Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3333: You just said that Yuan Hui lost?

All of a sudden, Kunara, the owner of the Kuna family of the Indonesian Union, Wang Zhou, the true sect of the sect, and Wang Feifei, the veteran of the Six Swordsmen, became the focus of the scene.

Just now, the three said that Huang Xiaolong escaped from the soft legs, urinating, and arrogant, becoming the focus of the audience. Now, once again, it has become the focus again, but now, the three people are also unpredictable.

"Before, the predecessors!" Kuna family owner Kunara first crouched down, pale and bloodless, strong smile: "Predecessors, I, I just just joked, the heroes of the predecessors, the world is invincible, Yuan Hui in front of the predecessors But it’s a fart, and the slap of the predecessor can shoot him to death and live!”

At the scene, many people and Kunara had a good relationship, but today they found that Kunara’s fart was not worse than his strength.

Wang Zong, the veteran of the Emperor Sect, and the veteran of the Six Swordsmen, looked at Kunara. His face was not so beautiful. If he took a fart, they couldn’t say it.

The two just crouched there.


At the headquarters of Liujianmen, Wang Zheng tried to contact Wang Feiyu with video, but it was not connected.

Wang Zheng also tried to contact another Liu Jianmen veteran who went to watch the battle, still not connected.

"Don't worry." Liu Jianmen's ancestors Fu Wu saw Wang Zhengzi, and said: "Wang Feiyu should have a news report soon, Huang Xiaolong in front of Yuan Hui, can not escape!"

Wang Zheng nodded.

A few minutes later.

The two of them saw the six swordsmen and the six swordsmen. The veterans were coming quickly. Everyone was scared. Fu Wu and Wang Zheng saw each other. They were surprised and heard the six swordsmen. Far crying out: "The ancestors, big things, big things!"

"What big thing?" Fu Wu brows, but did not think much.

Blinking, the six swordsmen and the six swordsmen came to the two men, and the six-men gate master Sun Yuyuan gasped: "Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong him!" The gas is not exhausted, the six-men gate master Sun Yuyuan is also It’s a high-end, but breathing, so you can see how fast it’s been.

“Did the Huang Xiaolong escape?” Wang Zheng wondered: “Yuan Hui did not kill Huang Xiaolong?!”

If this is the case, then it is really a big trouble.

Because Huang Xiaolong can escape from Yuan Hui's hand, it shows that Huang Xiaolong's strength is not as weak as he imagined.

Sun Yuyuan, the master of the Six Sword Gate, suddenly explained: "No, no, Yuan Hui is defeated!"

"What?!" Fu Wu, Wang Zheng two people screamed.

"You, you just said, Yuan, Yuan Hui lost?!" Wang Zheng could not believe it.

Fu Wu also looks the same.

Sun Yuyuan, the head of the Six Sword Gate, nodded his face and his face was complicated. At the same time, his eyes were horrified: "Yes, Yuan Hui lost, and he was defeated by Huang Xiaolong!"

"One, one trick!" Wang Zheng almost bit his tongue.

Fu Wu only felt that his heart was suddenly slammed by something.

Sun Yuyuan, the head of the Six Sword Gate, opened Zhangkou. In fact, he wanted to say that Yuan Hui was slain by Huang Xiaolong and he didn’t know. Yuan Hui didn’t even have a chance to shoot.

However, Sun Yuyuan, the head of the Six Sword Gate, did not say anything.

"How come, how could this be?!" Wang Zheng's eyes were sluggish, muttering to himself, and then maddening: "How could Huang Xiaolong be stronger than Yuan Hui? Impossible, it must be wrong, you must be wrong!"

If Yuan Hui is defeated by Huang Xiaolong, then next month Huang Xiaolong will set foot on the headquarters of Liu Jianmen. When he arrives, is he not going to be? !

At this time, the head of the Sui Dynasty’s head is smashing, and it’s a festive celebration.

The heads of state of the country led hundreds of people and stood in front of the palace gate waiting for Yuan Hui’s advent.

“Is Yuan Hui’s adult coming over?” asked the first person next to the head of the country.

"Not yet, but it should be faster." One person smiled full: "The head of the family is assured that with the strength of Yuan Hui and Changgu adults, the Huang Xiaolong will be solved soon."


after an hour.

Amazing news came out.

"The first alchemy master of the earth, Yuan Hui, the six strongest, was flying by Huang Xiaolong! It has already been used by Huang Xiaolong! Become a slave of Huang Xiaolong!"

"The Liusheng family ancestor Zongliu growing valley was cut off by Huang Xiaolong!"

The news came out that all the family ancestors, homeowners, and leaders of the Alliance were stunned.

Yuan Hui, the six strongest people on the earth, turned out to be the slaves of Huang Xiaolong? !

"Is it wrong?" Bao Xingzong’s ancestors heard the news and said: "Is it true that Yuan Hui has let go of Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaolong has become a slave to Yuan Huida?"

Bao Xingzong, which is the same as Taizheng Zong, is the second largest ancestral gate of the earth.

Bao Xingzong’s ancestors were very strong enough to be ranked in the top ten of the earth. He once had a hand with Yuan Hui, so he knew the horror of Yuan Hui’s strength. He could not believe that Yuan Hui’s revered anomaly had become an earth. Originally, the slave of Huang Xiaolong, the chief veteran of the Chinese little yellow family!

But then, one news after another is constantly coming out.

One live video after another appeared in the major gates, the ancestors of all major families, and the leaders of the major leagues!

It didn't take long for the head of the country to make an order: "After the people of the Laos League, who dares to say the Chinese pig again, punish yourself for a hundred times! Incorporate a hundred days!"

"After the people of Laos, you must call yourself a national dog!"

And added it to the Code of Laos.

The news spread that the heads of state and leaders of the major coalition countries were dumbfounded, and the people of the country were stunned. The people of the country were screaming and holding large-scale demonstrations.

Within the Jinling Building, Yuan Hui is standing respectfully behind Huang Xiaolong.

This time, Huang Xiao did not open the killing ring, but also killed a few people in the Liusheng Valley. Several people killed by Huang Xiaolong were the ancestors and homeowners of the Laos who did not return to the country at that time.

At that time, the main palace of the Ice Palace was untamed and was also killed by Huang Xiaolong on the spot.

As for the real sect, Wang Zhou and Liu Jianmen veteran Wang Feiyu, Kuna family owner Kunara three people, willing to break their own arms, and then return to Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong also let the three.

The Liusheng family, the Mitsui family, the Iga family, and the Zichuan family all contributed to Huang Xiaolong, claiming to be a slave in front of Huang Xiaolong.

After Huang Xiaolong swayed the major leagues and masters of the major sects, he asked Yuan Hui about the apocalypse of the earth and earth.

According to what Huang Xiaolong thought, the earth and earth aura changed, perhaps related to the Pangu axe. Yuan Hui is the six strongest people on the earth, maybe he knows.

"Returning to His Royal Highness, the apocalypse of the Earth and the Earth is actually related to the Kunlun Wonderland above the East China Sea." Yuan Hui replied with respect.

"Oh, you mean, there is a Kunlun wonderland on the East China Sea?" Huang Xiaolong's eyes are shining.

Yuan Hui nodded: "This Kunlun Wonderland is near the island of Yeouido, but the entrance and exit of this Kunlun Wonderland has been closed, and it will take another four years to open again!"

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