Chapter 1913 Long Wu 1

"Shenzi, the mysterious middle-aged is not the top of the Lingxiao Hall, but his strength is very strong, with our strength..."

In the pyramid room next to Mount Huashan, the old man frowned and said to the door of the nine sons.

For the revenge of the two little gimmicks, the old man did not have too many accidents.

They understand the character that the Son of God must report.

However, according to the investigation of the second child of the Golden Age, although the young man is not the top of the Lingxiao Hall, it can make the Protoss of the Protoss so jealous, and it is not that they can easily deal with it!

"As long as it is not a strong god, everything is fine!"

There was a hint of awkward look on the face of the door of the nine sons. He slowly reached out and there was a scent in the palm of his hand!

This column fragrance exudes a dreamy luster.

"Dream of the gods!"

The old man saw the incense in the hands of the door of the nine sons, and his face was surprised.

"The Son of God, there is a dream of incense, and the subordinates will be able to complete the task, and tie the two little hoes!"

"Even, maybe there is still an opportunity to take the young man's head!"

The old man immediately squatted down and said!

"When Kim is back, you can do it together!"

The mouth of the door of the nine sons of the gods slightly tilted up, said lightly.

"It is the Son of God!"

The old man took the dream of the gods and retired to the outside with respect.

Dreaming incense, a treasure similar to the enchanting incense, igniting this musk, able to psychedelic people below the realm!

This fragrant effect is extremely powerful, and only the son of the gods of the door, the opportunity to obtain such precious items.

"Flowers, do you still have dinner at night?"

The sun gradually set, on a mountain in Huashan, Wang Xian came to Huaer Caier and asked outside their room.

"Hey, eat, I want to eat!"

The door opened, and the flower looked at Wang Xian with a smile on his face, his face full of happiness.

"Hey, my sister said she is not hungry, don't eat!"

Followed by the flowers, looked at the color in the room, continued to Wang Xian!

"The color is not hungry, then you can eat it!"

Wang Xian looked at the room with her back to her, and said nothing.

This girl’s memory should be awakened by more than half, and I don’t know how to face myself.

After all, they used to be gods, they don’t know how many years they lived, they used to have their own parents and relatives.

Now suddenly there is a more father, naturally it is difficult to accept, do not know how to deal with.

"Come, Dad holds you down, wants to eat!"

Wang Xian asked the flowers to pick up and smiled.

"I want to eat meat and eat meat!"

The flower shouted happily!


In the room, Cai Er sensed that Wang Xian and the flowers left, and her delicate little face showed a bitter bitterness.

Uncontrollable, hands holding his chin slightly originated.

The awakening of memory is somewhat unacceptable to this father.

She and her sister fell on the battlefield hundreds of thousands of years ago, when they were over a thousand years old.

Although I have not married, I have a father and mother who love them very much!

Even now, their parents may still be alive.

Suddenly called another father, she is difficult to adapt.

But for those young people who took them out of the country and raised them, they were full of dependence.

In the past six months when her memory has not fully awakened, she can feel the love, care and love of the young people!

Now that memory is awakened, she has a very special feeling!

"Hey, what should I do next!"

Cai Er grabbed her own hair and looked out at the hustle and bustle!

"Sister, Dad, let me bring you your favorite cake, give it!"

Half an hour later, the flower palm held a cake and smiled and walked over!


Cai Er looked at the cake in his sister's hand and was slightly fascinated.

"The memory of the two little gimmicks should have been fully restored recently, and I don't know what they will react!"

At the top of the mountain, watching the Huashan, shrouded in light, Wang Xian shook his head slightly.

After an afternoon, he also wanted to open.

Originally, the two little girls were not his daughters. He also knew that the day came sooner or later, and under the slight discomfort, he wanted to open it!


Just then, Wang Xian browed slightly and looked at the north.

There, it is the land of Kowloon.

"Is there anyone else paying attention to the Dragon Soul?"

Wang Xian picked up his eyebrows and his body shape disappeared instantly, appearing in the sky above the land of Kowloon.

"It is the resurrection of the gods, and it is still three, one of the guys exudes evil atmosphere!"

When Wang Xian was suspended in the sky, his eyes looked down.

In the 10,000-meter deep underground, there are three figures, two of whom have seen Wang Xian.

One is the grandson who has won the Dragon Soul, the other is the Protoss of the Protoss, and the last one, Wang Xian has not seen it.

But its strength is indeed the strongest among the three of them.

The repair of the semi-god nine-order!

In the past six months or so, Wang Xian has sensed that many times someone is looking for a dragon soul, including the gods of the other four forces.

However, Wang Xian did not catch it.

After the gods acquire the dragon soul, they may refine them by special means, and may also discover the situation of the dragon soul.

So he did not make the gods catch the dragon soul.

As for the rest of the people, there are some goddess of arrogance and even a level of emptiness.

Wang Xian naturally cannot get them.

"The appetite of this grandson is not small, but also want to get a second dragon soul, hehe!"

Wang Xian looked at the underground grandson who was holding the dragon array in the ground, and his face showed a hint of cool color.

After the grandsons got the dragon soul, they consumed huge resources for half a year to create the dragon body.

It may not be long before he can use the dragon soul to ignite the fire!

However, it is obviously greedy and wants to get more dragon souls!

"The resources of the grandsons are not enough to promote the dragon soul to the gods. The protoss and the young and the young people who exude the evil atmosphere can let them get the dragon soul!"

Wang Xian’s face showed a meditation, and finally his eyes were on the young man who exuded evil.

He is also a resurrected god, powerful.

"Get the dragon soul, and eventually you can't become a real dragon, but you will die, it's you!"

Wang Xian’s impression of the Protoss is not too bad, and his heart is much better than the Sun and the young people who exude evil spirits!

So he is not prepared to choose the Protoss of the Protoss!

"You can't make them so easy to get, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Wang Xian stood on the top, thinking in his heart, after the decision, his face showed a faint smile.

Now he is completely based on the resurrection of the gods, he is the chess player, control everything!

However, when Wang Xian came to the land of Kowloon because of the dragon's soul movement, at the foot of the Huashan Mountain where he lived, more than a dozen virtual shadows appeared slowly.

Headed by two old men, they stared at the top of the mountain, showing a cold look in their eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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