Invincible Divine Dragon’s Cultivation System

Chapter 1897: In the little devil of Longmen College

Chapter 1897, The Little Devil of Longmen College

"You are a group of goods, now a group of people apologize to us, and we will see you later, my sister and I will let you go!"

In the lower grades of Longmen College, the flowers and the children were squatting, and the small faces glared at everyone around them, whispering softly!

"You put me down, you put me down, oh!"

In the central position, the teenager who was hanging upside down shouted and cried as he choked.

At the moment, all the backs and buttocks are **** marks. Although it is not seriously injured, it looks very miserable!

"Do not let go, now you know it is wrong?"

The flower squinted at the young man who was hanging upside down and asked loudly.

"Wrong is wrong, I know it is wrong, I will not dare anymore!"

"Hey, let me put it down!"

The boy shouted loudly, it was a miserable.

"Speak loudly, I am wrong with the sister of the flower sister, I am wrong!"


The flower licked the whip in his hand and made a crisp sound, continuing to shout loudly.

Around, the young girls in the entire class listened to the sound of the sound, and couldn't help but shrink their heads and looked at the two little demons in the center with fear.


"Flower sister, color sister, I am wrong, I am wrong!"

The young man was crying and crying for help.

"This is almost the same, I tell you, you guys, this group of goods, will dare to bully us, just wait for beating!"

"See you later, shouting a sister with respect and respect, otherwise...hey!"

The flower said, so the violent scan of the circle around, said coldly.

"Yes, let me down!"

The young man who was being hung up quickly responded.


The child’s arm moved, and the poor boy above fell directly to the ground.

He resisted the pain of his body, quickly climbed up, and some feared to retreat toward the back.

"Xingwen, Hanhan, Starlight, what happened? How many of your little guys called his brother and sister!"

Just then, a voice came from the doorway of the practice room.

"Sister, hey, sister!"

At this moment, the teenager who was beaten heard the sound coming from the door, and immediately shed tears, and wowed to the outside!


At the entrance of the practice room, three 17-year-old teenage girls stood there.

It can be seen from the clothes on them that they are senior students.

The three men saw the teenager crying and ran over, frowning slightly.

The central girl quickly reached out and grabbed the Xingwen that ran over.

"What happened to Xingwen? Well? What's wrong with you? Who gave you a fight?"

When the girl took her brother and saw that the clothes behind her were broken, and a piece of blood was scarred, her face instantly showed anger!

"Even if the teacher does not dare to hit you like this, who is it?"

The sound of the girl’s questioning sounded, and a few teenagers looked at it, and the pupil was slightly shrunk.

It’s too bad, it’s all about the traces left by the whip and the butt!

"Cool sister, they are, they are playing Xingwen, just hit us a few times!"

Waiting for the painful teenager to speak, the few teenagers next to me quickly pointed to the flowers in the center of the room!

"Hey, what happened to us? Who asked them to provoke us with their hands and feet, and it’s called age, it’s really awkward!"

The flowers saw them pointing to themselves and said with disdain.

"Well? Xingwen, are they playing you!"

The girl's face was cold and she asked her brother.

"Sister, they are them, they are!"

The teenager cried and cried.

"You two vicious little guys dare to hurt my brother so much, you will come over to me immediately!"

The girl's face was gloomy and immediately shouted at the flowers.

In the school, my younger brother was beaten. As a sister, I naturally want to help my younger brother.

What's more, his brother was beaten so badly!

"You are vicious, isn't it some skin trauma? I have no effort. Who told him to provoke me and my sister first, deserve it!"

The flower heard the girl say vicious, angry and glaring at the girl.

"Small age is so heavy, isn't it evil? The two gimmicks are very cute, I didn't expect it to be so uncultivated!"

"How did your parents teach you? Let your mom and dad come to school immediately. I will look at what kind of parents can teach you such children!"

The two teenagers on the side looked at the flowers and said coldly!

"Give me over!"

When the words of the two teenagers were finished, the **** the side shouted again coldly.

"Hey, let's just play Xingwen, it's bad luck now!"

"It's time to live, and the class will be so arrogant on the first day!"

"No wonder you call your dad, your father ignores you, hey!"

Next to it, several teenagers said to the flowers and children!

"You are not educated, and you are not asked why we teach him to teach us. You are not a good person!"

Cai Er heard their swearing, his face looked angry!

With a wave of her arm, a rattan appears in her own hands!

"Sister, let's teach them well!"

The color child reached out and held the rattan and said to the flower.

"Good sister!"

The flowers also showed a cool color on their faces, and they dared to say that they were not educated and said their father!

"Well? Little kid, I didn't expect some ability!"

The three saw the rattan in the hands of the children, and the eyes flashed strangely.

However, they still don't put it in their eyes. They are senior students. Isn't it the opponent of two little girls!


Just then, they knew that they were wrong.

The rattan in the hands of the children moved gently, and the three did not see the traces of the rattan and then felt the legs tight.

Then they sensed that their body was smashed!


They only felt a rotation of their heads and they were directly hanged upside down.


The three teenager girls changed their faces, and they reached the extraordinary level, and they were instantly tied!

"Flowers, it’s up to you!"

"Hey, let you say that we are vicious!"


"Let you say that we are not educated!"


"Let you say our father!"


There was a whip in the hand of the flower, which went straight to the buttocks of the three people and the back.

Every time I say a word, I will beat it, and on the strength, it is obviously much bigger than playing the boy.

In an instant, the clothes on them will be smashed!

"Ah, how is this possible, you guys... you two little guys, you guys..."

The girl who was hanged in the air felt the **** and the huge pain coming from behind. She was completely stunned and shouted loudly.

They didn't even think that they would be subdued in an instant, and there was no room for resistance!


Around, a group of 11-year-old children saw this scene, slightly open mouth.

There are five words in their minds: horror!

These two new little girls are simply little devils!

(End of this chapter)

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