Chapter 1096, Dong Xu


The dragon and the fire tail are the magical powers that Wang Xian is supervised when he is in the seventh order. The attack requires the help of the dragon.

The energy of the horrible fire attribute, coupled with the powerful flesh.

When Wang Xian’s attack fell on the shadow of the blood, the leader of the **** monster was slightly changed.

Its body moves directly into a blood fog.

The blood mist is attached to the dragon's tail, giving a sizzling sound.

A drop of blood fell to the ground.

The three-meter-sized **** savage beast leader flashed, his eyes staring coldly at Wang Xian.

"The leader, the group of monsters hidden in the void is terrible!"

The other three half-step-skinned **** monsters appeared beside them, and their faces were a little scared.

Twenty of them exude a bright figure and a powerful creature that exudes light and darkness, killing them twenty-one companions in an instant.

Twenty of them are extraordinary nine-order, one half-step hole!

This makes them very upset.

100% death!

"They can only explode a horrible murder in a flash, don't be afraid!"

The eyes of the leader of the **** monsters flickered and glanced around Wang Xian.

After the twenty-one terrorists were killed, they immediately disappeared into the void and prepared for the second assassination.

"Brow the **** space!"

The head of the **** savage beast was shocked, and the red-black energy radiated from the body, and its two claws shivered slightly.

A strip of blood worms swim around.

The other three **** monsters released the same attack, and the red and black space immediately covered a range of four or five kilometers.

"Dark attributes also want to defend against the assassination of the demon?"

Wang Xian’s eyes showed a taunting look, his body swaying and his swaying body, attacking them directly.


In the space, a blood worm hit the body of Wang Xian, but this attack did not leave any trace.


Longteng, Longxiao, Wang Xian full body flame, the dragon tail sweeps, directly dispersing the red and black areas of an area.

Four half-step holes of **** savage beasts appeared in four directions, and they came in with a sudden attack.


Wang Xian's body vibrates, and the dragon-tailed dragon claws directly meet.


In the void, the demon appeared on the side of a **** monster, and the **** monsters quickly evaded.

Seeing that the demon slays a companion of the same level, this **** monster will not give the demon any chance.

One person faces four **** and savage beasts with half a step and a hole. Wang Xian is not an opponent at all. Even if he faces three, there is a great danger to his life.

Fortunately, there is a demon in the side of the side, he can hold back two.


Just then, there was a sound of screaming around the **** beast.

A total of thirty-three **** savage beasts, and after being killed by the scorpion scorpion, there were only twelve.

Four half-step holes are playing against Wang Xian.

There are also eight more.

The eight, in the face of twenty demon, are completely massacred.

Less than a minute, eight **** monsters died directly.

This made the **** savage beast leader extremely angry, and the attack also burst.

"The sound coming from afar seems to be the scream of the **** monsters. The commander of the king is killing them. We can't delay and kill me!"

"Killing, there are Wang Daren, we have a great chance to hold our home!"

The position of the wall, a shout of excitement on a personal face.

In the distance, Wang commanded adults were slaughtering **** monsters, and under the wall, they were also slaughtering a wandering siren.

There are only tens of thousands of wandering sea monsters. With the number of these beasts, Shenghai Town can handle it completely, even very easily.

Victory, just in front of you, everyone is excited!

The battle continued, and twenty scorpions were added to the battle of Wang Xian.

Although they only have super-ninth-order combat power, but together, they can still threaten a **** monster with a half-step hole level!

This made their battle completely deadlocked.

It is difficult for Wang Xian to kill them, and it is difficult for them to kill Wang Xian.

However, he is not in a hurry. When the demon and his supernatural powers can be released again, seize an opportunity to have a great grasp of killing one.

What's more, the dragon's continued combat power is much higher than these **** monsters.

As long as it is consumed, it will never lose.


I have been fighting for ten minutes, and Wang Xian’s body has left a strip of one or two meters long.

These scars are not fatal.

There are also four scars on the **** and savage beasts of the four half-holes.

The whole battle was fierce.

"The **** thing, I am hunting human beings to promote the hole, but they are stopped by your **** creatures, you can't be forgiven!"

"I want to kill you, I will take revenge for my dead man!"

Suddenly, the head of the **** and savage beast was in a shape, and Wang Xian opened a distance of two kilometers.

It stared at Wang Xian and whispered.

"You want to kill millions of people, **** you!"

Wang Xian's cold dragon owl stared at the leader of the **** monster, and a dragon flame directly attacked the other **** monster in front of him.


The **** savage beast leader's eyes slowly turned into blood red, and the eyes were full of madness and violent, loud rumors.

"Wang, no, no, we...."

When it finished this sentence, the other three **** monsters suddenly showed a look of panic.

"Come here, give up your life, we will avenge you, I will kill all the people here and kill them all!"

The head of the **** savage beast roared in the mouth, raised his head, and the entire chest slowly encouraged!


A tearing sound came, and its chest suddenly split open, revealing blood.

Blood swelled on its chest and turned into a mouth.

"Dedicated for the king!"

A **** savage beast showed despair, and his body flew directly to the chest, and entered the red mouth of the chest.


"Dedicated for the king!"

"Dedicated for the king!"

The other two **** monsters also trembled and flew past, shouting loudly.

"I swear by my blood, killing everyone here, especially you!"

The leader of the **** monsters stared at Wang Xian suddenly.


In its mouth, a voice of infiltration is heard.

Wang Xian's face changed slightly.

"Gold cracks in the void!"

Without hesitation, he directly released the metallic supernatural power that had never been released, and the gold cracked the void.


At this moment, the energy that permeates the red and black around, slowly shrinks toward the body of the **** monster.

The powerful attack of the golden cracked void is directly resisted by this red and black energy.

Three **** monsters were swallowed by the big mouth of his chest, and the red and black energy slowly entered the body.

Its imposing, its bloody, its violent, its darkness, is rising at an alarming rate.

This is to break through!

The evil spirit of the hole level!

(End of this chapter)

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