Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3503: Longan wall

Huang Xiaolong passed through the blood fog and walked to the gate. When Huang Xiaolong passed by Yan Guang, he paused. For a moment, Yan Guang felt that he was locked by death.

"Look at the dragon's share, this time I will spare you, once again." Huang Xiaolong slowly said: "kill!"

Next time, even the face of the dragon does not work.

Until Huang Xiaolong left for a long time, Yan Guang was still standing there, and Wen and the other maids looked at the floating **** fog around them, and they had a sense of dreams.

"Yes, is the creation god?!" A waitress was shocked and wondered.

Yan Wen took a deep breath: "I don't know, but even if it is not a creation god, I am afraid that it is not far away!"

At least the thirteenth perfection!

Close to the kind of 1.3 billion fights.

"Is that Wang Meiqi?" asked another maid.

"It should be." Yan Wen hesitated.

Just three people of Huang Xiaolong did not move, and she was not good at judging.

"This Huang Xiaolong, who they are, there is such a guard! Looking at his father Huang Long's illness, it seems that he was seriously injured and has become ill." The waitress was surprised.

At this time, Yan Guang has already returned to God, and his heart is full of fear, shame, resentment, shame.

The thousands of masters are the ones that he spent countless thoughts on and cultivated. He can almost be said to be the master of his half, but just a few dozen breaths, all his efforts in these years have been broken. half!

The more he wants, the more he hates.

"Second brother, what do you want to do?" Yan Wen saw the cockroaches full of killing, could not help but scream.

Yan Guang looked at Xiao Wen with a murderous look: "What do you want to do? You do good things, Xiao Wen, you allow people of unknown origin to enter the Dragon Palace, and then kill me and kill me." I will see the father and the emperor, so that the father can rule your sins!" After that, he left and went to see the dragon rumor.

When Yan Wen saw it, she was so angry that she could not help her.

"His Royal Highness Prince II is not blind, but if he wants to capture the dragon's marrow in the hands of Huang Xiaolong, how can thousands of people under his hand be killed? Now it's blame you, Princess Three, you are really!" A maid airway.

Yan Wen is a pretty face, catching up with Yan Guang: "You will go with me to see the father."

After a while, when the dragon rumor heard the sorrowful resentment of the singer, he and the masters around him smashed for a long while.

"What did you say? Someone just killed thousands of people in the Dragon Palace, including Li Xufei, Zhao Yitong?" The scandal could not believe it.

Li Xuanfei, Zhao Yitong is the master of the thirteen major masters of Zhai Guang, the master of the thirteenth perfection, even if it is rare in the entire Shoulong Tianchao, so the scandal is to know Li Xufei, Zhao Yitong.

What shocked the rumor is that some people just killed Li Xuanfei in the Xulong Palace. Zhao Yitong has thousands of masters. He didn’t even notice it? And all the masters around him are, or they have already reported him.

"Yes!" Yan Guang will be detailed in the past.

Gossip and Xu Long Tian Chaozhong masters listened, shocked.

"You mean, the three of them did not shoot, and Li Xufei, Zhao Yitong and others attacked suddenly and slowly, and then all burst into blood fog?" The scandal looked dignified.

"Yes, the father."

Gossip looks at an old man around him: "Yu Lao, what do you think?"

There are four great elders in the Shunlong Tianchao. This is the first of the four great elders. It is the ultimate in the thirteenth, and it is the kind that can break through the creation of the world at any time. The strength is comparable to that of the ancient world. Yuan, one or two dragons.

Yan Chengyu said: "At least I can't do it."

Xu Longtian, a master of the public, was shocked.

敖广双眼瞪大: "Yu Lao, what you mean is that the name is Huang, one of the three of them is a creation, creation god?!" When it comes to the creation of God, his tongue is somewhat knotted.

Creation God!

The entire hall is still.

The three-tailed Princess Liu, who was just about to open, is also a mouth.

"Yes, if I guess it is good, the little yellow dragon, or the woman next to him is the creation god." Yan Chengyu nodded and said, with a very positive tone.

"That father, what about this?"

"Your Majesty, or else, please ask his predecessors to try them out?" Yan Chengyu said.

Xulong Tianchao, of course, not only must a dragon create a god, except for the dragon, the dragon must also have four creation gods, the dragon and the other three creation gods are not in the world of the dragon, only the creation gods The world of the dragon.

Gossip, Shen Shen said: "Well, wait a minute, I will go to see my predecessors."

Huang Xiaolong’s origins are unknown. Now he appears in the city of Xulong. He also wants to explore the bottom of several people of Huang Xiaolong.

At the same time, the scandal began to detect the identity of several people in Huang Xiaolong. As for Li Xufei, Zhao Yitong was killed by thousands of masters, and the scandals made people block the news. No matter who was present, they could not disclose half of the points.

After Huang Xiaolong returned to the mansion, he told the Pangu about the news of a drop of Xinglong Longyuan in the bath dragon courtyard.

"Oh, in the Dragon Court!" Pangu knew, but also surprised and unexpected.

"However, that Wenwen does not know where the bath dragon is. Master, according to your guess, where is the most likely dragon dragon in Yuanlongyuan?" Huang Xiaolong asked Pangu.

Pangu spent a short time in the world of the dragon, so he is more familiar with the bath dragon.

"Bath Longhai, Panlong Shenshu, sleepy dragon pool, dragon soul desert." Pangu thought about it and said a few places.

Many places in the bath dragon temple have been stepped on. If there is a dragon dragon, it has already been found. If there is a possible place for the dragon dragon, there is only the bath dragon sea, the Pangu tree, sleepy. Longchi, Dragon Soul, and the land where these gods are unable to detect.

Huang Xiaolong wrote down several places mentioned by Pangu.

"Right, there is still a place!" Suddenly, what Pangu remembered: "The wall of the longan!"

"The wall of the longan?" Huang Xiaolong and Huang Long are wrong.

Pangu nodded: "Yes, the wall of the longan, a jade wall with mysterious countless longan, this jade wall, it is said that the star dragon universe was born, it is more ancient than the dragon world, even the old man of the dragon I don't know how many years there are in this jade wall. The wall of this longan is in the bathing dragon courtyard. However, the secret of the wall of the longan has never been understood. Even the dragons and bath dragons will not work."

Huang Xiaolong and Huang Long, Wang Meiqi are all amazed.

"This wall of the longan is so mysterious?" asked Huang Xiaolong.

Pan Gudao: "I also learned the wall of this longan, and I couldn't understand it. The longan on the wall of the longan is closed. It is said that if someone can make the longan on the wall of the longan open. You can learn the secrets of the Star Dragon universe and get the Supreme Treasure."

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