Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3276: Zhang Rui

The three of Huang Xiaolong were driving past.

The three people sat together, Huang Datou came to open, Huang Xiaolong and Huang Chenfei sat behind.

“Big Brother, I heard that the Dragon and White Chamber of Commerce sold a lot of sun and moon fruit seeds, there are more than 300 seeds, and in addition to the sun and moon seed, also sells several other rare fruit seeds, there are dragon elephant seeds. , Bodhi Buddha fruit, glazed gold jade fruit!" Huang Chenfei laughed at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled: "That's better. We all bought it at the time. Anyway, the Blue Dragon Manor has more open space."

The sun and moon fruit is one of the top spirits of the earth. The dragon fruit, the bodhi fruit, and the glass gold jade fruit are not much different.

Huang Datou turned his head and said: "But uncle, I heard that the Longxing Chamber of Commerce sold the sun and moon fruit this time. Many family masters have come to Huazhou City. They want to buy the seeds of this sun and moon fruit, even the Sun family, Tan family. The young elders have come over, and I heard that Tan Jian, the elder of Tan’s family, has come over!”

Listening to Huang Datou said that Tan Jiatai’s elder, Tan Jian, Huang Xiaolong said: “Is the Tan Jian we met at the Swiss bank last time?”

Huang Datou’s face was somewhat unnatural and nodded. “Yes, the uncle, in fact, he is Tan Wei’s second uncle!”

Huang Xiaolong had some accidents: "He is Tan Wei's second uncle? Then why didn't you say it last time?"

Huang Datou’s face was a little embarrassed, and some of them were swallowed up: “I’m not in the same thing as Tan Wei’s, but the eight characters are still missing, so.”

Therefore, he did not mention the relationship between Tan Jian and Tan Wei to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Chenfei is listening to the clouds: "Tan Wei? Who is Tan Wei?"

When Huang Datou heard it, his face was very thin. In fact, Tan Wei’s business was not mentioned with his father Huang Chenfei. Huang Jiyuan and Wang Meilan did not know about this. Only Huang Xiaolong knew.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Huang Datou and smiled at Huang Chenfei: "This kid likes this Tan Wei for a long time. She is a direct disciple of Tan Jia." Then she said something that Huang Datou had met with Tan Wei ten years ago.

Huang Chenfei listened to the big eyes, dare to love this Tan Wei is his son secretly loved a woman for ten years? ! ten years? He knows now? He laughed and sullenly glared at his son Huang Datou: "Bad boy, how many things do you have to yell at you?"

Next, it was Huang Chenfei who interrogated Huang Datou’s indiscriminate bombing. Even Tan Wei’s **** was asked.

Huang Datou looked at his daddy silently, not very airy: "Hey, people's **** is a big shut off your ass!"

Huang Chenfei is justified: "The size of the **** is of course important, and the woman with a big **** is very good, and we are not prosperous."

Indeed, with Huang Xiaolong, now Huang Jiyuan is just five people.

Huang Datou was bored. Looking at Huang Xiaolong for help, Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: "The size of the **** is really important. The burden of our veins will fall on you in the future."

Huang Datou opened his mouth.

"Bad boy, I heard no, even your uncle said this." After Huang Chenfei got the support of Huang Xiaolong, he even "trained" Huang Datou.

Huang Datou bitterly faces.

Huang Xiaolong laughed at this warm curtain. This time I came back to Earth. In fact, there is nothing wrong with being a mortal. Although it is only five days after returning, Huang Xiaolong can feel that there is a change in his own heart. It is a good change.

Earth family has always been a regret in Huang Xiaolong's heart. If such regrets do not make up for perfection, it will definitely affect Huang Xiaolong's achievements in the world, because if this regret does not make up for perfection, he will certainly breed the soul when breaking through the world. To say this demons, he can forcibly suppress it, but it is always a curse.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong came to the Longxing Chamber of Commerce in the trading market of Huazhou City.

I saw the front of the Longxing Chamber of Commerce, there are already luxury cars, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Leslaus, and some cars even worth hundreds of thousands of products.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong's BMW, compared with these luxury cars, can only be considered moderate.

After Huang Xiaolong stopped the car, Huang Datou suddenly said: "Da Bo, look, that is the BMW!"

This time, the three people were sitting on the yellow horse of Huang Datou. I saw a yellow BMW parked in the same distance, and it was a style. It was the latest off-road. When I saw the license plate, Huang Xiaolong smiled: Very good."

This luxury car of the same model is exactly the one they had encountered at the Swiss bank. It seems that the Zou family disciple who had ridiculed him before can also come.

He still remembers that the Zoujia disciple also threatened him and said that he would ask the people of the Chinese Ministry of Public Security to investigate him and let him sit in the prison.

Huang Chenfei saw Huang Xiaolong and Huang Datou look, could not help but ask what is going on, Huang Datou said the Swiss bank at that time.

"Zou family!" Huang Chenfei's face changed slightly.

Zou Jia, but the giants of the Huaxia Alliance government, even if compared with the Zou family, is also inferior.

"Big brother, this Zou family ancestors, I heard that it has broken through the high-order!" Huang Chenfei told Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong just nodded lightly, and then with Huang Chenfei, Huang Datou went into the Longxing Chamber of Commerce.

The disciples received by the Longxing Chamber of Commerce knew that after Huang Xiaolong’s three people came to the scene, they brought the three Huang Xiaolong to the auction hall and explained: “Because there are too many people who want to buy the seeds of the sun and the moon, we decided to auction. The seeds of the sun and the moon are sold in the form of several other fruit seeds."

Huang Xiaolong nodded. For him, the form of the auction was better, and the price was higher.

When Huang Xiaolong came to the auction hall, the wide hall had already sat a lot of people, a thousand seats, probably sitting three or four hundred people.

Huang Chenfei's eyes swept away. When he saw a seat in the third row in front, his face changed, and there was humiliation, anger, coldness, hate, and even a trace of nostalgia.

This back, he is too familiar!

Familiar with the bones and deep into the soul.

The back is obviously also feeling the eyes of Huang Chenfei. Turning around, it is a beautiful woman of about 50 years old. When the other party sees the appearance of Huang Chenfei, it is also surprising, and the accident is even a little flustered.

Huang Xiaolong noticed that his younger brother Huang Chenfei changed and asked: "Who?"

"Zhang Rui!" Huang Chenfei bit his teeth, the voice is very low, revealing the name, hate, anger of the name.

Huang Datou has a whole body, Zhang Rui! That abandoned his father and son, and married the old woman of the grandparents!

At the age of thirteen, Zhang Rui remarried, and she has not seen her for many years. Her face has changed. If his father Huang Chenfei said that this woman is Zhang Rui, he still can't recognize it.

At this time, Sun Youwei, who was sitting next to Zhang Rui, also saw Huang Chenfei. In shock, he was puzzled. It was obviously doubtful that Huang Chenfei could go out of bed. Doesn't it mean that Huang Chenfei has been lying in bed? (Today's three more)

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