Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3190: Extremely six princess

Feel the horrible Tianwei and Longwei in Emperor Dragon's body, Lonely Spring has no choice but to smile: "The dragon has not been so angry for a long time."

The middle-aged man in Jinlong’s robe smiled and said: “The flowers of time and the reincarnation of grass are very important to him. It’s no wonder that he will be so angry.” When he said this, he looked at Huang Xiaolong with interest: “This kid is really dare. Lift the dragon's bar."

Lonely Chunguang smiled and said: "Yeah, it is really surprising, I don't know how this kid talent?"

The middle-aged man of Jinlong’s robe stunned and then smiled: “Why, do you want to accept this young man as a disciple?”

Lonely Chunguang nodded and smiled: "There is this thought." Speaking of this, he shook his head again: "Still forever, I have not accepted the apprentice for many years."

The middle-aged man of Jinlong’s robe smiled and said: “Who doesn’t know that you are lonely and lazy, I don’t think you are too lazy to go to teach.”

Lonely Chunguang smiled: "Know me, don't be an emperor brother!"


Auction site.

"Thirty-one trillion!" Just when everyone was shocked by the imperial dragon, suddenly, a sound of sound.

Everyone was wrong, even Huang Xiaolong was surprised. I didn’t expect anyone to continue bidding. After all, I have already called for 30 trillion yuan. This price has far exceeded the value of the flowers of the time and the reincarnation of the grass.

Even if you have money, many people will not bid any more.

It’s a loft that’s bidding out.

Above the attic, sitting on the side of a noble, graceful, generous, pretty woman.

The other side of the robes, there is a special pattern, such as clouds like fog, like the sky.

"It’s a princess, six princesses!" someone exclaimed.

Extremely six princesses!

When the sound came out, the scene exploded.

Nine Dragons, the strongest, the highest power is the big son, two days and three days of Emperor Dragon, but the most powerful, most powerful, and the most mysterious is not the universe, but the six princess !

No one knows when the six princesses appeared at the auction site, even the secret pool dark magic, the golden bamboo ancestor, the Emperor Dragon did not know.

Seeing the six-princess Zeng Ying, the original Emperor Longwei’s emperor’s body was shrinking, and he said with a fist: “It’s the arrival of Princess Zeng Ying!”

Zeng Ying smiled slightly: "The Emperor Dragon is gifted."

A smile is a hundred students, and the heavens and the earth seem to be bright.

Lonely Chunguang looked at Zeng Ying and said with emotion: "Zeng Ying is a girl, but unfortunately."

The middle-aged man of Jinlong’s robe knows what a pity is said by Lonely Chunguang. Unfortunately, Zeng Ying is not a dragon.

"Thirty-two trillion!" Just when everyone was surprised by the arrival of the six princess Zeng Ying, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong said again, everyone is wrong.

Emperor Xiaolong was also wrong.

Zeng Ying is pretty and smiling, and continues to shout: "Thirty-three trillion."

"Thirty-four trillion!"

"Thirty five trillion!"


Huang Xiaolong and Zeng Ying both rushed to the auction, almost endless, and soon shouted forty trillion.

Everyone was stunned and stunned.

"Four, forty trillion! This, there is no need to play with money!"

This is not buying things, but playing money!

Everyone really understands what it means to treat money like dirt.

Seeing that the six princess Zeng Ying shouted to 40 trillion, Huang Xiaolong looked at the other side and slowly said: "Fifty trillion!"

Fifty trillion!

Many masters have a sudden burst of heart, and some have a blank mind, only the fifty trillion in the mind.

The head of Pang behind the Emperor Dragon was shocked: "This kid is crazy!"

Spend 50 trillion, just to buy more than a hundred flowers of time and the hollow back to the grass!

Although the flower of time and the hollow reincarnation of the grass, although it is said to help to understand the power of time and the power of space, but it is not for anyone, and it is not the person who refines the flower of time and the grass of the void. Even the Emperor Dragon does not dare to guarantee the refinement of the flowers of time and the reincarnation of the grass to realize the power of time and the power of the void.

But 50 trillion is different, and 50 trillion can buy too much.

Like a mansion in the Dragon City, how many tens of billions can an ordinary person buy?

The six princess Zeng Ying listened to Huang Xiaolong and even raised it to 50 trillion yuan. It was also amazed by the beauty. He smiled at Huang Xiaolong Yingying: "The brothers are good, and Zeng Ying is not as good as himself."

In the end, the flowers of the time and the reincarnation of the grass were bought by Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong's delivery of 50 trillion renminbi, the batch of time flowers and the emptiness of the reincarnation were collected, and the Emperor Dragon, the quilt and the clothes, Lei Qinghai and other people face complex.

For a time, Huang Xiaolong was very eye-catching.

"It is just a bandit. It took 50 trillion yuan to buy a few flowers of time and the sky to reincarnate. It is also smug, and the idiot is nothing!"

The secret pool of the Dark Lord is staring at Huang Xiaolong and laughing.

Subsequently, the auction auctioned a few finale baby, but for these few finale, there are not many bidders, and they are basically bought within ten trillion.

Finally, there are only two auction items left.

"Next, we are going to auction the corpse of a world-class dragon strongman! And it is a cosmic tyrant!" The auctioneer’s words came out and the scene exploded.

Huang Xiaolong was also taken aback, turned out to be a world-class cosmic fighter!

Balong is the tyrant of the dragons in the universe, the king of the dragons, and its blood is not inferior to the dragon's blood.

The mysterious man, actually entrusted the president of the Chunguang Chamber of Commerce to auction this cosmic tyrant!

In the attic, Emperor Dragon and the six princess Zeng Ying were surprised.

In the shock of everyone, the auctioneer opened a space device and saw a dragon inside. This dragon, even if it was squatting, even if it was just a corpse, the dragon that permeated it was also shocking. Trembling, people dare not look straight.

This dragon, its body, is even bigger than Yuan Tianyi's body!

It is almost filled with the space device, even if it is just a dragon scale, it is also a city.

The cosmic tyrannosaur is the largest living being in the universe.

Seeing this cosmic tyrant is as great as the rumors, countless strong shocked.

"This cosmic tyrant is a master with twelve kinds of perfection!" said the auctioneer.

There are twelve kinds of ultimate cosmic tyrants!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are awkward, the body of this dragon, he has to set!

"The corpse of this cosmic tyrant, according to the request of the client, may not start the auction price, you can bid at random, the price is high!" The auctioneer continued.

"What? Uncertain starting price, then we can not bid anyone!" There is a master excited to scream.

The scene exploded.

Everyone is uplifting.

When the auctioneer said that he started bidding, someone suddenly shouted: "One trillion yuan!"

The people who were excited were like a bowl of ice, and everyone looked at it. It was a gray-haired old man sitting in the corner.

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