Chapter 1129 retired

The entire battlefield was slightly silent.

Xing Guangchao and Tianyuezong two strong and strong, and the vice-president of the Xingyue Army, his face kept changing.

He quickly and distanced from the three people in Sihong, looking over and over.


The effect of a hole-deficient person being spiked is so horrifying that everyone is surprised.

In particular, the mysterious queen of the Xingyue Kingdom was just shot.

The strength of this mysterious queen is strong, and none of them knows.

This is also the first time they saw the mysterious queen.

One shot shocked all of them.

The four faces were embarrassed and looked at Yu Hong in Cheng Zi and Yan Wenshan.

In the previous battle, they were the horrors of the three people.

In the one-on-one battle, they have been in a state of being suppressed. Even if the battle is long, they must be the ones who lose.

These three people, each one is the top of the same level.

Their eyes looked towards the center of the battlefield and their faces sank.

Throughout the battlefield, after the strong chasing souls of the heavens and the moon were attacked by the celestial arrows, the whole battlefield presented a one-sided situation.

More than a thousand strongmen of the Dragon and Phoenix Corps quickly slaughtered the soldiers of their Xingyue Army.

More than 20 people are half-steps and more than a hundred, and more than a hundred are extraordinary. Even if they are relatively small, they are still not able to resist their legions.

In just two minutes of the sniper of the chasing souls, their men killed at least a few thousand people.

As for the strong members of the Dragon and Phoenix Legion, the losses are rarely rare.


They know that this time they have come to attack the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty and have failed.

Even if the mysterious queen is not dead, they may lose more.

When they came, they never imagined that a dynasty that occupied the kingdom of one of them would have so many horrible powers.

Especially the appearance of the eyes and monsters of the day, completely defeated their attack.

In this situation, the mysterious queen is only one move, destroying a strong one.

Two top-level holes are second-order, with top-level holes in the third-order.

There is also a strong man of the eye-eyed monster family.

Lose them!

"withdraw troops!"

Xing Guang mixed his face with an embarrassing sigh, and the soldiers of the Xingyue Corps quickly retreated toward the rear.

The Dragon and Phoenix Legion did not pursue it, staring at them coldly.

"I am building a dynasty here, establishing the Dragon and Phoenix King City, and your Xingyue Kingdom can have opinions!"

At this time, the phoenix flies directly into the sky, and the veil completely obscures his face.

This time, she did not exude the momentum of the strong, but the body, from the inside out exudes a style of superiors.

There is no imposing manner, but the kind of style that is like the emperor's general control of the world is completely released.

Once the female emperor, majestic!

"His strength will never be lower than the King of the Stars!"

"Cough, even if the strength is not emitted, but this style is definitely not a normal hole!"

The deputy lord and elder of Tianyuezong looked at the phoenix that stood in the sky, and almost rushed out of worship in his heart, whispering in amazement.

Even if they met the King of the Stars, they didn't feel that way.

Xing Guang’s staring at the mysterious queen’s face in the sky’s dragon and phoenix dynasty is also extremely dignified.

He found that he didn't even dare to look at it.

"This queen is absolutely terrifying!"

In his heart, his face kept changing.

"Go, retreat!"

Xing Guang mixed his teeth and said to all the soldiers in the Xingyue Kingdom.

"If there is another time, my Dragon and Phoenix dynasty will definitely have you coming back!"

Feng Xiao saw them leaving, and the eyes flashed a glimmer of joy, said coldly.

Xing Guang was stiff and stiff, without the slightest expression, flew directly to the front position.


Moreover, once they leave, it means that the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty will be formally established, and they have no way to do it.

"Win, haha, win!"

"Xingyue Kingdom has conceded defeat, they actually admit defeat, great!"

"The Queen is mighty, the Queen is invincible, and one stroke kills the hole and is strong, too powerful!"

The face of a famous person in Longfeng City was excited and his arms were excited.

Win, they actually won.

The power of the kingdom of the moon and the moon, as the people of the kingdom of the stars and moons, they are very clear, but now the kingdom of the stars and moons has failed.

The legendary missions were leveled by the power of their kingdom.

The city owners they used to be killed by the Queen!

They are as strong as the Xingyue Kingdom.

As the people of the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty, I am very happy.

They are now just a small city, but in the future, they will be a powerful dynasty.

As the people of Wangcheng, their lives will get better and better.

This makes everyone excited.

Feng Xiao saw their departure and a smile on his face. She knew that the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty was completely stabilized.

Her deterrence also played a sufficient role.

The Xingyue Kingdom will definitely think that she is a high-level hole.

Coupled with the strong men under the command, the King of the Stars did not dare to venture to attack them.

After all, this is just a small town once in the Kingdom of Xingyue.

"Go and take a break!"

Wang Xian’s voice rang in her ear, making her smile more brilliant.

She was in shape and fell to the side of Wang Xian.

"Thank you for this time, otherwise, it will be trouble!"

Feng Yan looked at Wang Xian and said with gratitude in his eyes.

If it is not the sky-eyed monster that suddenly appears, this time the Dragon and Phoenix Corps lost at least a half of the power.

"No, just a little thing!"

Wang Xian smiled and shook his head.

"Feng Ying sister, Xiaoxian help you should be, hehe!"

Guan Shuqing, a few girls came over and said with a smile.

"Our dragon and phoenix dynasty officially stands on the super-continental continent. All the people are the people of the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty. In the future, you are the founding hero of the dynasty. There are dynasties. Don't worry about the beasts attacking the city. Here, everyone has the opportunity to become a strong man. Everyone has the opportunity to become the founding general of the dynasty!"

Feng Yu turned around and looked at all the people in Longfeng City, Shen Sheng said.

"Long live the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty!"

Outside the Dragon and Phoenix City, Sihong’s loud voice.

"Long live the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty!"

The strong men of the Dragon and Phoenix Legion also followed the loud voice.

"Long live the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty!"

"Long live the Dragon and Phoenix dynasty!"

All the people in the Dragon and Phoenix Dynasty shouted with excitement.

They naturally know that there will be benefits along with the rise of a dynasty.

Do not say anything else, today's policies, today's welfare, and today's security are dozens of times in the Xingyue Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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