

"Yes, this giant tortoise is bigger than our blood angel ship." The blood angel master hurriedly replied: "I am afraid that it is extraordinary!"

The six people looked at each other and could not help but be suspicious.

"Go, let's go out and see." One person stood up in the middle, an amazing blood filled the air, and it was a late master of Dao Zun.

The six people flashed and they came over the spacecraft.

Originally, the six people have not been in the heart, but when they saw the turtle turtle super turtle body, they could not help but be surprised.

"This is, Kuzu?!" Six people suddenly recognized the body of the turtle.

"Fast, dodge!" After recognizing the turtle ancestors, the six faces were indifferent and shouted.

However, the six people still took a slow step, only to hear a loud explosion, and saw the turtle's horrible turtle directly hit the first ship in the blood angel.

I saw that the huge ship collapsed directly. No, it was directly collapsed and scattered into countless pieces. The blood angels in the giant ship were turned into another **** fog.

Six giant ships of blood angels, each of which is at the level of the boundary, although it is only a low-level, but how to say it is also the level of the boundary, but still can not block the attack of the turtle ancestors, but the strength of the turtle ancestors To be exact, it is the extent to which the turtle shell is horrified.

"Turtle ancestor, you are looking for death!" The six people are not angry, screaming and screaming, the sound waves rolling, the blood is rolling like the sea, filled with air, and I don’t know how many billion miles.

It is necessary to know that every ship has six people who have spent countless efforts and consumed countless materials. And within each ship, there are tens of thousands of blood angels, each of them is a sacred world. All the avenues, the major holy places carefully selected, and then vigorously cultivated, and some have also broken through to the Tao Zunjing, now, by the ancestors of the ancestors, all burst!

I can think of the pain and anger in their hearts.

Six people suddenly rushed over to the tortoise, and at the same time angered out, as for the Huang Xiaolong sitting on the tortoise shell, they directly ignored it.

Looking at the six blood lords who rushed over, Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly, letting the tortoise continue to crush the other five giant ships. At the same time, Huang Xiaolong waved with one hand, fire blame, Ming Buddha, Tibetan mirror, Yin More than five hundred disciples of the thirteen disciples appeared in front of the six chiefs of blood angels.

The six chiefs of blood angels were originally angry, and they had to tear up the turtle ancestors, but suddenly there were more than 500 people in front of them, and they couldn’t help but see the breath of the more than 500 people!

All the roads are more than nine times!

More than 500 people!

The six people only felt the heart stunned and their eyes were eclipsed.

"Fire, old monster!"

"Ming Buddha!"

"Tibetan people!"

When they recognized who the more than 500 people were in front of them, they almost fell from the void.

"Don't you say that they are missing?" One of them trembled.

Qinglian pool fires old monsters, and many of Ming’s masters are collectively missing. This is the horror of the sacred world. They naturally heard about it.

But now, the old blame, all the missing masters of Ming Buddha, all appeared in front of them.

Just when the six people were suspicious, suddenly, suddenly, the fire blame, Ming Buddha more than 500 people shot!

More than five hundred respected nine masters have shot, what is this concept? !

The Milky Way bursts instantly, and one space abyss appears again. One after another, the horrible Star River storm is formed, everything is destroyed, everything is shattered, and all cost sources are exhausted.


Six people were blown up! with no doubt! Even if it is the late stage of Dao Zun, there is only one result!

A few minutes later.

Huang Xiaolong took back the old blame, Ming Buddha and others, and continued to fly forward through the turtle ancestors. In the middle of the galaxy, there was a group of **** fog and a fragment of the empty spacecraft.

The blood angels of the sacred world of countless years have disappeared!

Ten days later, Huang Xiaolong came to the holy dragon world.

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