Chapter 1074 Great Crisis

"Right, I seem to have seen something in the system treasure!"

Wang Xian’s heart was moved, thinking of a special item he encountered when he last browsed the system treasure house.

He looked at the information in his head and showed a smile on his face.

Naling Bag: 10 km

Live food can be stored.

Need Longjing 250,000!

The price of 200,000 Naling bags, this price is also a big price for Wang Xian.

If you change to Lingshi, you need about 3 billion yuan of Lingshi.

The Naling bag, in addition to the equivalent of a large space ring, has a powerful effect to store living things.

At that time, Wang Xian took a look and gave up because the price was too high.

Now, in order to see the body of this nearly 100,000 beasts, it is appropriate to exchange them.

And the bodies of these beasts are only the beginning, and he will prepare for the next beast.


Wang Xian looked at his own dragon, and there were 300,000 dragon crystals, but he was able to buy one.


A very small bag appeared in the hand, the bag didn't know what the material was, it looked soft and incomparable.

Wang Xian handed the bag aside, slowly disappearing the bag, and was taken away by the demon.

"Go back to the city immediately!"

The command of the deputy head of Meng sounded and all the soldiers immediately lined up.

"Line up!"

Wang Xian walked over and glanced at the students of the Demon Hunting Academy and gave a light drink.

A group of students did not hesitate at all, and immediately arranged them together.

Seeing Wang Xian’s powerful investigation and command ability, no one now doubts Wang Xian’s ability.

Coupled with its strong strength, even the mentor is better than nothing.

"set off!"

All the soldiers riding the wind squad rushed toward Shenghai Town, and the three colleges immediately followed.

On the ground, hundreds of thousands of water wolves are dead.

When the figure of a group disappeared, a white shadow appeared, and all the bodies on the ground were collected into the Naling bag.

"I made a lot of money, even if it was only the second-order third-order beasts, but I couldn't stand the huge number. The 100,000 bodies could raise the Dragon Palace's more than 3,000 members to the extraordinary second-order third-order!"

When the demon gave him the Na Ling bag, Wang Xian’s face showed a smile.

The speed of the crowd, in less than half an hour, came to Shenghai Town.

“When you go to the rest, everyone closes their eyes and can't sleep for the next few days!”

The four instructors said to all the students that the money director looked at Wang Xian with some complicated eyes.

He originally thought about using some means to let his son be the leader. Now it seems is impossible!

Even the entire riding team can be temporarily commanded. Now even if he let his son lead the team, the rest of the students will not necessarily agree.

It’s totally incomparable, not at a level.

"It’s a mentor!"

A group of students nodded and followed the eyes to Wang Xian, Xia Houming and some of the students walked over and patted his ass.

That admiration is so lingering...

Wang Xian smiled faintly.

At the rear, Hai Wen looked at Wang Xian's figure with a sullen face, his face full of powerlessness.

Back to the resting place, all the students sat on the ground to recover the energy consumed.

"Wang Xian, you come over and go to the mayor's house!"

Ten minutes later, a mentor suddenly hurried and shouted at him.


Wang Xian stood up and followed the mentor and asked curiously: "What happened to the mentor? Did the beast attack come over?"

"Things are much more serious than we think. The deputy head of Meng asked me to call you, and then I might be in trouble!"

The instructor frowned and said with a worried face.

"is it?"

Wang Xian’s face was a little surprised, and he followed the town to the mayor’s house.

"Father, you still go back to rest, your injury is so heavy!"

"Yes, Kim’s mayor will go back to rest, and the situation here will be handed over to us!"

Just after walking to the door, Wang Xian heard the voice coming from inside.

Entering the hall, looking at it, the deputy head of Meng was sitting in front of the forehead, and Jin Ganyuan was sitting on the side with a pale face.

Aside, a girl stood by and said to Jin Ganyuan.

"Golden smoke, he turned out to be the daughter of the mayor!"

Wang Xian looked at the camera with amazement, followed his eyes and looked around, and found that everyone's face was a bit unsightly.

He walked over and sat in a position behind.

"It's okay, although the injury is more serious, there is no big problem sitting here!"

Jin Ganyuan waved his hand, there was no way to smoke the gold, and he poured a potion.

"This incident of the beast attacking the city far exceeded our expectations. I did not expect to deal with the weakest frog skin beasts of the five great beasts. We all suffered heavy losses. Two extraordinary nine-order **** monsters Almost left me there!"

Jin Ganyuan's face is not so bloody, he said with anxiety.

This time, the monster attacking the city is a bit tricky, one is not good, and the entire holy sea town will be broken.

"There are two **** savage beasts that control the frog skin beasts, and there are eight supernatural nine-order savage beasts that control the water wolves. When fighting, they also talk about their own kings, and they estimate the **** savage beasts. Wang, it should be a half-step hole!"

The deputy head of Meng was sullen, and some taboos said: "The weakest frog skin beast race has two superb nine-order **** monsters, and the other three beastly races add up to almost twenty. Extraordinary nine-order **** monster!"

"Twenty to twenty extraordinary nine-order, plus hundreds of thousands of beasts, we can't resist the holy sea town!"

The president of the holy sea town hunting hunter was embarrassed and his voice shook. "And, according to the information we got, some of the beasts around Shenghai Town were moving."

"Mr. Meng, deputy head of the group, Donghai City can still send strong people over, otherwise..."

His words are not finished, but all of them are known later.

Not long ago, the wind squadron went to destroy the five big fierce beasts with the second generation of the water wolf. The strong people in Shenghai Town destroyed the weakest frog skin beast.

As a result, the mayor almost fell, and the loss of the frog skin beasts was destroyed by the loss of Shenghai Town.

In addition, the two **** monsters who control the frog skin beast escaped.

This makes the high-rises of Shenghai Town feel a little bit of fear, and there are three vicious races!

Moreover, according to the information of the deputy head of Meng, the **** savage beast and the king existed, which is even more crisis.

Coupled with the fierce beasts around St. Haizhen, this time, Shenghai Town is at stake.

If there is no strong person to help out, I am afraid it is really over.

The huge crisis has already shrouded the holy sea town.

(End of this chapter)

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