Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3355: What do you say, His Royal Highness? !

Everyone listened to Xiao Cheng and asked each other to look at each other, but they shook their heads.

These people, although they are also Chinese celebrities or nobles, are far worse than the real top layers of Yu Shiming, and the related videos of Huang Xiaolong are secret and only the top layer can be seen. Therefore, Xiao Cheng And everyone has not seen Huang Xiaolong.

Zhou Jia helped Xiao Baishan, but it was a weak voice: "The yellow Chen Fei surnamed Huang, is also the city of Huazhou, will it be a disciple of the Huang family?"

"Yellow, Huang Jia?!" Xiao Cheng and a lot of masters on the scene.

Although Xiao Cheng and the field master have not seen Huang Xiaolong, but also heard some of the recent events of the Huang family.

Although Xiao Cheng did not know about the Wuyan Mountain, he also knew that the current Huang family was not comparable before. It is said that Huang Jia had a peerless master.

Moreover, it seems that even the ancestors of the family are jealous of them? !

Xiao Cheng’s face has changed and changed. Isn’t the young man who is called the Highness by Yu Shiming, the master of the Huang family?

However, he still has a hard time believing that Huang Xiaolong is too young, just like a college student.

Zhou Jia did not know what happened to the Huang family recently. He said: "Even if he is a direct disciple of the Huang family, there is nothing remarkable about it. The seniors of Shiming have injured Baishan in this way, and some of them have made a big fuss!"

Ruan Shiming fanned her husband in public, she had no anger and resentment in her heart, it was a fake.

"Women's family!" Xiao Cheng was yelling loudly and scared Zhou Jiaxuan.

Xiao Cheng looked at Xiao Yu and said: "Yu Er, that Huang Chenfei, how did you and him know?"

Xiao Yu quickly said: "We met at an auction a few days ago." Then I talked about the two people's acquaintances and said something that they met after the two.


Huang Xiaolong just returned to the Blue Dragon Manor, Huang Shengan reported to Huang Xiaolong, saying that Xiao Jia’s owner Xiao Cheng came, and brought Xiao Baishan, Zhou Jia came to accompany him, and there was a girl named Xiao Yu.

"Big Brother, look?" Listening to Xiao Yu outside, Huang Chenfei could not help but look at Huang Xiaolong.

"Let that Xiao Yu come in, as for Xiao Cheng, Xiao Baishan, Zhou Jia three, let them wait outside." Huang Xiaolong said lightly.

Huang Xiaolong’s words fell, and Huang Chenfei slid away.

Wang Meilan couldn’t help but smile: “This child, like the big head, has two sons and one son!”

"Xiao Long, Xiao Baishan, Zhou Jia, both of them are not, but after all, Xiao Yu's parents." Huang Jiyuan said.

"Father, I know, don't worry, I have a measure." Huang Xiaolong said, in fact, his father meant, he knew.

"Where is the real doorkeeper and the younger master?" Wang Meilan remembered the words of Qiu Bohong, the master of the real door at that time, and came to the air: "I remembered that the true door of the door, the fire is big."

"He ridiculed us, saying that we can't even enter the Xiao family's inner hall, saying that Chen Fei wants to be the door to the house, and warned Chen Fei, saying that Xiao Yu is his woman, let Chen Fei away from the distance, he thought he was great! ”

"It is best to let them really go bankrupt and close the door!"

"I see him as the real doorkeeper, will not be so proud!"

Wang Meilan sighed and looked sullen.


As the Xiao Cheng Shou feast did not continue, the guests who came here were dispersed. The real doorkeeper Qiu Shaopeng and the true spirit doorkeeper Qiu Bohong also drove away.

On the loop, Qiu Bohong was upset and shouted: "Father, mother, you said, I warned Huang Chenfei two sentences. Will the Huang family anger our true spirit?"

Qiu Shaopeng’s heart is also seven and eight, and his brow is locked.

"It’s just that Huang Chenfei’s two sentences. After two days, we will prepare some gifts and apologize to the door. It’s not a big deal.” Qiu Shaopeng’s wife, He Wei, said: “I don’t believe because of two. In other words, he can use the power of the Huang family to deal with our true spiritual door. Our true spiritual door is not a soft persimmon. It is not that he wants to knead and can squeeze it casually, and who does not know our true spiritual door and Liu Jianmen relationship?!"

Zhenlingmen and Liujianmen are closely related, and they are backed by Liujianmen. Therefore, although the strength of Zhenlingmen is not very strong, the Chinese ten-year-old Xiuxian family wants to move the true spirit door, and they all care about one or two.

Of course, Qiu Shaopeng, He Wei and others did not know about Huang Xiaolong and Liu Jianmen. Even worse, yesterday, Liu Wumen’s ancestor Fu Wu and the chief veteran Wang Zheng had already fled.

At this moment, suddenly, Qiu Shaopeng’s video was contacted. Qiu Shaopeng saw it and was a little surprised. He was contacted by Xue Xuezong’s ancestors. He did not dare to neglect and quickly connected.

As soon as it was turned on, Snow Wolf’s ancestors took a panic look to Qiu Shaopeng: “Qiu Shaopeng, the cooperation of our Snow Wolf and your Chamber of Reality in the future, stop here!”

Qiu Shaopeng’s face changed: “Why?!”

There is a chamber of commerce under the door of Zhenling. This chamber of commerce is the main source of income for Zhenlingmen. Xuelangzong is the main customer of the Real Chamber of Commerce. If you lose the important customer of Xuelangzong, the income of the Real Chamber of Commerce will be Greatly cut!

Listening to Qiu Shaopeng asking why, the snow wolf ancestors screamed and stopped, but eventually closed the video.

Xue Wolf's ancestors just turned off the video, Qiu Shaopeng's video will ring again. Qiu Shaopeng saw it as the owner of the blue world. The blue sky is also the main customer of the Real Chamber of Commerce.

There is a bad hunch in Qiu Shaopeng’s heart. Just opened, and sure enough, the owner of the blue world will say: “In the future, the blue world will no longer cooperate with the real spirits Chamber of Commerce!” Then let Qiu Shaopeng not contact him again. .

Qiu Shaopeng, He Wei, Qiu Bohong, three faces are ugly.

But at this time, Qiu Shaopeng’s video sounded again. Qiu Shaopeng saw it. It was sent by the owner of the Amethyst House. The words of the Amethyst House were the same as those of the Snow Wolf ancestor. Zhenlingmen Chamber of Commerce cooperates.

Next, Qiu Shaopeng’s video kept ringing, and after ten minutes, it was completely quiet.

"How could this be?!" Qiu Shaopeng slammed the video and smashed it.

In these ten minutes, more than 30 sects, the family's lord, and the ancestors of the family, all of them called, and interrupted cooperation with the Real Chamber of Commerce!

In other words, the Real Chamber of Commerce does not have a customer now!

"Yi Chenfei! It must be Huang Jiagan!" Qiu Bohong suddenly screamed.

Qiu Shaopeng stunned, his eyes were awkward: "Huang Jia is! Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unjust!" Speaking of this, I used another video to contact Liu Jianmen's elder elder Hu Jin.

Through the video, it seems that Liu Jianmen’s elder elder Hu Jin is packing up the soft.

"What?!" Hu Jin looked very impatient.

"Hu Jin, this is the case. We have a little contradiction with the young man of the Huang family who called His Highness. I didn't expect that the kid actually used the power of the Huang family, forcing the customers of our Reality Chamber of Commerce to break with us. Cooperation!" Qiu Shaopeng complained that he wanted Hujin to be the master.

But he suddenly saw Hu Jin's face full of fear, his voice trembled: "You, what do you say? Huang, His Royal Highness?!"

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