Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1845: Dragon Man is fearless and fearless 2

Chapter 1845 Dragon Man is fearless and fearless 2

The sound of the sound is in the hall of the villa!

In the room, when the dragons heard Wang Xian’s words, the body shook slightly.

Looking at the back of the two children leaving, all the dragons have a look of awe.

"Make the order of the Dragon King!"

The magical dragon took the lead and fell to the body of Wang Xian.

"Make the order of the Dragon King!"

All the dragons have a moving and grateful look on their faces.

Wang Xian’s words, this represents the recognition of them.

As the blood of the dragon, they don't steal, don't rob, and don't insult. As the rules set by the Dragon King, they will not be the offense.

"Magic Nine, what happened!"

The magic green dragon looked at the magic nine, immediately asked.

"The leader is not a big deal, I can handle it myself!"

Because of his own affairs, Mou Ji was a little embarrassed and bowed his head: "It’s just that my kid’s boy is in a college and a classmate, and he hurts him. The other person seems to have some strength and seriously injured my boy and sent it to the hospital!”

"Is this still a trivial matter? I will be willing to be seriously injured. It is really good for us to bully, whoever moves the hands and let them repay ten times!"

When the magical dragon heard his words, his face showed a cold look.

"Grass, happy that the little guy's talent is very good, even dare to seriously hurt my son, go, let's do them!"

Next to a dragon, his face was stunned and cold.

A group of dragons, who have been fighting side by side for more than a decade, have long been like brothers.

Now someone dares to attack their loved ones, how can they be so easy to let go.

"No, now Dragon King will enhance our strength and solve it with my own strength!"

Magic Nine shook his head!

"The third, fourth, fifth, fifteen, you go with the old nine to deal with, what problems immediately notify us!"

Mo Qinglong immediately ordered them.

"It is the leader!"

"Walking away, some people dare to bully, we have to abolish them!"

The four dragons patted the shoulders of Devil Nine, and they sipped coldly!

There was a smile on the face of the magic nine, and nodded heavily.

A group of five people immediately walked outside.

"In among us, the devil's boy had married a provincial girl and had to settle there. After this time, let him come to Jiangcheng, which is convenient!"

A dragon man saw them leaving and said with a smile.

The rest of the dragons agreed and nodded.

“The biggest mall in Jiangcheng knows, buy some clothes for two little guys!”

After Wang Xian walked out of the villa, he asked the Yao woman on the side.

“Know that Tianda Group Plaza is now the most famous square in every city, we can go there!”

Yao girl nodded!

"Walk, take both of you to buy new clothes!"

Wang Xian shook his two little guys and said with a smile.

"New clothes, new clothes!"

The two little guys were obviously very happy, and the pure eyes looked around and kept shouting in the mouth.

Tianfeng City, a city that has not been established for a long time, even if it is just established, Tianfeng City will be much more prosperous than Jiangcheng.

Most importantly, Tianfeng City is built on an ancient land.

The ancient land is called the Tianfeng ancient land, an area covered by the blue wind.

In Tianfeng City, five or six powerful groups have risen because of the ancient winds.

Moreover, in Tianfeng Ancient Land, a Tianjiao was born, which is called Tianfeng Tianjiao!

Tianfeng Tianjiao, ranked ninth in the sky, has an extremely strong personal relationship.

The area of ​​Tianfeng Ancient Land is about 200 kilometers, and the area of ​​Tianfeng City is about 1,000 kilometers.

The whole city is bustling and bustling.

"Old nine, which hospital is happy to be in now!"

In the sky, the five dragons flew toward Tianfeng City at full speed. Looking at the city below, the magic three asked him.

“In the central hospital, I am seriously ill!”

The face of the magic nine is somewhat embarrassing. Although the hospital has been completely reformed, the serious ward still represents the injury is extremely serious!

"Heavy ward? It seems that I am willing to hurt. It’s damn. This time, no matter who the other person is, give them a lesson. We are not so bullied!"

Several dragons were sullen and sullen.


The magic nine looked at the position below, immediately fell to the ground, anxiously ran towards the hospital.

"Nine brother, you are finally here, our son, our son, he has not left the security period yet..."

In the seriously ill area on the thirteenth floor of the hospital, a handsome woman rushed over with a cry of tears and shouted heartbroken.

"sister in law!"


The Magic Three Devils four shouted and looked at the Devil Nine: "Go, let's go in and see the fun!"

"Reassured, willing to have nothing to do!"

The magic nine took a picture of his wife's shoulder, and his eyes turned to the father-in-law of the front.

They walked directly toward the intensive care unit, and the rise of cultivation made the current critically ill room not like the past.

"Are you a child's father? Your child's head has been hit hard and the chest position has been hit hard. Our hospital has no doctors to cure it. It can only use medicinal herbs to continue his life!"

"If you can't find a strong person to treat him, I'm afraid..."

A nurse in the critically ill room is recording some information, and they are talking to the devil nine.

"Let's see!"

Mojiu saw his weak breathing, his weak son, and his face raised.

He looked at his brothers and walked over immediately!

"Nothing will happen!"

The four dragons and the magic nine walked over and placed the palm of their hands on the will.

"Damn, who is this moving hand, blind man, hurting person?"

The magic fifteen sensed the willingness of the injury, and there was a hint of killing in the eyes, full of suffocating shouts.

"It’s the Sun family. I went to the school. The school said that the classmates would normally learn from each other and would be willing to interrupt the other’s arm. In the afternoon, the parents of the other party would come directly and would be happy to be seriously injured!”

“The school has a stake in Sun’s family. They say that they can’t do anything, let us solve it ourselves!”

The parents of the devil's wife are a loyal old man, and their eyes are flushed with anger.


In the eyes of the demon nine, the killing was revealed, and his son was seriously injured, almost killing him.

This hatred, not wearing the sky!

"Grass, what grandson, old nine, will be happy to cure, we go to them to ask for a statement!"

The eyes of several dragons showed a cold look.

If they were in the past, they might be afraid of a strong family group.

Now but now, the strength is improved, and there is a dragon king, they are not afraid.

We are not irritating, but if someone deceives us, it will be repaid ten times!

The dragon is fearless and fearless!

(End of this chapter)

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