Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3360: Earth stunning monster

A few minutes later, Huang Xiaolong returned to Earth. After an hour, Huang Xiaolong returned to the Blue Dragon Manor. When Wang Meilan and Huang Jiyuan saw Huang Xiaolong, they looked anxious: "Xiaolong, you can finally come back!"

"Father, mother, what's wrong?" Huang Xiaolong saw it, and his heart was strange.

"It's a big deal!" Wang Meilan clenched her hand and took a shot: "There is something going wrong in Africa!"

"Oh." Huang Xiaolong had some accidents. It was just that there was something wrong with Africa. It has nothing to do with them.

"Two days ago, the African mountains suddenly burst out and there was a huge rift. After that, there were countless monsters inside." Wang Meilan said immediately: "Now, these monsters are messing around the earth, big and big. The Alliance has killed hundreds of thousands of people every day."

"Yes, the situation in China is not so serious. The most serious thing is that Black Africa, Gue, almost every day, millions of people are swallowed up by these monsters." Huang Jiyuan said: "Now everyone is at risk, small In some towns, no one dares to go out at night!"

"Because the night is in the night, these monsters are the most embarrassing!"

Huang Xiaolong brows wrinkled, Africa Rift Valley?

"Shen Tingzong, Zi Yanzong they did not shoot?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

"The six ancestral gates of the Shenting ancestor also sent the elders, the elders, the elders and a group of disciples to hunt these monsters. The eight major leagues also dispatched a hundred million troops, but the effect was not great." Huang Jiyuan shook his head: "African Rift Valley There are so many monsters coming out every hour, and there are 10,000 monsters in every second!"

"And these monsters, it is said that the weakest of them are congenital, and many of them are the base period and the Golden Age, strong, and even out of the flood!"

"Fortunately, there is no distraction monster yet."

Huang Xiaolong was a little snack.

Every second, can tens of thousands of monsters come out?

An hour, that is more than 30 million heads!

Twenty-four hours a day, that is seven hundred and eighty!

In the next two days, there are more than one billion monsters in the ground to swallow live people?

It is no wonder that the six major ancestral gates of the Shenting ancestors did not work much.

“Did anyone go to the Great Rift Valley in Africa?” Huang Xiaolong asked his parents.

"Listen to Huang Sheng'an, the purple flames Yuan Hui adults personally went to see, but there is nothing to gain." Wang Meilan said.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Yuan Hui is the peak of the late Jiuzhong, the six strongest players in the world. If Yuan Hui has nothing to gain, then the problem is not small.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong contacted Yuan Hui and Huang Shengan, and asked the two to report to themselves about what happened in these two days.

After listening to the reports of Yuan Hui and Huang Sheng'an, Huang Xiaolong brows a lock, and things are more serious than he imagined. Now many cities in Africa have been accused by those demons, and as the monsters in the Rift Valley continue to emerge, The scope of the occupation of the human city pool has gradually expanded, and in this way, within a week, the entire black non-fifty countries will be occupied!

Now, a large number of immigrants have been evacuated from Hei, some are flying to China, some are going to the United States, and some are going to the country.

"The six major sects and the various sects did not send the elders, the elders, the elders all participated in the hunting of these monsters? The major league countries also sent a hundred million troops, can't they keep the black?" asked Huang Xiaolong.

Yuan Hui shook his head: "Those monsters, 60% concentrated in the Black African, 40% have already arrived in other Union countries, so our various disciples, sent disciples, can only kill the surrounding magic, as for the other Union's army I can only hold important cities in my own league, and there is no extra force to support the black."

Huang Shengan also said: "Yes, our Huaxia 20 million troops are not enough to defend China, the magic in China, I am afraid that there will be more than 20 million heads. However, in Donglin Province, we have not seen the monsters, those monsters. After entering the territory of the China Alliance, it is mainly concentrated near the coastal cities."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Immediately, through the video, Huang Xiaolong talked with the six major sects, the first-class sects, the top family ancestors, and issued orders to let the ancestors send out the sects, the masters of all the family foundations, and hunted these monsters. .

Originally, all the sects, the families have retained their strength, but under the orders of Huang Xiaolong, they dare not have reservations.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong contacted Zhang Yuhan, and Huang Xiaolong asked about Zhang’s situation.

Since Zhang’s family is not far from the Huang family, there is nothing wrong with it, and Huang Xiaolong had arranged a large array in Zhang’s home.

"Or, you still come to Lanlong Manor." Huang Xiaolong told Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yuhan was moved, but in the end he shook his head: "I can't abandon the hundreds of thousands of disciples of Zhang family. I have to swear by hundreds of thousands of disciples."

"A fool, what is the oath, don't say these stupid things." Huang Xiaolong said: "Wait a minute, I will go to Africa and seal the African Rift Valley, it will be fine."

"What, you have to go to the Great Rift Valley!" Zhang Yuhan changed his face: "No! Xiaolong, too dangerous. I heard that even Yuan Hui is unable to get close to the Great Rift Valley, where the magic is terrifying, even Yuan Hui’s The real yuan can't resist, and there are more terror bans around the Rift Valley. Even a 100,000-ton nuclear bomb can't be blasted in!"

"It doesn't work if you go!"

Zhang Yuhan looked anxious.

Although she knows that Huang Xiaolong's strength is amazing, even Yuan Hui is not Huang Xiaolong's opponent, but only knows this.

"Do not worry, there will be nothing." Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: "If I get there, I can't resist the magic there, I won't be stubborn."

Of course, his current body is stronger than the body of the ordinary creation god. Naturally, there is no fear of this magic. Even if it is a million times more magic, Huang Xiaolong is not unseen.

"Then you have to be careful." Zhang Yuhan paused for a moment, and the words were profound: "I am waiting for you to come back!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Good!"

The two chatted for a while and closed the video.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong left the Blue Dragon Manor and went directly to Africa.

Huang Xiaolong walked from the sea, and the space was teleported. It was just over an hour, and he crossed the Arabian Sea and came to the coast of Africa.

Just as Huang Xiaolong went to a distant city in the distance, suddenly, someone shouted in the distance.

"You don't want to die, the city, now all occupied by the magic, you dare to go!" Is a woman.

Huang Xiaolong looked, only to see six people, there are men and women, old and young, open the woman, black skin, wearing a purple robe, wearing a blue gem bound towel, look dress, should be a country in Africa Aristocratic disciples, and five people behind them, should be their family guards.

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