Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3274: Huang Sheng'an breaks through the flood season

"Oh, the high-level master of the Yuan Ying period." Sun Yao was amazed.

Sun Cheng nodded: "Yes, this Huang Xiaolong and Huang Houde were hailed as the two talents of the younger generation of the Huang family, but the contradiction between the two is not small, even hostile. Therefore, after Huang Xiaolong came back, he encouraged the three tribes of Huang Sheng'an to rebel. of."

Sun Yaodao: "That's no wonder." Then he smiled: "The original Huang family can have one more high-level master of the Yuan Ying period, and the strength is improved, but now Huang Xiaolong instigated Huang Sheng'an three people to rebel, the Huang family killed each other, but the strength was greatly damaged. This is really God's will!"

Sun Cheng said with a smile: "The ancestors said yes, this is the sky that Heaven wants us to rise!"

Sun Yao and Sun Cheng discussed the rebellion of the Huang family. Tan Jia was also concerned about the rebellion of the Huang family, but after a long time, suddenly, there was news!

"Huang Houde was taken by Huang Sheng'an! Huang Xin, Huang Wendan, the seven elders of the elders, and a group of Huang parents all voted for Huang Sheng'an, Huang Qi, Huang Feiwu!"

The news came out and fell below the eyes of everyone.

Sun Yao and Sun Cheng both got the news and were equally stunned.

Shouldn’t Huang Houde take Huang Sheng’an, Huang Qi, and Huang Feiwu? How did Huang Houde get it by Huang Sheng'an? Huang Houde, Huang Xin, and Huang Wendan are eight yuan in the infant period, and there are hundreds of masters!

"Check, let people quickly check, what is going on?!" Sun Yao Shen said: "I want to know what happened in the Blue Dragon Manor!"

Sun Cheng nodded remarkably, and he also knew the seriousness of the matter.

This is really amazing.

Like the Sun family, Tan Jia, as well as Donglin’s large and small family, heard the news and let the following disciples hurry to find out what is going on.

The next day, suddenly there was an amazing news, Huang Shengan has broken through the flood season! Become a master of the season!

The news spread that not only the Donglin province’s large and small family vibrates, but even the four provinces of Donglin Province and even the entire Huaxia Union government have shaken. It is necessary to know that the birth of any strong man who is out of the period is a big event that can shock the top management of the Huaxia Alliance. .

"Impossible, Huang Sheng'an, he was only in the late stage of Yuan Ying, how could he break through the flood season overnight? This is absolutely impossible!"

After the news of Huang Sheng'an breaking through the flood season, many family powerhouses were shocked, and they all denied it. It was impossible.

However, news came out soon, and some people saw that Huang Sheng’an personally showed the strength of the strong period! That is, Yuan Ying is out!

And more and more masters see it with their own eyes!

The suspicion of the Chinese and American government's large and small families disappeared and really shocked.

"Huang Sheng'an abolished the position of Huang Houde's family and became the owner of Huang Jiaxin, taking over the Huang family!"

"Huang Houde's pulse was cleared by Huang Sheng's security department. Huang Xin, Huang Qi, Huang Feiwu, the eldest elders of the nine-year-old elders, Huang Xing'an, Huang Chengyi, Huang Maosheng, Huang Zhiquan, but they have not been traced, may have been killed by Huang Sheng'an!"

One news after another is constantly coming out, making countless families in China, and countless forces are stunned.

All this, the change is too fast.

"How can Huang Sheng'an break through the flood season!" Sun Jia's ancestors Sun Yao's face is somewhat ugly: "Damn!"

Originally, Huang Shengan rebelled, the Huang family killed each other, and the strength was definitely hurt. This is a good time for the rise of the Sun family, but now that Huang Shengan has broken through the flood season, it is completely different!

A master of the squatting period, you can completely resist ten yuan infants and nine masters, and even more!

Huangjia strength does not decrease and increase!

Sun Cheng is also ugly: "Will it be hidden before Huang Shengan?"

Sun Yao nodded: "Absolutely, maybe Huang Shengan had already broken through the expiration period a few months ago. It was he who broke through the embarrassing period and dared to betrayed! Only dared to win the position of the Huang family!" Sigh: "We have paid too little attention to this Huang Shengan!"

Sun Cheng Shen said: "Huang Sheng'an has broken through the sputum period and became a master of the sputum period. However, he has murdered Huang Houde's hundreds of Huangjia disciples. If Huang Ming's ancestor Huang Ming knows, he will definitely be furious and may not agree with Huang Sheng. Sitting on the seat of the Huang family, when Huang Ming and Huang Shengan both played, both of them lost both sides, which is also great news for our Sun family!"

Sun Yao's eyes brightened and smiled: "You are right. If Huang Sheng'an becomes a master of the squatting period, he successfully persuaded Huang Ming to let Huang Ming agree that he was a good lord of the Huang family. Now Huang Shengan has robbed Huang Jia. The position of the owner and the murder of Huang Houde's hundreds of Huang disciples, it is different, Huang Ming is definitely furious! Maybe Huang Ming now knows the news, rushed back from the East China Sea!"

"Haha, when Huang Ming came back, we will wait to watch the show!"

In the Sun family, Tan family, and the various families of Huaxia, when the Huang family changed, the Blue Dragon Manor, Huang Sheng'an was swearing and thanking Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Sheng'an will serve for His Highness, and he will do his best, and he will die!"

One day ago, Huang Sheng'an was indeed a seven-year-old baby. It was Huang Xiaolong who raised him to the expiration date yesterday night!

Others can't do it, but Huang Xiaolong can.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong cites the aura of the blue dragon estate's underground veins, tempered the whole body for Huang Sheng'an, and removed all the impurities in Huang Sheng'an's body. After Huang Sheng'an practiced, he would get twice the result with half the effort.

Originally, Huang Xiaolong was planning to let his father Huang Jiyuan become the head of the family, but his father Huang Jiyuan refused to live and die. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong could only help Huang Shengan and let Huang Shengan be a pawn.

Of course, the surface is Huang Sheng'an, and Huang Jia is actually controlled by Huang Xiaolong.

"Get up." After Huang Xiaolong let Huang Sheng'an get up, he passed Huang Sheng'an's set of exercises, and then improved the boxing method of Huang's present and taught it to Huang Sheng'an.

Huang Xiaolong asked Huang Shengan to practice it again and again.

"His Royal Highness, the ancestors already knew about Huang Houde. Now they have come back from the East China Sea with anger. I am afraid that I will return to Donglin Province the day after tomorrow." Huang Shengan stopped and practiced and respected Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong snorted, Huang Houde has always been loved by Huang Ming, now Huang Houde was defamed, Huang Xin, Huang Wendan all of them returned to Huang Shengan, Huang Ming knows that after the anger that is certain.

"Huang Ming." Huang Xiaolong blinked.

Subsequently, Huang Shengan reported to Huang Xiaolong the reaction of the major families in China, focusing on the Sun family's invasion of the Huang family's industry in Yangcheng.

Now, Huang’s industry in Yangcheng has been completely occupied by Sun’s family.

"His Royal Highness, I heard that Sun Ya’s ancestors Sun Yao had already broken through the flood season a year ago." Huang Shengan said: "So this time Sun Jiacai dared to do this."

Huang Xiaolong sneered: "It turns out that tomorrow, you and I will go to the Yangcheng Sun family."

As for today, he must help his parents to break through the golden world.

Originally, he originally planned to help his parents to achieve Jindan in a few days, but in the past few days, he practiced in the big Zhoutian squad, and his parents practiced very well. He has already consolidated the peak of Jiujiu’s late stage and can now break through the gold. Dan is in the realm. (Today's three more)

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