Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3288: Shovel Pinglin

Others can't see embarrassment, but how worried Huang Xiaolong saw at a glance that something was wrong.

Even if Lin Chengtian and Lin Xiaotian both had nothing to do, they could not escape Huang Xiaolong's eyes.

Huang Xiaolong’s voice, containing the power of supreme deterrence, Lin Xiaotian but Jindan period, how to resist? Suddenly, I threw it down.

Lin Xiaotian eyes looked at Huang Xiaolong with fear. This is the power of Yuan Ying’s high-ranking powerhouse? !

"Predecessors, big, people, me!" Lin Xiaotian tongue knotted.

"What happened?!" Lin Jiajia, Lin Guodong and others also saw the problem. They couldn’t help but look at Lin Chengtian. Lin Chengtian suddenly panicked and did not know how to answer.

"Say?! My sister?!" Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were cold, and he took a photo of Lin Xiaotian, who was lying on the ground.

Feeling the horror of Huang Xiaolong, Lin Xiaotian was pale and bloodless, and his mind was blank. He had forgotten all kinds of reasons on the road before, and shivered: "She has been driven out of the forest by me!"

"What?!" Lin Guodong, Lin Qihao, several people were shocked.

Listening to Lin Xiaotian driving Huang Wen out of the Lin family, Huang Jiyuan, Wang Meilan, Huang Chenfei, Huang Datou, several people have changed their faces, especially Wang Meilan, who went forward and desperately glared at Lin Xiaotian, yelling: "Why? Why? Drive me out of Lin Family? What did she do wrong?!"

Lin Xiaotian stunned the matter.

Hearing Lin Xiaotian said that Lin Kai stole Zou Xueqing, Lin Chuang's mother and daughter's coffin, Lingguo, and then Lin Xiaotian interrupted his hands, and took off Huang Wen, driving the two mothers out of the Lin family, Wang Meilan crying Called: "Hello, your heart, Kay, how is your son, you actually listen to Zou Xueqing, Lin Shuang's mother and daughter, and frame my daughter and grandson!"

Because Huang Xiaolong is facing Lin Guodong, Lin Guodong did not see the horrible face of Huang Xiaolong, so Lin Guodong went forward to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong is too elder, this matter is handled by me, I will find out the truth of the matter, if it is Zou Xueqing, Lin The mother of the frost has framed her sister, and this has caused such a thing to happen. I will certainly handle it impartially and give Huang Xiaolong an elder to be a confession!"

Although Lin Guodong said that he would find out the truth, he would handle it impartially, but it is undoubtedly a partiality to Lin Xiaotian. After all, this is a matter between Lin Xiaotian and Huang Wen, even if Lin Xiaotian interrupted Lin Kai’s hands, he really dispelled Huang Wen. It is only Lin Xiaotian’s family affairs, even if he is punished according to the Lin family rules, it will not be too heavy.

After all, Lin Xiaotian is the oldest parent of Lin. If this is the case, he will hand it over to Huang Xiaolong for disposal and pass it out. It is not very good for Lin’s reputation.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong suddenly stood up, and Huoran turned his head and stared at Lin Guodong coldly: "I will find out the truth and handle it with justice!"

Lin Guodong listened to Huang Xiaolong's question, how much uncomfortable in his heart, and Huang Xiaolong's eyes made him very unhappy, and then he said, he is also the owner of the Lin family.

"Huang Xiaolong is too elder, Lin Xiaotian is the oldest parent of my forest." Lin Guodong also wants to say, suddenly, a savage force surged from the body of Huang Xiaolong.

"Roll!" Huang Xiaolong shouted.

This sound "roll!", such as the virtual fairy robbery, blasted over the province of Kazakhstan, the entire province of Kazakhstan is suddenly shocked, dozens of prefecture-level cities in Kazakhstan, thousands of counties in the county, tens of thousands of people, at this moment I heard the screaming people and felt the sudden killing.

The beasts of all the mountain caves in the entire province of Kazakhstan are silent and silent.

Some of the beasts were directly scared and stinky.

Some of the spaceships flying over the province of Kazakhstan were hit by huge force, and they were forced to fall sharply.

Lin Guodong himself was directly blown up by the bombs. The entire hall of the Lin Family was blown up into countless powders. Taking the main hall as the center, one building after another in the Lin Family House was twisted into powder by invisible forces. Not only Lin Guodong himself was blown up. Lin Qihao and several other members of the Lin Family’s elders were blown up.

And Lin Chengtian was even flying, just like the turf encountered a super hurricane.

As for Lin Xiaotian himself, there is no flight, but the seven scorpions are squirting blood, the eyes are sprayed, the nostrils are sprayed, the ears are shot, and the mouth is sprayed.

Lin Guodong, who was bombed, Lin Qihao and others did not look at Huang Xiaolong with horror.

"You!" Lin Guodong couldn't speak, and he didn't know whether it was scared or the injury was a bit heavy.

Lin Guodong is the owner of the Lin family. His strength is stronger than that of Huang Houde. It is already an eight-year-old baby. Now even Huang Xiaolong can't stand it.

In fact, just drinking a drink is just a little bit of the strength of Huang Xiaolong's nine-fold late peak strength. This is so, Lin Guodong and others can't stand it.

"You will ask the Buddha to worship the ancestors, and pray that my sister and my nephew will be fine. Otherwise, I will come back to level your Lin family!" Huang Xiaolong glanced at Lin Guodong coldly, Lin Qihao, and then flashed, directly moved in space, disappeared in In situ, the most important thing now is to find the younger sister Huang Wen and the nephew Lin Kai.

Lin Guodong saw that Huang Xiaolong disappeared, and he was soft and there was a deep regret in his heart. If he knew that Xiaolong was so terrible, he dared to have a partiality of Lin Xiaotian’s thoughts!

Suddenly, he saw Wang Meilan, Huang Jiyuan, Huang Chenfei, Huang Datou, the fear, the remorse of the heart of the hall, hopelessly, regardless of the injury, almost climbed to Wang Meilan, Huang Jiyuan, a look of pleading: "Two I am an adult, please, when you come to help us to tell the story of Lin, and ask for two adults, I know it wrong!"

When Huang Xiaolong left, he said that the shovel Pinglin’s house, the tone, the look, is definitely not to talk about it.

Lin Qihao’s several elders also crouched down to Wang Meilan and Huang Jiyuan.

Wang Meilan and Huang Jiyuan were both sluggish. In fact, the two also had Huang Chenfei, and Huang Datou was scared by the horrible roll of Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, Huang Wen and Lin Kai were besieged by a dozen beasts from the edge of a mountain range far away from the Lin Family Government. In the distance, the bodies of several beasts were lying, and the blood was splashed around the ground. Is it a beast or a Huang Wen?

Lin Kai's hands were interrupted, and they had no money on them. So when passing through this mountain range, Huang Wen wanted to pick some herbs and applied them to her son. I didn't expect to encounter a beast of beasts. Fortunately, Huang Wen was out of the flood season. Otherwise, the two were already smashed by the fierce beasts. This is the case. After a long time, Huang Wenzheng Yuan has not appeared, and Lin Kai is dragged down. The two are dangerous.

Huang Wen was caught by a beast and several claw marks, and the blood was not stopped.

Lin Kai, even a large piece of leg meat was smashed by the beasts, and several times he was bitten down his neck.

"Mom, you are going, don't worry about me!" Lin Kai cried, "You can't leave, we can't go both!"

Huang Wen shook her head and smiled sadly: "Mom doesn't go, if you die, Mom doesn't want to live anymore. Our mother and son are together in the underground, but they can still live together. It's just that I am not a filial daughter. I can't go back to visit your grandfather and grandmother. !"

Lin Kai cried: "Mom, if we are all dead, who will take revenge for me? We both died like this, too cheap Zou Xueqing, Lin Shuang mother and daughter!"

At this time, a fierce beast suddenly bite into Lin Kai's neck, the speed is very fast, blinking and biting Lin Kai neck one meter away.

Lin Kai was frightened and eclipsed.

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