Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3314: Liusheng family

However, when the people of the Tigers got out of the door, they circled around and hid Huang Xiaolong far away.

After the tigers helped the people to leave, they coughed and saw that the uncle of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce had spurted a blood, obviously it was very heavy.

"Uncle Bai!" Lu Anan screamed.

Huang Xiaolong came over and took out a sacred blood ginseng and said, "Take him down."

"Shengguang blood ginseng!" Chen Longji was surprised, then said: "This is a millennial level?!"

Huang Xiaolong nodded. He has been back to Earth for more than ten days. The elixir of Lanlong Manor has grown to the millennium level. Like the sacred medicine of the Holy Light and Blood, Huang Xiaolong did not let Huang Shengan sell it.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong nod, Jinling Chamber of Commerce Bai Shuqiang stood up and waved: "This brother, you just saved, we are grateful, this holy blood is too precious, we can not accept, We have the healing remedy." Finished, take out a medicinal herb.

Generally, the immortalizers are all self-contained with healing spirits and elixir.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and said: "You are very seriously injured. You can't cure your injury. You will leave your wounds in the future. It will affect your cultivation in the future. This holy blood ginseng, I have more, you swallow. Take it down!"

Lu Anan took over Huang Xiaolong's holy blood ginseng and said: "Da is not thankful, waiting for the Chamber of Commerce, our Chamber of Commerce will thank you again." Then I will swallow the Jinling Chamber of Commerce.

The millennium-level blood ginseng is a healing treasure. The **** 100 injury is getting better soon. Several other Jinling Chamber of Commerce disciples are not seriously injured. They swallowed their respective medicinal herbs and their injuries were stable.

Chen Longbiao, Jiang 100 and others chatted with Huang Xiaolong. When the person who Huang Xiaolong wanted to inquire was Lu Dingming, Lu Anan, Chen Longji and other people were accidents.

"You are looking for my grandfather?" Lu An'an is beautiful.

Huang Xiaolong sighed. For Lu Anan, Lu Dingming’s granddaughter, Huang Xiaolong was not too surprised. It was also the surname Lu and the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. Huang Xiaolong had guessed it before.

"Brother is?" asked Chen Longbiao.

"My father is Huang Jiyuan, and Ding Mingshu is a good friend." Huang Xiaolong said.

He and his father came to Kyoto in the same year, which is what Lu Dingming said.

"Huang Jiyuan?" Lu Anan, Chen Longbiao, Jiang 100 and others are blind eyes, apparently have not heard of Huang Jiyuan.

"Yellow brothers, this place should not stay for a long time, let's go back first." Chen Long said: "If the old president knows that there are Chinese people coming, I will be very happy."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong followed Lu Anan, Chen Longbiao and others back to the Jinling Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

On the road, Lu Anan, Chen Longbiao, several people told Huang Xiaolong about some of the conflicts between the Jinling Chamber of Commerce and the Tigers.

Chen Hurui, the helper of the Tigers, was originally the vice president of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. Later, he was not willing to succumb to the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. He was separated from the Jinling Chamber of Commerce more than a decade ago and then founded the Tigers.

In the past ten years, the Tigers have been developing rapidly, and there is a faintness beyond the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. Chen Kerui’s ambition is getting bigger and bigger, and he wants to unify the Chinese gangs and chambers of commerce. However, now the Chinese gang and the Chamber of Commerce are only the Jinling Chamber of Commerce, he wants to To unify the Chinese gangs and chambers of commerce, we must eradicate the Jinling Chamber of Commerce!

Therefore, the conflict between the Tigers and the Jinling Chamber of Commerce is growing.

Originally, the Jinling Chamber of Commerce could suppress the Tigers, but a few months ago, after the Tigers helped to climb the Iga family in Laos, the Jinling Chamber of Commerce was completely suppressed and struggling. In recent days, the Jinling Chamber of Commerce’s stock market has been affected. The sniper of the Iga family’s consortium has suffered heavy losses.

Because the Chinese gangs of the Laos and other Chinese chambers of commerce are afraid of offending the Iga family, no one dares to help the Jinling Chamber of Commerce. Although the Jinling Chamber of Commerce has not yet reached the point where it is still running out of water, it will be eradicated by the tigers, and it will be a matter of time.

"The Yellow Brothers, the one who was injured by you, is the great elder of the Liusheng family, called Liu Sheng overlord." Chen Longbiao said: "Liusheng family, in the political circles of Laos, although the business sector has no influence, but the military is very strong, the Liusheng family The ancestors are the top five of the country!"

"In addition to the Ice Palace, the Liusheng family's mentoring period and Yuan Ying period masters are the most family in the country, more than the Zichuan family!"

Chen Longbiao has deep fears.

Liu Sheng’s hegemony is not low in the Liusheng family. His father is one of the Liusheng family veterans. He is a master of the squatting period. Now Liusheng’s hegemon is injured, and the Liusheng family will definitely not give up.

"Reassure, since I have managed this matter, I will manage it." Huang Xiaolong said indifferently.

"Uncle Huang, you are in China, you may not know about the Liusheng family." Lu Anan is shaking his head: "The power of the Liusheng family is not as simple as you think. The Liusheng family is terrible."

Huang Xiaolong smiled.

After a while, everyone came to the Jinling Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

The Jinling Chamber of Commerce is headquartered in the most prosperous street in Kyoto, Laos. The entire building has more than one hundred floors. The land area alone is tens of thousands of square meters, which shows the financial strength of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce.

When they arrived, the people at the Jinling Chamber of Commerce had already got the news and welcomed and waited at the gate of the building.

Huang Xiaolong saw Lu Dingming standing in front of the crowd at a glance, but Lu Dingming was supported by people. His face was wrinkled, his eyes were muddy, and he was walking on crutches. Obviously his legs and feet were inconvenient.

Lu Dingming did not break through the Golden Age, which was the peak of the late Jiuzhong period, so there are not many longevity.

Seeing Grandpa personally came out, Lu Anan was surprised. She knew the grandfather's body and had not come out to see people for a long time.

I saw Lu Dingming trembled and walked over to Huang Xiaolong. He was very excited and happy, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"You, is it a dragon?!" Lu Dingming looked at Huang Xiaolong, some can't believe it. After all, a hundred years have passed, Huang Xiaolong is too young!

Huang Xiaolong holds Lu Dingming's hands, his heart is complicated, and smiles: "Ding Mingshu, I am Xiaolong!"

Lu Dingming excitedly held Huang Xiaolong: "Good, good boy!" Then asked: "Your father, okay?"

"Very good." Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled: "A few days ago, my father also mentioned that you are uncle!"

"Okay, that's good!" Lu Dingming couldn't help but tear his eyes: "I don't have much life, I didn't expect to see the son of the old man before death."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Ding Ming Uncle, you can live to Long live, a million years old."

Lu Dingming smiled and said: "You, this child, is as likable as it was in the past!" Apparently thought that Huang Xiaolong said that he liked him.

Later, Lu Dingming and the Jinling Chamber of Commerce ushered Huang Xiaolong into the Jinling Building.

When Huang Xiaolong and Lu Dingming and others entered Jinling Building, Liu Shengyuan’s headquarters, Liu Qingyuan looked gloomy at the seriously injured son Liu Sheng overlord. His son Liu Sheng’s bones were completely twisted! And it's smashing! Even if you spend a lot of money to buy elixir and cooperate with high-tech treatment, it is difficult to fully recover as before.

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