Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1346: Destroy the country 6

Chapter 1346 destroying the country 6


"Insane crazy, this **** is not crazy, even want our Tiandao Dynasty to compensate for 4 trillion Chinese spirit stone!"

"Is this to find something? Ten times the compensation, who did he think he is?"

“Deep sea Lingquan? I didn’t expect the royal family to find a deep sea Lingquan. No wonder our masters of the city entered the palace and made a direct breakthrough!”

"Dare to give us ten times the compensation for the Tiandao dynasty. Is this going to war with our Tiandao dynasty?"

Around, the strong people and the forces of the Tiandao dynasty heard the words of Wang Xian, and their faces were dark and gloomy, and some of them stared at Wang Xian with anger.

When the king of Tiandao heard Wang Xian’s words, his face changed greatly, and his eyes slowly showed murderousness.

"The Lord of the Dragon Palace, you are coming to find something!"

In his eyes, he revealed the coldness of his bones, his eyes flashing staring at Wang Xian.

"Deep sea Lingquan? King of Heaven, I did not expect that you actually got a deep sea Lingquan, luck is really good!"

At this moment, the old man of the mainland dynasty on the stage was moving and flew straight, staring at the King of Heaven.

"Good luck!"

The King of Tiandao saw the old man staring at himself with his eyes hot, his heart sinking slightly, and his face was a little smile.

"Haha, it’s just that luck is good. It’s a unique blessing. King of Heaven, in the future, the deep sea Lingquan can be mined by our two families. With the strength of our joint efforts, no one can get involved!"

"Today we have a marriage between the mainland dynasty and the Tiandao dynasty. It is better to carry out deeper cooperation and kiss the pro!"

The old man of a mainland dynasty looked at the king of the island with a smile, smiled and said.

The king of Tiandao looked at the old man, his face changed slightly, and he nodded indulging. "Well, in the future, the deep sea Lingquan, our Tiandao dynasty and a leaf dynasty dynasty mining together!"

"However, some people may not agree!"

He said, his eyes slowly looked at Wang Xian, his eyes were cold and cold.

"Haha, King of Heaven, I am not saying that our two dynasties have joined forces and we have thousands of kilometers. No one is our opponent, and no one dares to move our treasures!"

A leafy dynasty old man said with confidence and strength.

"it is good!"

King of Tiandao shook his fist slightly, and his eyes shot with luster.

The appearance of Wang Xian, in the future, the spiritual stone in the deep sea Lingquan must be redistributed, and now they only occupy 70%.

If they are united with a Continental dynasty, they will lose up to 20%.

And this can also deepen the relationship between the two countries, why not.

As for the Lord of the Dragon Palace in front of him, his King of Heaven Island will be jealous, but there is a leafy mainland dynasty to join hands, as the old man said, thousands of kilometers, fearless.

"It seems that you are going to choose the second one!"

Wang Xian saw that the Tiandao dynasty did not even put it in his eyes.

Also reached an agreement with a leaf dynasty dynasty, Wang Xian's face showed a hint of sneer.

"Haha, choose, then I will give you two choices. First, get out of here and evacuate all of your men from the deep sea."

"Secondly, our Tiandao dynasty will unite with a dynasty of the mainland, to obliterate all forces that dare to touch the deep sea Lingquan!"

King Tiandao stared at Wang Xian with a strong face, his eyes cold.

The words of the king of the island, the face of all the monsters of the family of the sea fork and the beasts are mad, and their faces are extremely embarrassing.

However, in the face of the combination of the Tiandao dynasty and the one-leaf continental dynasty, they have no way at all.

"Hey, this **** guy, it made me get blood!"

"It's okay, if this guy doesn't know what to do, my father will give him a lesson!"

One side of the princess and the prince Jiang’s face swept the sweeping Wang Xian, and his eyes were full of murderousness.

"Haha, well, these two choices I like, just right, the second choice I gave you is also true!"

At this time, Wang Xian heard the strong words of the King of Tiandao and laughed.


"The things of the Dragon Palace, no matter who dares to break, die!"

"I announced that the Tiandao dynasty, destroyed!"

"A leaf of the mainland dynasty, destroy!"


Full of the sound of majesty and anger, the day when the island dynasty was united with the arrogance of a leafy continental dynasty.

Wang Xian has already sentenced them to death.

The horrible momentum radiated directly from Wang Xian’s body, and the five elements of the big mill instantly flew out of the body.


When Wang Xian’s voice just fell, a scream came from his mouth.


All in all, in a flash, Wang Xian directly into a horror dragon of 50 meters in size.

The five elements of the Great Mill directly turned into a huge two-square-meter behemoth, a horrible pressure, directly to the downward pressure.

For a moment, this sky seems to be taken over by Wang Xian.


Everyone around is jealous!

The old man, including the king of Tiandao and the one-leaf dynasty, felt the terrible pressure over the sky, and their bodies began to tremble!

" is this possible!"

"My Scorpio, what kind of creature is this, how the Lord of the Dragon Palace has become such a terrible existence!"

"The pressure of this horror is definitely not the fourth order of the hole!"

In the position below, all the faces of the Tiandao dynasty showed a terrified look.

They looked up at the 50-meter-sized creature and watched the huge disc that covered them, and the body trembled.

"I am guilty!"

Suspended in the sky, looking at all the people below, the look of horror, the dragon is very cold.

More horrific pressures are coming down.


"The pressure of horror, I can't hold it!"


One sentence is guilty, the position below, some of the strength does not reach the level of the hole, the sky is down, and can not help but directly lie on the ground.

"This is impossible...he...he..."

Prince Jiang and a leaf princess trembled on the ground and looked up at the creatures that came in mythology. The heart was terrified.

"The fifth order of the hole is absolutely the fifth order of the hole, not not..."

The king of the Tiandao dynasty felt the horrible power of Wang Xian’s body and his face was filled with cold sweat.

He looked at Wang Xian's cold dragon's heart and trembled.


At this time, the king's dragon claws in the sky waved gently, and a gray dragon claw attacked the king of the island.

"No... we have something to talk about, our Tiandao dynasty is willing to surrender!"

Seeing the gray dragon claws, King of Heaven Island fled in the distance with fear and screaming in horror.


However, Wang Xian did not keep the slightest hand, containing the dragon claws of annihilation and explosion, and directly grabbed the king of the island.

With his strength of the fourth-order, there is no ability to resist at all.

(End of this chapter)

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