Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1191: Prince, be sure to hold your thighs

Chapter 1191, Prince, must hold your thighs

The Shadow Forest is already outside the **** forest of the cemetery of the shemale. The area of ​​this forest has reached a radius of about 500 kilometers.

It's not very big, but because the beasts and monsters of the monster cemetery often come here, the whole forest is extremely dangerous.

Even those hiring groups with superb eighth-order powers don't dare to stay here at night.

The word black shadow perfectly explains the dangers of this forest.

Bai Qingshan glanced around, his eyes showing a cold look.

A few people next to them looked around and frowned slightly.

Wang Xian also turned his head, the demon eyes looked around, his brow slightly picked.

"It’s really a lot to come, and the strength is not weak!"

There was a trace of surprise in his eyes, his eyes glanced around.


Long Luo looked around, only her super fifth-order, she did not see anything.

In the eyes of Ling Zilin, who was kneeling on the ground, he was obviously surprised to look around. He looked at Wang Xian and continued to kneel on the ground and ignored it.

"There are black elephants, everyone is careful!"

Bai Qingshan stood up slowly and reminded everyone.

"What? Black Shadow Leopard?"

"Black Shadow Leopard, we did not even find out that the Black Shadow Leopard is the king of the Shadow Forest, and it is generally superior to the strength of the Eighty-ninth Order!"

Around the crowd of Long Xiaotian, he quickly picked up the weapons in his hands and stood up, vigilantly scanning around.

All of them did not feel the presence of a beast around them, and their faces showed a vigilant look.


At this moment, a dull, low-pitched voice came, and in the middle of the night, blood-red eyes appeared around them.

"Oh, so much!"

Long Xiaotian’s crowds took a breath of cold air and his face was shocked.

In the surroundings, there are at least fifty or sixty, completely enveloping them, even on the tree above, there are also black shadows staring at them coldly, preventing them from escaping.

"court death!"

Long Xiaotian stood up and his eyes sparkled with cold light.

Around, a group of black panthers may not realize what kind of opponents they are besieging, one by one, cold eyes, open mouth, and slowly surrounded.


At this time, a three-meter-sized body was dark and the eyes were bright and bright, and the open mouth showed a sharp tooth and jumped directly to the foremost position.

Strong body, strong body shape, look fierce.

It stared at Wang Xian, a crowd, squatting, ready to make a fatal attack at any time.

"Wow, this big cat is so handsome!"

The dragon on the side looked at the black panther, and his face looked surprised and looked up and down.

Next to Long Xiaotian silently shook his head: "This is a black panther. This is just a half-step hole level, very fierce!"

"Of course I know it is a black panther!"

Long Luotou did not turn directly said.

"Then you said it was a big cat!"

Long Xiaotian is speechless.

"I will say that!"

The dragon's face was not changed, and the dragon laughing at the side closed his mouth. He knew that he was nothing to look for.


A cold whistling sound came from the mouth of the black panther leader.

The sound is heard throughout the night sky.

"Oh la la!"

One black panther appears directly around, and the group surrounds them.

Five or sixty black panthers, the most powerful seventh-order, most of them are extraordinary eight-order, and there are many extraordinary nine-order.

"Looking for dead animals!"

Two middle-aged eyes swept through a group of black panthers, and their arms moved, and the long swords beside them were pulled out directly.

A group of people around them also took out their weapons.

Bai Qingshan did not shoot, as the strongest of the hole level, it is impossible to let him shoot when he encounters a beast, and it is useless for others.

He will only start when he encounters a problem that cannot be solved.

"Slaughter them, but also bring us a good harvest, the skin value of the black panther is very expensive!"

A half-necked middle-aged swept the black panther around and said with a sneer.


All the people immediately grasped the weapons in their hands.


A half-necked, middle-aged figure of a middle-aged body swept away directly toward several beasts in front of him.

Another strong man with a half-step hole is directly attacking the leader of the black panther.

For a moment, Long Xiaotian broke out the horrible strength of his men.

This made the black panther leader a glimpse.


It screamed, and all the black panthers turned into a black shadow, killing them directly.


As soon as possible, the first half-step hole in the hands of the strong, the sword in the hand easily pierced the head of a black panther, easily spiked.

The black panther left a scream and fell to the ground.

"It’s a pity that such a handsome black panther has been killed directly!"

In the central position, Long Luo looked at the black shadowed leopard that was strangled, and some said with regret.


A group of black panthers saw their companions being killed, and the homeopathic was provoked with blood, one by one, shouting in the sky, screaming with anger, and smothering directly toward a crowd.

"Ah, one more dead!"

At the center, Long Luo looked at another black panther who was killed and his face was distressed.


Suddenly, she looked up at Wang Xian and her eyes flashed and asked: "Wang brother, are you not a beastmaster? Can you tame the **** cat to me?"

"I can't do it. I can buy it. I have a lot of spirits. If you tamed me, it's good to ride!"

She said, pulling Wang Xian’s arm and looking at him.

"Long Luo don't make trouble, the animal trainer wants to tame the beast. It's so simple, it takes a long time to teach, and even if it is tamed, you can't control it!"

Long Xiaotian saw her entangled with Wang Xian, patted her head, and said to her.


Long Luo licked his mouth.

"You want this mount?"

Wang Xian heard her words and moved her heart and looked at her.

"Wang brother, can you conquer it?"

Long Luo eyes light, asked quickly.

"There should be no problem!"

Wang Xian looked around with a black panther, and his heart moved, his eyes looking to the side of Ling Zilin.

"Injure all the black panthers, don't let them run!"

Wang Xian ordered the spirit of Zilin.


Ling Zilin, who was kneeling on the ground, made a dull sound and stood up directly.


Followed by a whistling sound full of powerful pressure, the voice is filled with the king's momentum of the strong and powerful.

All the black panthers were slightly stunned at this moment, and a look of fear was revealed in their eyes.

"Well? Wang Xian brother, are you going to?"

Aside, Long Xiaotian saw Wang Xian commanding his mount to shoot, staring at him with a strange look.

What is this going to do?

Really want to tame the fierce beast that is half a step?

Just kidding, it will take at least a month or two after tame!

And tamed, you can only drive yourself, how to listen to other people's orders.

With a hole-level mount, do you need this black panther?

(End of this chapter)

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