Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3349: You ungrateful animal

Lu Dingming and other people waiting outside the airport saw Huang Xiaolong, Huang Jiyuan came out, and looked up and rushed forward.

"Jiyuan brother!" Lu Dingming excited, excitedly holding Huang Jiyuan's hand.

"Definite!" Huang Jiyuan is equally excited.

"Mermaine, you are so beautiful, so young!" Lu Anan looked at Wang Meilan's rosy and smooth skin, both surprised and sweet.

Wang Meilan smiled and held Lu An'an's hand: "Are you a sure granddaughter, Ann? You are beautiful, I don't know who will have this blessing in the future to reach you."

Lu Anan was said to be pretty and blushing.

After some chills, Lu Dingming asked Huang Xiaolong, Huang Jiyuan and others to get on the bus.

Lu Dingming, Lu Qingwen, Lu Anan and Huang Xiaolong, Huang Jiyuan and a few people, the other people of the Jinling Chamber of Commerce drove behind.

In the car, Lu Dingming and Huang Jiyuan asked each other about these things in the past few years. They were all embarrassed. They knew that Lu Dingming’s wife had died of illness more than a decade ago. Huang Jiyuan and Wang Meilan comforted Lu Dingming.

When I came to the Jinling Building, Lu Dingming had already prepared a banquet. After everyone washed it, they went straight to the table. They were intertwined and talked about laughter. Originally, Lu Dingming and Lu Anan were somewhat cautious in front of Huang Xiaolong. But gradually let go.

At the banquet of Huang Xiaolong and others, Pan Yingying’s spaceship finally arrived in Kyoto.

When Pan Yingying and his party came out from the airport, they saw more than a dozen BMW luxury cars parked in front of the airport gate. They saw a handsome young man wearing a purple robes of the Zichuan family standing in front of the team.

When Pan Yingying saw the young man, his eyes were bright and his face was full of joy. He smiled and said: "Zi Chuan Da Ye, the young master, how can you let me pick you up in person? You can just send someone to come."

The young man is the direct disciple of the Zichuan family, Zichuan Daye, and the cousin of the Zichuan Marriott who Huang Xiaolong met last time. Among the young disciples of the Zichuan family, the talent is the best, so it is the most highly valued by the Zichuan family. pet.

Zichuan Daye laughed and said: "I can come to Miss Pan Yingying personally. It is my honor. Others want to have this opportunity yet."

Zichuan Daye’s words are not empty words. Pan Yingying’s looks are amazing and his body is excellent. He is a young lover of the world’s younger disciples, and many of the top family young masters are eager for it.

Zichuan Daye gave the flowers that had been prepared in his hand to Pan Yingying. Pan Yingying took the flowers and heard it deeply. He smiled like a flower: "Zi Chuan Daye’s young master knows that I like Bailinghua? This Bailing flower is difficult. Look for it!"

Bailinghua is an alien species. Later, some of the top sects of the aliens were cultivated on the earth. However, they are rarely sold in the market. This flower has a unique fragrance and is unforgettable.

Zichuan Daye laughed and said: "As long as Miss Pan Yingying likes it, even if I search every corner of the earth, I will find it and send it to Miss Pan Yingying."

Pan Yingying masked his mouth and smiled.

Zichuan Daye saw his heart hot.

After the two got on the bus, Zichuan Tatsuno couldn't help but ask why Pan Yingying had delayed for a few hours.

Listening to Zichuan Daye asked, Pan Yingying thought of Huang Xiaolong, and he said: "I was originally booking a ticket at 9:00 in the morning, but was later attacked by a family disciple of Huaxia on the spaceship, and was also escaping the spaceship!"

Listening to Pan Yingying said that he was attacked by a family disciple of Huaxia. Zichuan Daye suddenly became a man of cold: "Is there still such a thing?! Miss Pan Yingying, tell me, who is the disciple of Huaxia?"

"He is a disciple of Huaxia Donglin Huangjia." Pan Yingying saw Zichuan Daye's look, and his heart was dark, and he quickly said: "It is called Huang Xiaolong, his father is Huang Jiyuan, and he is a yellow parent."

"Oh, Donglin Huangjia?" Zichuan Daye accident, then sneered: "The son of a small Huangjia small elder in China, I thought it was the young master of the Chinese family. You can rest assured that I will be there. Let people go to China to pack up this little yellow dragon!"

Although Zichuan Tatsuno is a direct disciple of the Zichuan family, he has been practicing in the family secret base for the past two months. He has just come out these two days, so he does not know the identity of Huang Xiaolong.

Pan Yingying heard the words and said: "That Huang Xiaolong, he is now in Kyoto. He is a spaceship at 9:00 in the morning. He should go to Kyoto with his father now."

"Oh, in Kyoto?" Zichuan Daye immediately assured: "If this is the case, then I will now check the whereabouts of Huang Xiaolong. Miss Pan Yingying please rest assured that tomorrow I will bring him and his father to Pan. Miss Ying Ying, in front of you, Miss Pan Yingying, you just take him out, I want to know how to fan him!"

"That would be too thankful to the young master Zichuan." Pan Yingying smiled.

Subsequently, Zichuan Daye and Pan Yingying arrived at the Kyoto Hotel, and they greeted Pan Yingying at the Kyoto Hotel. The Kyoto Hotel is the most luxurious hotel in Kyoto, but no one can feast at the Kyoto Hotel.

At the same time, Zichuan Daye asked the people under his command to inquire about the whereabouts of Huang Xiaolong and Huang Jiyuan.

The night is quiet.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the top floor of the Jinling Building and looked at the traffic below Kyoto.

"There are four days." Huang Xiaolong said to himself.

Four days is the next month.

He said that if Wang Zheng did not go to the Zhangjia General Office and admit his mistake to Zhang Yuhan, he would break his arms. Next month, he will set foot on the headquarters of Liu Jianmen and take Wang Zhengxiang on the head.

There is still no movement on the side of Liu Jianmen.

Just when Huang Xiaolong thought about the Six Jianmen, Huang Shengan video contacted Huang Xiaolong and reported to Huang Xiaolong: "His Royal Highness, just the six-footed ancestor Fu Wu sent the messenger to come over and said that Wang Zheng was willing to squat before the Zhangjia General Office. Miss Zhang Yuhan pleaded guilty and broke his arms."

Huang Xiaolong's face is indifferent: "A few days ago, Fu Wu's master and master Bo wanted to come to Earth. Isn't the Six Sword Gate screaming to kill me?"

Huang Sheng'an said: "After knowing that Your Highness killed you in the Ziyan Mountain, the masters and masters of Fu Wu were scared to escape to the Uranus Head, Ice Palace, Wanzongzong, and the Stars. The distracted master also fled back to the headquarters."

For this result, Huang Xiaolong was not surprised.

"Tell Fu Wu, now that Wang Zheng is coming to Shantou to plead guilty, it is already late!" Huang Xiaolong said coldly: "Tell him, after four days, I will go to the Six Swords Gate, take him and Wang Zhengren!"

Soon, Fu Wu, Wang Zheng of Liu Jianmen headquarters got a reply from Huang Sheng'an.

"Deceive too much!" Fu Wu was furious: "This Huang Xiaolong is simply shameless! He really thought that we are afraid of six swordsmen!"

Wang Zheng is hesitating: "Let's go back to Uranus first!"

Even if the Six Swordsmen have six swords to kill, it is impossible to block Huang Xiaolong.

Fu Wu face ugly, and finally nodded: "Alright, we will return to Uranus first, and then from the long-term discussion, when we join the purple flames, Shen Tingzong, Knife Gate, Ghost Valley, the ice palace's headquarters master to deal with Huang Xiaolong!"

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