Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 956: Sea of ​​hell

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The ancestors ancestors turned their heads high and looked at Huang Xiaolong: "Kid, what other words do you have? Today, this ancestor is in a good mood and can give you a chance to talk about your last words."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and did not open his mouth. He raised his hand and directly took a palm, and then he flew the genie of the genie.

I saw the sorcerer's ancestors rushing out, and the whole person was branded on the stone pillar of the hall.

However, Huang Xiaolong’s palm is in good control. He did not kill the ancestors of this genie, but broke his whole body and bones, and the internal organs were divided.

In front of the sudden mutation, the main door of the genie door, Yu Yu, stayed there.

Zhao Yucheng, who has just been immersed in the genius of the genie, will reward ten treasures of the treasure house.

The hall is dead.

After more than a dozen breaths, the two masters of the genie gate Fan Yuyu and the elder Zhao Yucheng came back to understand what it was all about.

The two men were gray, their bodies were shaking, and their eyes were terrified.

Zhao Yucheng was so scared that his legs were soft and crouched down: "Before, predecessors, forgiveness, me, I just, really not!"

"Not what?" Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold.

Zhao Yucheng groaned and trembled, I don’t know how to answer.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are cold: “What I hate most is your ungrateful person!”

Previously, Huang Xiaolong shot and rescued Zhao Yucheng from the ghost beast, but now Zhao Yucheng is envious.

When Huang Xiaolong said this, he directly pointed out the broken soul, and took the basaltic flames out of the air, and instantly pierced Zhao Yucheng's eyebrows. Xuanwu Shenhuo smashed the soul of his god.

The basaltic fire spread, and the body of Zhao Yucheng turned into an ashes.

The main genre of the genie door, Yu Yu, looked at Zhao Yucheng’s eyes and turned into an ashes, and it was a dead face.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not kill the ancestors and the lords of the genie, but chose the two and asked if they would like to vote for themselves.

After seeing the strength of Huang Xiaolong’s horror. The ancestors and lords of the genie finally chose to work for Huang Xiaolong.

For this result, Huang Xiaolong was not surprised.

After giving the genie of the genie a ninth robbery, and letting him swallow to recover the wound, Huang Xiaolong planted the soul in the sea of ​​the souls of the two. Then, Huang Xiaolong asked the two to make the genie gate all too The elders, the elders called the hall.

Under the ancestors of the genie and the two masters of the door, the genie gates were all elders, and the elders rushed to the hall in less than ten minutes.

just. All of these sacred gates are too elders. When the elders arrive, they will see a strange young black man sitting on the throne of the genie gate, while their ancestors and gatekeepers are standing respectfully in the black hair. When the young man is next to him, don't be surprised and guessed.

However, everyone can't guess the identity of Huang Xiaolong, and no one dares to open up to Huang Xiaolong.

just. When the sorcerer's ancestors and the gatekeepers called Huang Xiaolong as the master, and asked everyone to succumb to Huang Xiaolong. The genie gates are too elders, and the elders are not at all.

"What? Let us invest in a god-level eighth-order kid? Call it a master? This is impossible!" Suddenly, the genie gate of a god-level ninth-order early elders will be angry.

"Yes, a god-level eighth-order kid, what qualifications make us effective in him? It’s a big joke, since that’s it. Then I will exit the genie door now!” Another genie door **** level nine The initial elder interface channel.

The genie gates and other elders are also opening their voices.

The elders of the genie are standing there and watching.

Although the genie gate is the first-class power of the road to hell, but these genie gates are too elders, many of them were previously scattered, and they are the genie gates that have joined in the middle. Therefore, the ownership of the genie gate is not strong.

For them, it is the same as withdrawing from the genie gate, and turning to other big sects. Anyway, with their strength, no matter which first-class martial art is going to hell, it will be reused.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the sorcerer's ancestors and the doorkeeper, and they both looked ugly and looked down at Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, the first genie door that opened the door, the elders flew up and left the hall.

Huang Xiaolong did not look at it, and he immediately pressed the palm of his hand.

The sacred door of the ninth-order sacred door that was about to leave the hall was pressed by Huang Xiaolong into the hall, and the hall was shocked.

The other genie gates are too elders, the elders see, the first genie to leave, the elders are too old, the flesh and blood are stuck together, the bones, the internal organs, the gods, all broken, glued together I can't die anymore.

The other genie gates that were just about to leave were too elders to breathe, and their eyes were frightened and trembled.

"Is there still someone to leave?" Huang Xiaolong said indifferently.

The elders who had previously clamored to leave the genie gate no longer dared to speak.

after an hour.

In addition to a few elders who had escaped from their ideals, they were directly swallowed up by Huang Xiaolong. Others, all of them worked for Huang Xiaolong.

Controlling these genie gates to the elders, after the elders, Huang Xiaolong let everyone retreat, leaving only the genie gate ancestors and doorkeepers, asking the two about the refining of ghost gates and refining ghost gates. Things.

However, the two said that it was similar to what Zhao Yucheng said earlier.

According to the two people, the refining ghost door allowed the two to five months later, to the place of Hell Road, a place called Blood Rain Valley and other first-class ancestors, the doorkeepers waited.

At that time, the disciples who have the refining door will come to the crowd to receive the refining door.

"Five months." Huang Xiaolong said to himself, and in this case, he can only wait another five months.

At that time, he will change into the ancestors of the genie, and go to the door of the genie.

Then, Huang Xiaolong asked the two people about the ancient ancestors of the ancient demon.

"The ancient demon ancestors demon a stone!" The two geniuses of the genie door listened to Huang Xiaolong when asked about the ancestors of the ancient Mozu, and they were not surprised.

"How?" Huang Xiaolong saw the look of the two, could not help but ask.

"Returning to the master, this magic stone, in the past few years, did appear on the road to hell." The genie ancestor respectfully replied: "At that time, an elder of the five prisons did not know his identity, offended him, and later he was angry. Under the attack, one person smashed into the five prisons, seriously wounded the five prisoners and the lords, and killed the five prisoners. If not the five prisoners, there is another strong aid, only the five prisoners will be given this magic stone. Went out!"

"However, this magic disappeared after a stone. Some people said that he entered the deepest sea of ​​hell on the road to hell!"

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

Unexpectedly, this ancient demon ancestor magic stone went into the sea of ​​hell!

In the sea of ​​hell, he knows that as long as he passes through the sea of ​​hell, the legend is the entrance to the Seal of the Hells.

However, the sea of ​​hell is extremely dangerous, hundreds of millions of years, no one can pass. (My novel "Invincible World" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend", search The public number "qdread" and pay attention to it, the speed is fast!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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