Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3041: Mysterious stone

"Two billion!" Just as Jin Xiaoxiao smiled, thinking that the gas of origin was already in his bag, suddenly, a voice sounded.

The scene, the moment is dead!

The needle can be heard.

Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong with a brush, just Huang Xiaolong!

Jin Xiaoxiao’s smile was stiff, Fan Luo looked at Huang Xiaolong, and he was surprised. He just opened his mouth to make the Qi Qian of the origin even astonished with the small stone ancestors of Jin Xiao.

"You, is it deliberately doing the right thing with this princess?!" Jin Xiaoxiao said a word, his voice was very cold, staring at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes, so that many of the masters of the Taoist system were cold, this is the golden fox princess, in Jinhu Dongtian can almost be said to exist under one person. Once there was a Taoist system that angered Jin Xiaoxiao and eventually disappeared in the long river.

Everyone can see that Kim Xiaoxiao is really angry.

Jiuwang Shaozhang teaches Li Dongjun to look at Huang Xiaolong with a sneer. This kid is simply looking for death. Before that, he has already robbed the Golden Fox princess and thundered it. Now he is trying to challenge the bottom line of Princess Jinhu, and then grab the origin of this!

After such a trouble, Lei Yu Dao, must be finished!

Li Dongjun is naturally happy to see this situation.

Huang Xiaolong did not read Jin Xiaoxiao and said: "You are too high to look at yourself. If you look at the film, do you need me to deliberately do it with you?"

Everyone stays.

Li Dongjun smiled and dared to call Princess Jin Fox a girl. Shizu called the Princess Jinhu as a little girl. People are the masters on the list of the world. Who do you think you are, and are you qualified to call it like this?

Sure enough, Jin Xiaoxiao listened to Huang Xiaolong not big or small, calling himself a slap in the face, and the pretty face was frosty: "You are looking for death! You are better off kneeling down and asking me to forgive you for sin, otherwise, not only you die, and The Lei Yu Dao system that you have been implicated will die!"

Lei Yu heard the words, the eyes flashed: "Little girl, believe it or not, I will kill you now, and then let your old man come over for your body!"

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Lei Yu with horror. Shi Zu also shook his head and smiled. This originated from the sacred world, few people dared to say that Jin Xiaoxiao was pinned to death and then let Jinhudong Lord collect the corpse. Even he did not dare to open this mouth. .

Kim Xiaoxiao was angry, and his golden fox robe rose brightly: "Everyone listens to me, kills them for me, kills them!"

However, at this moment, the sound of the beauty auctioneer sounded: "You, please don't forget, here is the Heavenly Pavilion!"

Everyone stopped.

Jin Xiaoxiao’s face changed and he finally sat down.

She has already decided that after the auction is over, the general leaders of the Golden Fox House will arrive and they will start!

"The adult has 20 billion yuan. I don't know if there is any higher price. If not, the origin of this is the adult." The beauty auctioneer said, referring to Huang Xiaolong.

The eyes of everyone on the scene fell on Jin Xiaoxiao.

Kim Xiaoxiao's pretty face is even more ugly.

Although she is a golden fox princess, she has a million dollars, but this is 20 billion baht! It is not what she wants to take, and the 20 billion baht has far exceeded the value of that source of origin.

In the end, Jin Xiaoxiao chose to be silent.

However, after the silence, Jin Xiao carefully had a fire, a raging fire, she was a golden fox princess, what identity, even a nameless generation again and again, and then three provocations, ignorance, rumors !

"The gas of origin is owned by this adult." After the beauty auctioneer finalized three, he announced the result.

Many masters looked at each other and did not expect it to be the result.

However, more people are gloating.

"This kid, even so rich, before the nine billion, now is 20 billion, he actually has 2.9 billion baht, God, even if it is the sacred system can not get 2.9 billion baht Let's go!"

"It is great to have money, but he dares to provoke the Golden Fox Princess. This is a fire!"

"I don't think so. He dares to provoke Princess Jin Fox. Maybe there is something wrong!"

"What is it? Is he the master of the list of extinction? And is the master of the list of the world's top rankings?" Hehe!" Many masters laughed.

The masters of the list of extinctions, everyone knows that Huang Xiaolong, Lei Yu can not be.

In the laughter of everyone, Huang Xiaolong waved one hand and two billions of coins slammed on the auction platform. The power of the lines in the coins gathered together to form a tsunami-like power of the heavens and the earth. A trip.

Looking at the 20 billion baht, many of the masters who just laughed and laughed stopped, and they were shocked. No one was seeing the 20 billion coins that piled up in the mountains without shock, even if it was Fan Luo’s cover of the heavens is less than the first, and the first person of the golden fox cave is no exception. Even the masters of the ancestors such as Shi Zu are speeding up.

The greedy light in the eyes of the knife is even hot.

The master of the auction sent the origin of the heart to the face of Huang Xiaolong with respect and respect. Huang Xiaolong took it and did not look at it. He directly threw it into the sun and moon furnace, and refining it after the auction ended.

"The last thing to auction is the most important treasure in the finale of this auction!" The beauty auctioneer laughed, and the two auction masters carried a piece of blood red stone.

This blood-red stone is as high as a person, such as a blood-red hill. However, when the two masters of the Taoist masters lifted their hands, they were extremely struggling, and even the power of the world was used. ,Step by step.

Everyone was shocked. What is this blood red stone in the end, so heavy? Many Taoist masters opened their eyes and used various ancient secret techniques, but no one could see what the blood red stone was. In the end, even the dragon swordsman, the knife saw Yan, Fan Luo, Shi Zuyi The public is also a brow, and obviously can not see the root of this blood red stone.

Only Huang Xiaolong, in this moment of the blood red stone, the blood of the creation of Huanglong boiled up.

Huang Xiaolong is amazing, is this? ! Huang Xiaolong’s heart moved, and he carefully felt the blood red stone with the blood of the creation of Huanglong.

"This mysterious stone is the land where our owners got from the celestial burial!" The beauty auctioneer smiled and said: "Although I don't know what it is, but after tens of thousands of years of research by our Tianjige appraisers, it must be a piece of open. The Stone of Heaven." The owner of her mouth, naturally refers to the lord of the Golden Fox.

"The stone of the heavens!" Suddenly, the scene shook.

Whatever the heavens, no matter what it is, as long as it is related to Kaitian, it is the supreme treasure.

"And this piece of heavenly stone, there may be a treasure in it." The beauty auctioneer laughed again: "There may be a heavenly spirit, and may even have a heavenly spirit, such as opening a poisonous water, opening a thunder Water, boiling liquid, etc."

Then, I said a big pass.

"This mysterious stone of the open sky, what is the starting price?" Shi Zu could not help but interrupt.

The beauty auctioneer smiled and said: "I am an ancestor of Shizu, our cabinet owner does not sell money. Our cabinet owner said that if someone wants to buy this mysterious stone, they can exchange the things of the heavens. You can show your opening first. The things of the heavens are decided by our cabinet owners to exchange with them."

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