Chapter 1076 Obeying Orders

"It is not easy for the mentor of the three colleges to agree with him to be the conductor of this time."

Jin Ganyuan looked at the disappearing back of them, and the smile on his face slowly disappeared. His eyes were worried: "I hope this holy sea town can survive this crisis, otherwise..."

"Come on, there are tasks, gather in front of the mayor's house!"

"There is no time to rest at all. It seems that the form of Shenghai Town is a little critical!"

"The first time I met a monster and a beast to attack the city, the trouble is great!"

Members of the East China Sea College and the Ocean College walked out without a break, and whispered one by one.

A large part of them have not really survived in the wild, and the number of killing beasts has also come up. Nowadays, such a tense task makes them feel a little tired.

When they came to the gate of the town’s mayor, the students of the Demon Hunting Academy had arrived, and the strong people of Shenghai Town had already stood up.

In terms of comprehensive experience, the Demon Academy is stronger than the East China Sea College and the Ocean College.

There are 500 people in Shenghai Town, and there are less than 2,000 people in the three colleges.

"Do not talk!"

Wang Xian saw everyone coming together and snorted, and the body immediately gave off a pressure, and released directly to the front.


Everyone was amazed and felt a strong momentum, and his face changed slightly.

"Good momentum!"

The mentor of the three colleges and the strong people of Shenghai Town are also slightly stunned, looking at the front of the king.

"Is he? How is he standing at the front!"

"Good familiar, right, is the head of Xianfeng, Xianfeng Employment Group!"

Wang Xian’s face is no stranger to all, and the three colleges don’t say it. The people in Shenghai Town are no strangers.

The last time the monsters attacked the city, the famous Fengfeng and the young head of the World War I, everyone knows.

"The next task, I will command, all you have to do is obey the order!"

Wang Xian glanced at all of them, Shen Sheng said.


The students of the three colleges are all slightly stunned, and even the strong people in Shenghai Town are full of mistakes.

Wang Xian looks very young, although the strength can feel very strong, but the command is not qualified enough!

Even the three college students who saw Wang Xian’s insight and command ability were a little surprised.

Everyone looked at the four superb eight-order powerhouses beside Wang Xian.

"The insight and command of Wang Xian’s classmates have also been seen. The command of the task is the decision of all of us!"

The long beard old man of Donghai College said directly.

"Next, I want you to do what you do, you can do it. I can guarantee your safety. If you don't obey the order, you are in danger. I won't save it!"

Wang Xian said directly to all of them: "Now, the strongmen of the seventh and sixth orders are all standing out."

"In addition, the extraordinary six or less, good at defense, good at long-range attacks, good at melee, good at speed, stand in a row!"

Wang Xian plans one by one.

The formation of the troops, the people of the mainland are also aware, but because of the cultivation, it is very difficult to form a complete thousand and 10,000 people.

This time it is a lot of convenience to hunt and kill the beasts and beasts.

Below, everyone immediately came out according to their own strength.

Haiwen looked at Wang Xian’s arrogant command and all of them, screaming slightly, and there was some disdain in his eyes.

"The superior sixth-order power is the captain, the captains are grouped together, and the rest of the staff is free to add a team of supplements!"

Wang Xian said that the teams are composed immediately.

A superb sixth-order powerhouse is the team leader.

Haiwen looked at Zhang Yushu next to him and showed a sneer on his face.

"This mission is to go to the seamount area 70 kilometers away. The enemy is the eight-ordered eight-eyed monster and the eight-clawed beast. Fighting in the ocean, everyone is ready!"

"President, trouble you to explain to them some considerations in the seamount area!"

Wang Xian said to everyone, taking the lead in the front toward the seamount area.

The head of the employment association on the side explained to everyone the terrain of the seamount area, the weakness of the eight-eye and eight-claw beast.

A group of people flew directly into the sky with the attention of people in Shenghai Town.

The seamount area is an area where hunting and killing beasts are seventy kilometers away from Shenghai Town.

Here, the seamounts of the sea are 100 meters high from the sea, and at least a few thousand peaks are seen from the sky.

In the seamount area, there are eight-clawed beasts and a small number of eight-eyed monsters.

The level of the eight-claw beast is not very high, generally two or three orders, the highest is only six or seven.

Eight eyes have always been a problem for Shenghai Town. The last monster attack was organized by Eight Eyes.

This time, there was a crisis in Shenghai Town, and the Haishan area did not know why it changed.

In order to prevent the next eight dangers from appearing in the next danger, it can only be cleaned up and killed in advance.

"The front is the seamount area. Whether it is eight eyes or eight claws, the beasts like to lie on the mountain. Now each team goes to a mountain!"

When I came to the sky above the Haishan area, Wang Xian said to everyone behind him: "Every extraordinary seventh-order powerhouse is located in the center of ten teams. If the team encounters danger, it will quickly rescue if it encounters eight eyes and monsters, no matter Levels are reported immediately!"


A group of people immediately responded.

"You go ahead!"

Wang Xian suspended in the sky, and the light fire dragon began to observe the surrounding situation.

"Wang classmate, are we going to move forward from here a little bit?"

The money director frowned slightly and asked Wang Xian.

The other three superb eight-order powerhouses also looked at Wang Xian.

"Only this one!"

Wang Xian looked at them and said.

The four were silent.

"There is only one way to do this, but if we encounter eight monsters, it is dangerous!"

The president of the employment association said.

"Don't worry, you guys plus my men are enough to deal with this monster race!"

Wang Xian said with a smile.

"Well? What, Wang, your men!"

The four people were slightly surprised and looked at Wang Xian wrongly.

Wang Xian smiled and did not respond positively: "Reassured, an eight-eye scorpion race is not enough, and we only have this one!"

The eyes of the four people flashed, watching the middle-aged man holding the golden sword in the eleven hands standing on the water, his face with amazed look.

"With the words of Wang, we are relieved!"

There was a smile on the face of the president of the employment association.

“As long as everyone obeys the order, no one will be in danger!”

Wang Xian said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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