Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1832: Under the body of Tianjiao

Chapter 1832, under the body of Tianjiao

"How is this possible... You dare to kill me, we will not let you go, and will not let you go!"

In the ancient pool of Yaochi, the nine-day **** is staring at his chest.

The three-handed sword penetrated the golden cloth around him, piercing his chest, letting his body squat, staring at the sword with their faces!

"This... how is this possible, nine days is the Son of God, the **** of the gods!"

"Once you get on the list, you will be guarded by the gods list, and the strongest of the gods will be hard to kill!"

The flower looked at the scene with a smug face, wide eyes, full of fear.

"You... you dare to kill yourself, Ling Xiaobao Hall..."

Yao’s face was pale and she retired toward the rear, full of incredible.

Being able to become a god, can be on the list of gods, all of which are the disciples of the Lingxiao Hall.

With the help of the half-god strong, you can think of the importance that Ling Xiaobao Temple attaches to them.

Now this group of people dare to kill the Son of God, are they not afraid of the pursuit of the Lingxiao Hall?

That is the **** of heaven!

What shocked her even more was that the middle-aged swordsman, after a single blow, was able to kill the demigod and break the defense of the gods list.

When did the East appear so strong?


At the same time, in the sky of hundreds of thousands of meters, in front of the vast and vast Lingxiaobao Temple, a pillar of heaven is standing there.

The pillars are written with the three characters of the gods list.

Every big word exudes a sense of mystery and has a mysterious power.

This list of gods, even on the ground, can clearly see these three characters.

Under the three horizontal characters, there are one name, the name is twenty or thirty, and in the lower position, there is a **** list!

There are only ten gods on the list of gods, and each son can be said to be the most outstanding existence of the present.

The first few of them are all disciples who follow the descendants of Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

In the fifth place, there is a name, nine days!

The son of the nine-day god, a young man on the earth who is a peerless celestial priest, climbed the list of gods, and was sealed by the Temple of the Emperor.

However, at this moment, the huge incomparable gods list shivered slightly, belonging to the name of the nine-day son, slowly disappearing!

The change of the gods list instantly caught the attention of the entire Lingxiao Hall.

"Nine days God is dead!"

"Nine days have fallen, this...has the guardianship of the gods, the guardian of the gods list, how can he fall, is it a powerful creature in the ancient land?"

"The nine-day **** is actually dead. This is how it is possible. The disciples of Ling Xiaobao’s temple are the first ones to fall!"

There was a shock in the entire Lingxiao Hall.

However, on the ground, even if it is more than ten thousand meters high, every name on the gods list can be seen clearly by everyone.

When a name disappears, it causes a huge shock.

The Son of God, that is the most awkward existence of this era. They are like a star, and they are born on the gods list. They are all admired!

However, the name of a **** has disappeared, which means that the Son of God may fall!

The fall of a **** has caused a great uproar for everyone.

If it weren't for a long time ago, there would be a fall of God, and I am afraid that the fall of a **** can shake the world.

Even so, everyone is shocked.

"Oh, don't kill me, beg you not to kill me!"

When the flower saw a trace of the nine-day **** falling to the ground, he swallowed a spit, his face full of fearful look.

He finished, and quickly ran wildly in the distance!

"no no!"

Yao female pale back toward the rear!


Yan Jian looked at them faintly, his arm waved, and the two cold swords attacked directly.

"Do not!"

The Yao woman saw the sword that came to her body in an instant, and her eyes were full of despair.

Her forehead was covered with cold sweat.

For the first time since she became the pride of the sky, she felt fear and despair!

"and many more!"

She closed her eyes with desperation, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.


Immediately after, she heard the smashing sound of the sword, and she suddenly opened her eyes and saw that the sword in front of her disappeared, and the big mouth was wearing a thick air.

The undulating chest makes it look very embarrassing!


At this moment, she heard the screams coming from the side, and opened her eyes and looked at it immediately.

The flowers have traces and fall directly on the ground without any vitality.

Her heart trembled and looked at Wang Xian with a look of horror. Some of her body trembled.

"Give you a life, will you follow us later?"

"Is it a child? It won't be okay, learn later!"


Just then, she heard the young man with two children and said to her.

The Yao woman is slightly stunned, and some of her frightened faces are full of wrong looks!

"Don't hear it?"

Her body froze, and then the younger voice was slightly impatient.

At this time, she sensed the cold and incomparable voice of the middle-aged swordsman next to the youth.

"Come on... Come!"

Her heart trembled and quickly came over!


Wang Xian stretched out her hands and handed two little guys to her.

Yao women are a bit worried, but she is a proud woman, awe-inspiring, and the arrogant woman of countless people.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the goddess who is high above!

Now let yourself hold a child?

This this...

However, she did not dare to refuse, and her face was so nervous that she quickly extended her arm!

"Wow, wow, daddy, dad!"

However, at this moment, a little guy suddenly woke up and saw Wang Xian handing her out and immediately cried out loud.

A drop of tears flowed out and fell on his arm.

"Wow, wow!"

One cried, the other was still asleep, and immediately burst into tears.

"My grandma, come, let my sister hold!"

Wang Xian feels that his ears are going to be blown up and handed over to the front!

But as he stretched his arms, the crying was louder.

It's like hundreds of Larks squatting by their ears, one sounds sweet, but a few hundred sounds uncomfortable!

"Okay, don't cry, don't cry!"

Wang Xian was hugged and stunned, his face showing a smile and a look.

"Give them a bottle!"

Wang Xian immediately ordered the Yao girl.

"Oh, oh!"

Yao Yao nodded in a hurry and nodded.

Seeing two girls like porcelain dolls, the fear in her heart is much less.

The wooden stick in the hand moves, and the two bottles slowly gather together!

In the heart of Wang Xian’s heart, two half-god-level spirits floated in front of him. Under his control, the fruit fruit was crushed into juice and entered the bottle!

"Give it, two little grandmothers!"

Wang Xian’s heart moved, and two bottles were placed on their lips.


Instinct, two little cute open small mouth wrapped up!

A pair of small hands are holding, and the eyes without impurities are full of happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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