Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1046: He is not a good person

Chapter 1046 He is not a good person

For the first time, the old man was so happy to see the female emperor.

Even a thousand years ago, when the female emperor was in the world, she did not see the look of the female emperor.

This looks like a little woman.

But no matter what, as long as the female emperor is happy, she will be happy.

Even if the female emperor does not revenge, return to their fire skylark family, the female emperor is still their king.

King above the king of their race!


"Hey, you said this person, how do you send a message a few days ago? Why don't you see it?"

At this moment, Wang Xian stood in front of a girl who was hot and taller than herself. Her face was slightly awkward.

"It was busy a few days ago, so I didn't see your message. I am sorry!"

He smiled faintly.

The woman is Zhang Fengying. When she was shopping on the streets of the West District, she did not know what the fate was.

After seeing him, Zhang Fengying walked over with anger.

He did receive several of her messages these days, but since I have been busy forging weapons and refining medicinal herbs for the past two days, I have not responded.

"Oh, is it?"

Zhang Fengying looked at him coldly, in front of his face, his hands were environmentally friendly.

This form, Wang Xian feels that her hands are a little heavy.

"What does Miss Zhang have to look for me?"

Wang Xian asked with a smile.


When Zhang Fengying heard Wang Xian’s words, he did not know what he was looking for. She just thought that Wang Xian was somewhat mysterious and wanted to know more about it.

For a time, she did not know how to answer.

"Right, there is no fun and delicious thing in the West End. I will come to the West District for the first time, or will you take me around?"

Wang Xian saw that she was awkward and followed.

He has nothing to do now, and there is a big beauty to accompany him.

"Then you are looking for the right person. I have lived here for decades. I know all the streets and alleys. Today, Miss Ben will take you to eat delicious food!"

Zhang Fengying is like her figure, very bold and said to Wang Xian.

"Okay, then you lead the way!"

Wang Xian smiled and followed Zhang Fengying and strolled around.

Zhang Fengying is a relatively bold girl, a lot older than Wang Xian, but for the life of five hundred years, the gap is not very big.

"It’s almost noon, go, I will take you to one of the hottest restaurants in the West End. If you go late, there is no place!"

Zhang Fengying urged the road.

Wang Xian is slightly speechless, it is what you want to eat.

Followed by, through two small alleys, to a street with relatively few people.

But this is less, it is only relative.

A lot of people gathered in front of a quaint little shop, and there was a loud noise from the store.

What makes Wang Xian feel wrong is that the boss in the store is not a human being, but a monster with two horns and three legs and two meters high.

“The only restaurant in the whole East China Sea that is open to the beast, the family of the beast and the owner is very good. The quality of food and food is definitely one of the best in the East China Sea!”

Zhang Fengying said, asking the beast of a service inside: "Is there a private room?"

"There is no separate room, the hall is full, but there is a big box!"

The monster said a skilled human language.

"Take us to the past, two people, all of your features here!"

Zhang Fengying waved his hand and said directly.

"Good lady, please come!"

Follow the service staff into a large room with two tables.

The two directly chose one of the tables to sit down.

"Head leader, you should have earned a lot of Lingshi in the Windbell Forest. Will the auction go three days later?"

Sitting down, Zhang Fengying asked him with a smile.

"Auction? Naturally, how are you going?"

Wang Xian nodded.

"Of course, I would like to see, what is the blood of the monster in the half-step hole level, half-step hole!"

Zhang Fengying said a little yearning.

Zhang Jia's **** eight-order is the peak, reaching the extraordinary eight-order, will no longer be able to enter.

Unless she can get a more advanced blood, breaking the **** shackles.

Wang Xian smiled and said: "You don't go to the other two auction houses to see?"

"Don't go, whether it's a pet egg or a monster beast, it's not something I can buy. It's natural to see the blood of the half-step hole level."

Zhang Fengying shook his head and said.

“It’s this one, definitely Miss you haven’t eaten, the most popular restaurant in East Sea City!”

Just as she spoke, several more people came in.

Wang Xian glanced at it and slightly stunned. Zhang Fengying glanced at him and continued: "Speaking of it, this time, the imperial phoenix and the sacred objects of life and death, they both killed you and lived, but did not expect that the phoenix was born. Directly crushing the two, this time before the two of the two pay, all a joke!"

"Especially Fengxian, this time the shame is a little lost. The auction held by myself was not only suppressed by the sacred objects, but now there is a fairy!"

She said, shaking her head and pouring a cup of tea to Wang Xian.

"Whoever is shameful, you are too shameful, we will not lose this time!"

Just then, a crisp and sweet voice was filled with anger and sound, and Zhang Fengying gave a slight glimpse.

Wang Xian looked at the past and saw a little loli, dressed in red and dressed up a little cute, screaming at Zhang Fengying.

He looked at the three girls next to him and the young man, and he was a little bit aware.

"Little girl!"

Zhang Fengying looked at the little Loli, smiled faintly, and did not care about it.

"You... you are a little girl, I am not small!"

Little Lori was fierce and arrogant.

"Miss, don't care about them, they are not good people."

The young man next to him said to Xiao Loli, looking at Wang Xian with a trace of hatred: "They are a group with them."

"It turned out that they are bad guys, hey, no wonder we are swearing, such a bad guy should let the aunts beat him up!"

Xiao Loli heard the words of the youth, snoring, and looked disgusted at Wang Xian and Zhang Fengying.

Zhang Fengying heard the words of the young man and Xiao Loli, and frowned slightly: "Speak with some attention, and you have a little girl, don't be so ignorant!"

(End of this chapter)

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